![]() Author has written 4 stories for Twilight. In the big scheme of things, I like mysteries so much more... My fic "Of Swans and Silence" won the Judges pick for the Darkella's Darkest Temptation Contest held by the genius of the girls over at "The Temptation of the Naughty Muses", a combined effort of The Twilight Muses, Jasper's Naughty Girls, and Darkest Temptations. To say I was shocked would be the largest of understatements. It was my first-ever contest. The fic is not for everyone, though, and I highly suggest if you're not over 18, or if you're my mother, that you DO NOT read it. The gorgeous banner I won, made by TwiCarol, can be seen here. The magnificent FrozenSoldier made this beeeeautiful banner for it, after I asked her because I didn't think I was going to win! It was also nominated for the Best AH in the Midnight Sin awards over at the Darkest Temptations blog, with my dark and scintillating nominee banner made by the even more sadistic and scintillating JaspersIzzy. After having been pimped by the WordyBitches my Pufferfish, HammerHips, made me my commemorative banner. Thank you to her and all of the lovely ladies over there. "Second Chances" is my first endeavor into fanfic, and my baby. Charlie is the reason I started writing, this fic being born out of the need to give him his due. His opportunity. It is a labor of love and continues. The banner for Second Chances was the first one that FrozenSoldier did for me, and I think it's absolutely stunning. It was honored with four nominations in the Original Character Awards including the categories Seamless Slot-in, Best OC Lemon, and Most Believable OC, but I'm tickled pink that it won the Wish Fulfillment cat. You can see the winning banner for it here. "I Will Love You" won the "Pop My Cherry" contest over on the TwiFics Contest blog, a what-if-Edward-came-back o/s. The winning banner for this, along with a video trailer. I do have on more fic out there, but it hasn't been posted here yet because I wrote it as a collab for the Lustorium's "Pretty Porn Contest". It's entitled, "Play Me" and won 2nd place in both the judges and the public vote. You can find it over on their C2 here. Finally, if you'll allow me, I want to just give a permanent shout-out here to my superb friend, Alexis Danaan. If it weren't for her, Second Chances would never have been posted. Although I am gone from Twitter and my: (at)EdwardsChipper account, I still remember those old days with a smile, and miss...well you all know who you are. |
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