Author has written 33 stories for Chronicles of Narnia, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Merlin, Life With Derek, Lloyd Alexander, Tapestry, Henry H. Neff, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, and Penelope. LMSharp here! Editor by profession, reader and writer by choice. Sometimes, when I have a bit of extra time, I spend that time writing fanfiction. In my stories I try to be as true to the characters and the spirit of the work as I can. My fandoms are varied. If I've seen or read something that I like, I've probably written about it somewhere. What makes it on this site are the characters I understand and the plots (or ideas) that took off. You'll find my writing falls into three genres. Novelizations: - The Sun on My Face, a novelization and expansion of C. S. Lewis's The Horse and His Boy from Aravis's POV.
- Trying Much, Loving More, a novelization of Lloyd Alexander's The Book of Three from alternative perspectives.
- The Edge of Light and Dark, a novelization of Knights of the Old Republic featuring a Gray-Sided Female Revan named Aithne Morrigan.
- Defining the Jedi, a novelization of Knights of the Old Republic: The Sith Lords, featuring Aithne as Revan and a Light-Sided Female Exile named Darden Leona.
- Sometimes Grace, an in-progress novelization of Mass Effect 2 from Garrus Vakarian's POV.
One-shots: - Johnny in the Stairwell, a moment study for Penelope
- The Defining the Jedi student series, set during the continuity of Defining the Jedi but focused on Darden's pupils at key moments in their training (excluding Atton, who gets to tell his in the main story).
- The Onasis of Telos, the alternate, original ending to The Edge of Light and Dark, written prior to Defining the Jedi.
- Jonathan, a Tapestry relationship study
- After the Inevitable Dumping, a Life with Derek relationship study
- Switzerland on the Couch, a Life with Derek relationship study
- To Morgana from an Amateur Villain, a Merlin comedy piece
- The Lies that Define Us, a Merlin character study
- Ignorance Is Bliss, a Merlin character study
- The Obligatory Self-Insert, a Horse and His Boy comedy piece
And collections of one-shots arranged chronologically with overarching themes but no continuous plot: - On Lily and James, a seven-chapter relationship study
- Making It Better a Little, a story arc focused on Remus Lupin's well-being after October 31, 1981, through the eyes of a Muggle OC.
- After the End, its sequel
- Shayna and Calenhad, a possibly AU series of relationship studies set in Dragon Age: Origins.
- Bound, which doesn't quite fit here as there is a very definite thread to the relationship development between Fenris and my mage Hawke, Kaycee, in Dragon Age II, but fits here better than anywhere else.
- The Subjects and the Singers of the Song series, a sometimes-AU but mostly canon series of collections that take a kaleidoscopic view of ten characters of varying import or potential import in the Dragon Age, juxtaposed together because it's an interesting study in contrast and culture.
- The Disaster Zone series, which looks in on my Shepard, Beth, at key moments in her development over the Mass Effect trilogy.
You may feel reading my in-progress stories in the Disaster Zone series that you've read it before. You're not wrong. The Disaster Zone is a revised repost, edited and broken up for easier reading and more targeted characterization. There will eventually be seven stories, as follows: - Nobody's Child: Follows my Shepard approximately from ages four to eleven. Her childhood in foster care in East Side Vancouver. Now complete.
- Little Beth: Beth Shepard's preteen and teenage years in the Tenth Street Reds street gang. Beth is still in foster care, but this fic is more concerned with Beth's struggle to learn enough to make it out of Vancouver, without a criminal record that will keep her from joining the Alliance, but without letting the Reds know what she's doing. This learned balance may prove very useful to her later in life. Now complete.
- Soldier:Beth Shepard's first ten to eleven years in the Alliance, making her name, learning to lead, establishing her relationship with David Anderson, becoming both an N7 and the person she will be in the Mass Effect trilogy. Now complete.
- Awakening: One-shots set to depict Beth Shepard's character arc in Mass Effect. Now complete.
- Resurrection: One-shots that depict Beth's conflicts during Mass Effect 2. Now complete.
- Shepard: One-shots that depict Beth's journey during the Reaper War in Mass Effect 3. Will begin posting after completion of Sometimes Grace.
- New World: One-shots set after the Reaper War that describe the aftermath and what happens to Beth Shepard and her friends and family. Will begin posting after completion of The Disaster Zone: Shepard.
The Disaster Zone is currently on hiatus, but should not be considered discontinued, nor should its spin-off, Sometimes Grace. As I've been working on Sometimes Grace, my brain has occasionally needed a break, but progress has been steady, and as things stand, SG is two thirds complete. Readers of the fic might be interested to know that Sometimes Grace is written in a concurrent timeline to my fic Disaster Zone: Resurrection, though Sometimes Grace moves at a much slower pace and will eventually go beyond the events of Resurrection. There are notes in both fics that refer you to the proper chapters in the other if you choose to read them both at once. My Shepard is an Earthborn, Sole Surviving Infiltrator named Beth. Morality-wise, you could call her a Paragon with an edge. She eventually ends up with Garrus. Like my Mass Effect fics, my Dragon Age fics are all written in the same continuity. While I have adhered to canon characterization and followed most of the major plot beats of the trilogy and lore histories, I freely admit I've adjusted canon in several places where it didn't suit the story I wanted to tell. I have played around with timelines on occasion, aging up certain characters and aging down others, tweaking events in their lives a year or five in one direction or the other. Some lore characters that were meant to die I keep around and use for my own purposes, and at times I alter the stories they were meant to have. And I have added one particular twist to a major plot beat in Origins that changes all that follows. While all my Dragon Age fics ARE written in the same continuity, due to this twist, I don't, like with my Mass Effect fics, recommend that they be read together. Bound is a standalone fic, but one cannot read Shayna and Calenhad without spoiling key plot elements of The Subjects and the Singers of the Song, and SSS will actually work much better if one has not yet read Shayna and Calenhad. Rather, Shayna and Calenhad should be considered a set of side stories for the fic in the series that will focus on the Fifth Blight. I'd lock SC or take it down, but there's no real reason to do so except its existence spoils my sense of the dramatic for SSS. So if you're a fresh reader of SSS and come looking for other Dragon Age fics of mine, all I'll ask is this: please don't. Not yet. Right now, I do not know how many volumes in The Subjects and the Singers of the Song I will write, but currently, I have planned and outlined thirteen. The fourth volume is currently posting on Wednesdays, but the schedule may slow down in the near future. - Children of Strife and Children of Peace: 9:01-9:10 Dragon introduces six of what will eventually be ten characters. Varric Tethras, Leto (the elf that eventually becomes Fenris), Cassandra Pentaghast, Cullen Rutherford, F!Hawke (called Kaycee), and F!Cousland (called Gwyn) are all born, and the eldest of them become children in this first installment of the series. Varric, born and raised in Kirkwall, fights against his kalna family's ideals. Cassandra's political parents get caught up in the losing side of a war. Leto grows up in institutionalized slavery. Meanwhile, Cullen is born into a happy family in Honnleath, Kaycee's refugee parents worry what Malcolm's magic and the Amell history will mean for their daughter, and the Couslands celebrate the first second-born child and the first daughter born in their family in generations. Now complete.
- Children in Sun and Children in Shadow: 9:11-9:15 Dragon introduces four more characters, as the bastard that may someday be known as Alistair Theirin is given to King Maric's brother-in-law to raise, F!Brosca (called Katja) is born in Dust Town, F!Lavellan (called Estral) in a Dalish clan in the Free Marches, and F!Tabris (called Tirrian) in the Denerim alienage. Meanwhile, Varric Tethras loses a parent; Cassandra chafes against the restrictions of the Pentaghast clan; the elven boy-slave known as Leto is subject to the whims of his masters; young Kaycee Hawke learns what it is to live on the run from place to place, dodging the arm of the Chantry; while Cullen Rutherford grows up in love and safety, embracing the teachings of that same institution. Now complete.
- Seek and Find: 9:16-9:20 Dragon continues to follow the ten characters previously introduced as they begin to come of age across Thedas. Cassandra Pentaghast's life takes a drastic turn after a personal tragedy, and Cullen Rutherford discovers his calling. Leto believes he has earned himself a great blessing, only to find himself drawn into a nightmare. Estral Lavellan manifests as a mage while the Hawke family finally finds a place to settle. In Kirkwall, Varric Tethras begins to form a network of contacts and writes his first tales, while the Brosca sisters fight tooth and nail just to survive in the Dust Town of Orzammar. Tirrian Tabris finds the Chantry writes elves entirely out of the story in Denerim's alienage, while Gwyn Cousland learns what it means to be a somebody in Ferelden and the bastard Alistair learns the opposite. Now complete.
- Love and Loss: 9:21-9:25 Dragon deals with nine of the ten characters previously introduced. As we grow up, we discover life is harder and immeasurably more complicated than we once believed. Alistair continues to learn what it means to be a bastard--as well as whose bastard he is. Rica Brosca is drawn into the dubious protection of the dwarven carta, while her fierce young sister, Katja, is forced to watch the sacrifices she makes from the sidelines in silent outrage. Kaycee Hawke experiences her first heartbreak, and Gwyn Cousland experiences her first loss. Cullen Rutherford achieves his dream and joins the Templars, and the happiness of the Tabris family is shattered when Adaia's ferocity finally has consequences. Cassandra Pentaghast fights to balance her duties to Divine Beatrix III with her family and her relationship. Meanwhile, Varric Tethras falls in love with a brilliant young woman from a prominent kalna smith family, but her relatives cannot stomach the disgrace of his--or Varric's own ascendant ideals. And in Tevinter, a monster known as Fenris knows only pain and suffering, and the bidding of his master, Magister Danarius. Now posting.
In the fanfictions I read I look for good spelling and grammar. I appreciate humor and metaphor and plots that both are true to the spirit of the work and contain something of originality. If your fic is truly awesome or leaves me busting a gut laughing or thinking really hard, I'll be sure to tell you so. I don't like slash where friendship is canon, nor do I like an excess of graphic intimacy or gratuitous language. But I can, and do, on occasion, appreciate a well-written AU. Personally I'm nerdy and quiet. I enjoy animated movies and almost every sort of music except country. And I love, love, love a good story. Live, learn, and laugh, my friends. Write about it afterward. God Bless, LMSharp |