![]() Author has written 24 stories for Bleach, Naruto, and Shugo Chara!. CHIWASSU ^_^. A 15 year old asian girl who has a major obsession with romance shoujo manga.! Names Gemmalyn. But my japanese name is Ayumu, so call me Ayu instead ^^. I love watching sci-fi, romance, comedy, horror ,action etc anime. Favorite ANOHANA, TORADORA, SHAKUGAN NO SHANA AND DUARARA . Favorite manga DENGEKI DAISY, AKUMA TO LOVE SONG. Has watched 200+ anime, interested in J-POP music mainly and only some english songs. Profile Name: Gemmalyn Japanese Name: Ayumu Favorite anime: Toradora and Ano Hana Favorite Manga: Dengeki Daisy 3rd favorite song : Youthful by 999 radio service The road home is passing us by; a slight breeze is blowing. Regrettably, when I became aware of it, the jokes mixed in with our conversations have suddenly stopped, A tomorrow that’s different from the blueprint that’s overflowing Right now, I hold these intense feelings tightly in my heart. Illuminated by twilight, like they're escaping, The things that aren't always reflected in the eyes are also important. The shadow dyed with a deep red color is spreading. Even so, I'm smiling right now. At every moment, I'm breathing. Even now, I held these intense feelings tightly in my heart. OFFICIAL LOGO/BANNER OF THE HHFM COPY/PASTE IF YOU SUPPORT Toshiro Hitsugaya loves Bed-Wetter Momo_H.H.F.M.: HitsuHinaFanMovement_Momo Hinamori loves Shiro-chan i suport 4ever and ever! once a hitsuhina fan,always a hitsuhina fan! Welcome to the HitsuHina Multiplication Problem, made by Merciless Ruby! Are you a major HitsuHina fan? Alternatively, do you at least believe the couple is cute and can happen in the anime/manga? If you are, then copy/paste this and the multiplication problem on your profile so everyone can see it and join. Write your name after mine. XD PM me also when you copy/paste this so I can add your names after mine... so it can look like a big multiplication problem! Toushiro Hitsugaya X Momo Hinamori = Merciless Ruby, Momo Hitsugaya, unformidable trust, Momo21, SunsetRainbow, MimoriFanForever, Full Shadow Alchemist, Snowy Peach Tsubasa, Fourpeg, killer-bunny195, xToki, shirochanxmomo1220, Raidon Phantom, Sam King, Koo2Koo1Ka2choo1, KanaYume13,Princess Annika, Rhessa-chan, Crashgirl, miss.dramatikkkk, ceyago, HitsuHina143, momoxtoshiro,XOHitsuhina PARINGS I SUPPORT: SHUGO CHARA (1)Souma Kukai and Hoshina Utau - Kutau (2)Tsukiyomi Ikuto and Hinamori Amu -Amuto (3)Fujisaki Naghiko and Mashiro Rima - Rimahiko (4)Sanjo Kairi and Yuiki Yaya- YayaKai PARINGS I SUPPORT: VAMPIRE KNIGHT 1)Shiki Senri and Toya Rima 2)Akatsuki Kaien and Souen Ruka 3)Kiryu Zero and Cross Yuki PARRINGS I SUPPORT: BLEACh 1)Hitsugaya Toushiro and Hinamori Momo - Hitsuhina 2) Schifer Ulquiorra and Inoue Orhime- UlquiHime 3)Ichimaru Gin and Matsumoto Rangiku- GinRan 4)Kurosaki Ichigo and Kuchiki Rukia- Ichiruki 5) Abari Renji andd Senna- RenSen 6)Urahara Kisuke and Soifon -UrhaSoi 7)Madrame Ikkau and Ise Nanao-MadrNan 8)Ayawasega Yumichika and Kotetsu Isane - 9)Kuchiki Byakuya and Kuchiki Hisana 10)Jagerjaques Grimmjow and Neliel Tu Odvesrick 11)Stark and Tia Hallibell PARINGS I SUPPORT: NARUTO 1)Naara Shikamaru and Sabaku Temari - ShikaTem 2)Uzumaki Naruto and Hyuga Hinata - Naruhina 3)Uchia Sasuke and Haruno Sakura - SasuSaku 4)Hyuga Neji and Ten ten - NejTen 5)Akimichi Chouji and Yamano Ino - ChouIno 6)Sarutobi Asuma and Yuhi Kurenai 7)Sabaku Gaara and Matsuri -GaaMatsu 9)Jirya and Tsunade PARINGS I SUPPORT: KIMI NI TODOKE 1)Miura Kento and Yano Ayane 2)Kazehya Shouta and Kuronoma Sawako 3)Sanada Ryu and Yoshida Chizuru Sailor Moon -2010 -2011 2012 |