Author's Note: You couldn't imagine my shock when I, after reading the first two Demon Diary mangas and becoming instantly enamored of it [*cough* nice way of saying "obsessed"], came to and discovered no fanfics for it.  None.  Zero.  I was stunned, shocked, surprised, aghast, and all those lovely synonyms.  I mean, it may be a new manga only recently published by TokyoPop from Korea (rather than Japan) but it deserves some PRAISE.  And fanfics. ^_^.  So I decided to write one.  As evidenced below.

-If you haven't read at least the first manga, I'm not sure you'll understand…I don't know how good of a job I did in explaining the situation. *shrugs* But you can try reading the fic and leave me a review! *hinthint* And then go and read the real Demon Diary.

-Inspired by Eclipse gum.  Do they have a Cinnamon flavor?  I was debating that with my friends today and well, it does now.  Heh.

Warnings: The fic is short, sweet, and absolutely pointless.  A definite PWP.  [Plot? What plot?]  Slightly fluffy, I guess.  Yaoi, definitely.  [If you don't know what this is…well, you can either read and find out or just, y'know, don't.  I refute all responsibility of the corruption of innocent minds.]

Disclaimer: Demon Diary is property of Lee Yun Hee, Kara, TokyoPop, Sigongsa, etc.  No profit is being made off this story.  [Unless someone wants to give me money just for the heck of it? *looks around hopefully*]

Cinnamon Eclipse

Part 1

Eclipse had always wondered how Raenef—that is, Lord Raenef, he corrected himself—would look with his silky golden hair down.  It would be past his shoulders, the demon of the third order mused, since it was long enough for Raenef to gather in his usual ponytail.

But Eclipse knew better than to let these thoughts distract him, though he did note that they were highly abnormal for him, who was usually more concerned with high-class political dealings or where next to terrorize and destroy hapless mortals.  Well, he used to think about those heavy, deep-thinking topics, all up until the day he was assigned as the fifth Demon Lord Raenef's tutor.

He sighed.

Raenef…Lord Raenef was…well, he was something.  Eclipse wasn't quite sure what.  The young demon lord was fifteen and had been found by Eclipse in the South just a few months ago after the previous Demon Lord Raenef had been killed suddenly, leaving no heir.  The new Lord Raenef was young, inexperienced, and completely innocent to the ways of the demon world.  His wide green eyes often gleamed happily, matching the bright smile on his face that often sent Eclipse into periods of gloom.  How could he ever mold this spunky child into a demon lord that gleefully struck terror in the hearts of mortals, gaily wiped out villages with dark magic, and contentedly concocted schemes to take over the world?

But after spending more and more time with the new Lord Raenef, Eclipse had…taken something of a liking to him.  He shook his head quickly.  No.  He was Eclipse, the demon known best for his merciless cruelty during the Hangma War.  He was a demon that valued the time-honored roles of his ancestors; "Eminent and proud", as Lord Aureleid, supreme demon lord, had once said of him.  He, Eclipse, couldn't possibly be fond of his little lord…

Though Raenef was unbearably cute with his bumbling attempts to learn proper demon lord etiquette.

Eclipse blinked.  Shook his head again.  No, not going there, not today, Eclipse.  He ran a hand through his long, ebony black hair and rose to his feet.  Picturing Raenef's bedchamber in his mind, he murmured, "Go."  With a slight breeze that wrapped around him, he disappeared.  When he reappeared, he was in a large room with arched ceilings and curling designs and large windows that let in the glow of bloody skies of dawn.  In the middle of the room sat a large canopy bed that was draped with curtains strewn with roses.  Sprawled across that bed, sheets strewn every which way, was his lord, happily glomping his pillow and drooling slightly in slumber.

Garnet eyes swept the scene and a small smile tugged at his lips.  Stepping close to the bed, he bent down and lightly tugged lightly on a lock of Raenef's bangs.  "Lord Raenef," he whispered, then increasing his volume, "Lord Raenef.  It's time to arise."  Unbidden, his gaze drifted across sun-kissed skin, pale in comparison to mortals, but on the darker side of demon skin tones.  Long lashes cast shadows on resting cheeks, making the demon lord appear even younger than he was, and so beautiful…

"Sire," Eclipse spoke again before his thoughts could wander too far.

Raenef mumbled in his sleep and flipped over on his back, flinging an arm out, and would have struck Eclipse had not quick reflexes drawn the demon back in time.  "Don't tell me he's dreaming about tomatoes again."  Eclipse sighed and bent down again, gently shaking his liege's shoulder.


Eclipse stared.

"Cinnamon," Raenef repeated.

"Lord Raenef?"  Eclipse wondered whether or not he really wanted to know… He sat down on the edge of the bed and peered down at his sleeping lord and that odd feeling he'd been getting lately settled comfortably in his stomach.  He shifted.

Raenef's tongue flickered out, licking his lips as a little mewl of contentment escaped.

The demon was stunned to discover that little action has shot a spark of electricity straight to his groin.  He stood quickly.  What on earth was he thinking?  This was the Demon Lord Raenef, his master, his charge, so innocent and so young… Though Eclipse, in demon years, was only twenty-three (but a quite impressive five hundred and forty nine in mortal years).

Eclipse's traitorous mind presented him with an image of Raenef, gorgeous hair down and disarrayed, slick against his head with water dripping down his bare chest.  He had to suppress a groan as the blood in his head adventured to more interesting areas.  His long, slender fingers clenched into fists as he tried to free himself from the grasp of that inviting picture.

And just imagine being able to trails his fingers along that smooth skin, tracing patterns, dipping and discovering…his lips doing the same, tongue flicking out to taste… Eclipse couldn't contain the small moan that escaped his lips.

Insane, he thought to himself.  You're insane.

But…maybe…maybe just this once, and no one would ever know.  He shifted again uncomfortably, disarranging his long robes so the ash gray folds of silk caught the ruddy glow of the sunrise, and slowly lowered his head to within inches of Raenef's face.  Then he hesitated.  But countering his doubts were very insistent parts of him that were clamoring to be heard, and finally, haltingly, Eclipse placed his hands on the bed on either side of Raenef's frame, and brushed his lips across his little demon lord's lips.

Soft.  Silken.  Warm.


Eclipse drew back when he regained enough of his senses to realize that this wasn't helping his immediate condition.  That was when he noticed that crystal green eyes were peering sleepily into his.

He drew in a sharp breath.  "Raenef."

Raenef blinked drowsily, his tongue peeking out to lap at his lips again, as if testing for a taste of Eclipse.  Then his eyes focused on the demon above him.  Eclipse discovered that he could still blush.

Then Raenef opened his mouth and said one word:


More notes: This could stand as a one-shot, but I'll probably make it a two-parter.  The second part will be, if not a lemon, at least lime-ish.  And for anyone interested, my friends and I have squickily defined oranges as multiple-partners. *snicker* Because every citrus fruit deserves its own hentai meaning.  ^_~. Review!