Author has written 9 stories for Harry Potter. Hi! So a few facts about me for people who decide to come have a look here! I am a 22 year old nurse (if I go into horrid healing detail you now know why!) I am tragically in love with Remus... and I became obsessed with Harry Potter a few years ago, and fanfiction much to the detriment of studying for exams or doing assignments! I live in Australia, so forgive the cultural/spelling differences! And I tend to have at least 20 different plots running through my head at a time! Be impressed that I am sticking to one or two stories and one-shots... I really want to have about 10 on the go! I write/read Remus and Tonks survive because they COULDN'T DIE!! IT'S NOT POSSIBLE! If Hogwarts was real then all my friend's are in agreement I would be a Hufflepuff... They are right! The fics I am currently working on are as follows: A Life More Ordinary: which is being regularly updated and follows how life might have turned out if Sirius and Remus had raised Harry The Maurauder's Children: Sequel to my completed The Last Maurauder which is being updated more slowly as I am finding it hard to finish... Scarred Roots: Which is very new and would like to be given a chance to be loved! It is a little different to my other, it is set in an AU with no magic and I am co-writing it with unique.normality who is brilliant! I have several one shot's: Numbers: which is painfully tempting to make into a full length fic. It is a tribute to those that died and were tattooed in WW2. Something very close to my heart. Best Friends: Which was going to be a series of one shots whenever I had a brilliant idea about the maurauders but never went further then Sirius telling Snape about the Willow Meet The Son: Which is published under my good friend SweetDeamon's profile as it follows on from her 'Meet the...' universe and if you haven't read them you really should! It is pure fluff between Remus and Teddy There we go, see, very boring! Trixie |