Today was my first day as 3rd seat to a squad. My heart was racing. Though I, Hikari Kaori, was hoping to be lieutenant. But, I guess I have to deal with it until I train harder to win that goal. My Sensei had given me a scroll after I graduated at the top of my class. It said that because of my skills, I was assigned a squad at once. Back then, I was so excited, but now, when I look at the scroll closer, I had forgotten that there was more text at the bottom of the scroll. I was assigned to a squad I had prayed to never get. Squad 10. SQUAD TEN OF ALL SQUADS! Don't get me wrong, the lieutenant of the squad knew me really well….but so did the Captain of the squad. Toshiro Hitsugaya was a long time friend of mind. When we first met, everyone thought that I was going to die because I hung out with him. I ignored their arrogance and continued talking and playing with him. Soon, we began to form a friendship that was just too hard to break. But then, he went on to join the Soul Academy. I, on the other hand, didn't want to go with him at first. I laughed when I heard he was going to be captain. Then, it turned into a fight. He was skilled with the sword by then, but I had done my own training, too. His strength proved captain perfect. At the end, he had one with a small sweat on his forehead. Our friendship was now a thin string that was on a verge of breaking.
I stood in front of the squad ten administration doors. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. There was silence for a few seconds. Then, I heard a glass break.
"Eh! Don't blame me, taicho! It was the sake's fault!"
I knew who the voices were immediately. I giggled at Rangiku's mistake and Toshiro's scolding voice. Then, the door suddenly opened. I went on my knees to show respect.
"Who are you?" Toshiro's voice rang in my ears. I kept my head down for a little longer.
"You do not remember me so soon, Shiro?" I said. I felt a slight tension between us.
"It's Hitsugaya-taicho…Hikari Kaori." Toshiro said and told me to rise. I did so and made a big smile.
"Aw, you're being way too strict on your best buddy!" I said in a childish form. Then, Rangiku came behind Toshiro.
"Taicho, you two know each other?" She said pointing to me.
"Sadly, yes." He replied. Rangiku ran passed Toshiro and hugged me with delight.
"Well, whatever! It's good to see you again, Hikari-chan!" She said.
"It's….g-great….seeing….you….t-too…..Air…." I said in between breathes. Rangiku let go. I came inside the room. It was small, but roomy. There were book shelves in the room and a desk in the middle. There were also two sofas. Toshiro went to his desk and took out a folder.
"It's great you two already know each other." He said. "Now let's get to business." Toshiro handed me a folder. I sat down on the sofa and took it out.
"Today is your first day as 3rd seat of Squad Ten. There is no time for goofing off." Toshiro said. "And, Kaori, you will call me from this day forward Hitsugaya-taicho."
I looked down at the papers and nodded slowly.
"For now, that is." I said and turned around and looked at his gaze. His emerald eyes haven't changed a bit. "When I become Captain, I will no longer call you Hitsugaya-taicho, but Shiro-taicho." Toshiro sighed.
"Say whatever you want." And with that, he continued on with his paper work.
"Workaholic…." I said under my breath. Rangiku giggled at the statement and exclaimed that she wanted to show me around. I nodded, dropped the folder on the sofa, and walked out with Rangiku.