Author has written 19 stories for Dragon Age, EverQuest, Elder Scroll series, and Dragonriders of Pern series. I'm from the UK, 50 years old, married with a thirteen year old son, with a husband who really can't get his head round my Dragon Age obsession (but who has played Mass Effect 2, so there's hope yet), and a writer of both original and fan fiction for over 20 years. I was surprised to find myself writing this at all, but I woke up with an image of Loghain and my Cousland character one morning that wouldn't go away until I tried writing it out. It was going to be a one shot, but rapidly became a novel :) Since the whole Hourglass thing seems to have developed with a flurry of short pieces, here is an approximate timeline Before The Daylight, a short prequel to The Hourglass, set roughly ten years before the events of Dragon Age Origins. Broken and The Wall - these are not strictly part of The Hourglass canon but can be read as such, nothing in either of them contradicts The Hourglass, or is contradicted by it. Darkfic Loghain/Cauthrien, read Broken before The Wall. Set roughly seven or eight years before the events of DA - O The Hourglass (main piece) - starts a few weeks after the Landsmeet and continues through to the endgame. Now complete. Loghain/fCousland. Late Watch - a series of mildly smutty shorts. Chapters 1 and 2 of Late Watch can be read after chapter 5 of The Hourglass, Chapter 3 falls after Chapter 17 of The Hourglass. Chapter 4 is somewhere after Chapter 20 of the Hourglass. Zevran really does find Loghain and Muirnara frustrating :) Chapter 5, the final chapter, falls between chapters 38 and 39. Dark Ritual - falls in the middle of Chapter 20 of The Hourglass. No explanation needed for anyone who's played the game :) Justice and Mercy - missing chapter of The Hourglass, fits in after chapter 20. Firmly M rated for sex, some violence. Gifts and The Art of War fall between chapters 37 and 38 of The Hourglass, read Gifts first then The Art of War. Ignore the Authors Note on the Art of War saying that it may be AU, that piece was written when I still wasn't quite sure which way the main story was going. Playing Games is a series of M rated shorts about Loghain and Muirnara's married life that just didn't fit anywhere else, they fall during the Awakenings timeline. Left The Horns At Home is a long way in the future of The Hourglass and may indeed be AU. You decide :) And now there's a Skyrim piece started based around the Thieves Guild quests - With A Black Nightingale. The Hourglass has also spawned some wonderful fanart Dasque drew the fireside scene from Chapter 1, a lovely picture of Loghain and Muirnara trying to find some way to deal with one another which can be found here -Ambivalent - http:///gallery/28118830#/d42fs1l The amazingly talented Josie Lange has drawn a fantastic pencil sketch of Loghain and Muirnara from Chapter 2 of The Hourglass which can be found here on her deviantArt account entitled No Warrior's Luxury - http:///#/d3ht4cu and also a coloured picture from the Art of War which can be found here entited I Do Not Let Go - http:///#/d4efxpd - this one is so like my mental picture of Muirnara that it is truly spooky. I just keep going back to stare at it... For anyone wondering about the incident with the Mabari kennels, a seven year old Muirnara and a pot of green paint, mentioned in Chapter 33 of The Hourglass, take a look at this which sleepyowlet created. I just died laughing. Thanks Owlet! Puppies - http:///#/d3n0ar2 The avatar picture is of Brynjolf and Mena from "With A Black Nightingale" |
Amhran Comhrac (11) caisha702 (19) Chasind Desire (5) Crisium (0) Dasque (7) Enaid Aderyn (35) Eva Galana (18) Gene Dark (4) | Helena L (23) Josie Lange (29) Less Wrong (1) Lilith Morgana (22) lisakodysam (8) mackillian (10) Maeve's Child (17) Metrophor (7) Morwen33 (4) MsBarrows (89) | mutive (13) Persephone Chiara (10) Rainfallen (9) Rhia474 (33) Sagacious Rage (29) Shakespira (44) sleepyowlet (21) xXSaberXx (5) |