Author has written 2 stories for Happy Tree Friends, and Star Fox.
Viva San Juan del Fuerte, Michoacan, Mexico. PS I was Criss Bohemian, now I'm Uncle Criss. Guess why.
PSS I deleted every story except one, b/c I liked it.
From: Illinois/Mexico
Mexican, 14
Fav Music: Classic Rock/Banda
Fav Animal: Red fox
Fav Shows: Monkees, The Office, Gilligan's Island, Ed Sullivan, That 70's Show
I have a MySpace (if u want it, send a message)
I play guitar, piano, violin, and drums
I am a joker. I like to say "That's what she said" a lot. Queen is my favorite band then Vicente Fernandez. I started FF since Jan 12 2009.