Author has written 8 stories for Gundam Wing/AC, Outlaw Star, Gravitation, and Harry Potter. Well well. Major over-haul time, kiddies. And it's long over-due. So. Now that I'm actually an adult, and am in the possession of this thing called "better judgment," I realize that most of the stuff I had posted here was utter rubbish. (All right, all of it, but frankly my ego can't handle a blow of that magnitude.) Therefore, after polluting the internet for much longer than I should have, I've finally cleared most of it out. See, it would be mean if it wasn't self-deprecating, yea? I've left up a few things, either for nostalgia's sake, or simply because they're rarities in their field, like my Outlaw Star bits of fluff; I'm pretty sure they're still in the minority. And people seem to like them, so who am I to disappoint, really? Anyway, while any number of things are possible, it's very unlikely I will ever update anything here again; if I'm to write at all, I'd rather work on something original, or something that would be too "adult" for this watered-down and kid-friendly . Oh, how the mighty have fallen. A rating system that begins with K is indication enough. What, the MPAA system was too difficult? The PG and PG-13 throwing people off? But I digress. This page is very much on its death bed, and I apologize for people who enjoyed reading my rubbish work. There are those far better at word craft than I, you simply need to look a little harder. Never settle for rubbish, poor spelling, incorrect grammar, and for the love of God don't tolerate random Japanese inserted into an otherwise English work. I'm a Japanese major who's spent hours upon hours learning the language, and I'm still rubbish; I hate to see other people butchering it for kicks and thinking they're the shit. All right. The ranting and raving ends here. Good night, sweet dreams, and read your Shakespeare. NOTICE: All right, to humor you all, I've decided to let you in on a little secret: everything I write nowadays (including the naughty stuff) gets posted here or here. Go ahead, knock yourselves out. |
Xanthos Samurai (22) | Ykarzel (16) |