Author has written 2 stories for Harry Potter, and Doctor Who. Hi fellow fanfic-ers :) I'm Curly Wurly Me... guess I should explain my choice of name... its basically me all over, for 3 reasons: 1.) I love chocolate (obviously) although I am ever so slightly allergic to it (high cocoa content makes me sneeze). ALthough, being a teenage girl, that doesn't stop me from eating it. 2.) I have curly (well, wavy but its equally untamable) hair. 3.) I'm a bit random and when I'm hyper I suppose my train of thought is a bit curly wurly... lol. I love sci-fi and fantasy and mainly read in the fandoms of... Doctor Who- Yes, I am a Whovian and proud of it! So far have only seen nuWho and a little bit of ClassicWho, but plan on watching more of it because it's so awesome! Harry Potter- J. K. Rowling is a genius! I have read those books so many times over and they never get old. I truly am one of the people who grew up with it in my life lol. Merlin- It is so good. Can't say any more about it... just that it is AMAZING! Sherlock- I know that one isn't sci-fi or fantasy but it is still an amazing program. PLus, there are the Doctor Who links with the writers etc, so it's understandable. I actually almost DIED when watching the series 2 finale, it was so dramatic! Primeval- Such a good TV programme, I really hope they make another series (the ending of series 5 was SUCH a cliffhanger!). It is a highly unappreciated show. I also like The Spiderwick Chronicles books, which there are very few fics for (anybody else agree?). Also, there's this amazing trilogy by Jon Berkely called The Wednesday Tales (the books are The Palace of Laughter, The Tiger's Egg and The Lightening Key). They are such good books but berely anybody has heard of them. If you like any of the above things (or even if you don't) you should definately check them out. |