I don't know why I made this. My friend had asked me 'How old are these little guys?'. I just said that they were like 8 or something. The she wondered, 'What if they were in high school and were a little bit different...'. So I got bored and decided to put them in high school. Most of these changes or from my friend, she is also a fan of HTF. Hope you enjoy!

Cuddles was leaning against the stop sign wearing his yellow backpack, waiting for his girlfriend, Giggles, to arrive. The sun was out with very little clouds in the sky. The streets were empty as the sidewalk. The houses were still bright and colorful.

Cuddles had traded in his bunny slippers for a yellow beanie with the word 'Bunny' in white. He had also grown taller, then again thats what happens after 5 years. But even after 5 years he stayed the same fun loving bunny as he was before.

'Where is she?' Cuddles thought, 'It's been, like 20 minutes already.'. He began to worry about her. Someone tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and saw the pink chipmunk smiling at him, wearing her pink backpack.

She greeted Cuddles with a kiss on his cheek. "Sorry I'm late, my alarm didn't go off." she apologized.

Giggles had grow a little taller but still shorter then Cuddles by 2 inches. She didn't really change her appearance, still keeping her pink bow but placing it more near her ear. After dating a few times, Giggles finally found someone she really could care for, Cuddles. They had been going out for over a year and a half.

They were rarely separated at times and most of the time together was spent at the movies or the gang. But unfortunate for them, school started again.

"It's alright." Cuddles smiled as he held her hand, "But let's get going, the gang is already over there.". Giggles nodded. They walked together, holding hands and talking. Not being normal couples that only make out and neglect their friends, they always were holding hands and kissing on the cheek and sometimes on the lips. They were always with the gang, unless they wanted to get away for a little while.

After walking a few blocks, they were at the large, black gates of High Tree School. They entered through the gate and walked towards the huge tree that was the high school.

Also called The Tree, they entered the building. It's structure was strange. The Tree was carved out and made into a high school by the mayor of the town. One branch was one hall, the tree was 15 stories high and had over 60 rooms, excluding the lunch room, gyms, office and assembly, they all had it's own story. The stairs were long and wide for multiple people to walk at the same time. The hallways were long and wide with it's brown doors of classrooms. The tree was filled with wires in it's extra space for it's computers, bell system, speakers, alarms, lights, phones and printers.

They entered and saw a long hallway with only 8 classes in it. The doors had a 1 then a letter from A to H. They took out their schedules, they had a first period together, room 2B. They began to walk to the end where a black door was. They opened it to see stairs leading up with an arrow on the side of the wall saying 'Story 2'. They looked at each other with confused looks on their faces.

"What does that mean?" Cuddles asked. Giggles shrugged. They decided walk up the stairs to see what it meant.

'Maybe that's why that's why the 2 is there.' Giggles thought. They walked for a while then saw a white door. They opened it and entered to see what was behind it. It was another hall, this time the doors had 2s and letter A to H also. They went in to a door that had 2B on it.

The room was large. It was simple with it's desk lined up in columns of 5 and rows of 5. The teacher's desk was in front like normal. There were two boards, one on the left side of the class and the other in front of the class. The walls had posters all over them with things like math and rules. They had math, their most hated subject. But as long as they were with friends, it would be alright.

"Hey Cuddles, Giggles!" said a very familiar voice. Cuddles and Giggles looked at the back of the classroom and saw their friends all sitting in a circle on their desks. They smiled in relief when they walked up to them. "It's about time you two made it!" Toothy smiled.

Toothy had changed his look very little, despite the fact he grew tall as well. He lost his freckles but his teeth stayed the same as always. His body had finally matched his large tail. He had gotten a little bigger since 5 years ago.

"Hey Toothy." they both greeted. Handy, Petunia, Disco Bear, Nutty and Mime. Flaky and Sniffles weren't with them due to the fact Flaky had Geometry and Sniffles had Honors Algebra 2.

"It's about time you two came." Handy smiled. Handy decided to lose his tool belt and hard hat during school and only have his green backpack. He was no longer an amputee after using Sniffles prototype arms as a test for over a year. They have a few problems that result to death as usual. Handy gets rid of the arms without a reason when he is working. The only time he uses them is when he is at school. After school, Handy always puts on his regular tool belt and helmet.

"I thought you guys were somewhere private." Petunia teased, wearing her purple backpack. Petunia was the same size as Giggles now. She had the same flower on her head and didn't have her deodorizer after solving her problem. She still has some trouble controlling herself when ever she sees something dirty. She still takes 5 showers everyday because of habit and still tries to stay clean whenever she can.

"Hey there!" Disco Bear purred to Giggles which made Cuddles mad. Disco Bear didn't change at all, except size. He is still the girl crazed and wants to get at one of the three girls he knows the most. And again, he fails.

"HEY HEY!" Nutty said while eating some candy from his blue backpack. Nutty's looks changed a little more then Cuddles. He didn't grew that much but was still taller then the girls. Nutty stopped putting candy on his fur and his left eye matched his green one. His eating habits have gotten worse as he is eating more then ever and his eyes are both green. His teeth have gotten adjusted to the candy, making them very strong and somehow white.

Mime waved at Giggles and Cuddles with his calm smile after taking something out of his 'invisible' backpack. Mime didn't change at all, except for his growth as Cuddles, Disco Bear, Handy and Toothy. He still does the same tricks and mime act every time. He now works at the circus as the main attraction during Sundays. He is known to others as a 'quiet freak'. He takes it quite offensive and walks away with his face looking as if he was crying.

"Looks like Sniffles and Flaky are too smart for Algebra 1." Cuddles smiled, "Too bad for them, we got everyone here!". Everyone was laughing and talking about where to hangout during lunch and after school.

The teacher came in, "Sorry I'm late students!" she said as she put down her books at her desk, "Traffic was like a parking lot!". Everyone took a seat at desks they wanted. "You can sit in any seat you would like, just don't talk to much with your friends so I won't put a seating chart." the teacher, who was a tall brown monkey, said "Now, let's get started on class.". She wrote down her name on the board, "My name is Mrs. Gansoff.".

"It's gonna be a long day." Toothy whispered to Nutty.

"Yeah, hehe, I know." Nutty agreed.

Meanwhile, with Flaky. She was sitting in the front, feeling a little alone and nervous. Her teacher was Flippy, the handsome teacher. "Hey Flaky." he smiled at her, Flaky gave a small wave. "It's alright if your nervous, it's your first day in high school.".

Flaky changed her image as much as she could. She got rid of her dandruff and made her quills point down so she wouldn't stab anyone at school. The quills on her head were brushed down to be bangs over her forehead. But one thing that made her standout was her height, she was the smallest girl in the class, just an inch and a half then Giggles and Petunia. She had made herself look more attractive to most of the males of the school, she even had more boys looking at her then Giggles and Petunia together.

Flippy had made a living of being the Geometry teacher for high school. He got rid of his military clothes and wore black shoes, black pants and a white buttoned shirt with a tie. He had gotten himself some glasses to look more of a teacher then a fighter then he has usually been assumed by his students. The girls of the school have crushes on him, even some in his own class. He still flips out but not as much after seeing professional help. He is considered the most strongest teacher in the school, even the gym teachers who have been in football and wrestling.

With Sniffles, things couldn't get worse! He had gotten Lumpy as his teacher! Sniffles groaned every time Lumpy said a term very wrong or got a problem wrong. He even wrote his name wrong! He spelled it 'Lumbe' instead of 'Lumpy'.

Lumpy didn't change at all! He was still the dumbest person but was the most funniest teacher. His antlers were still the wrong way and he still had the dumb expression on his face.

Sniffles changed a little bit. He got contacts to lose his glasses. His pocket protecter was also gone. He stopped acting superior then everyone and tried to fit in. It had worked, he was considered a normal kid trying to make it through high school.

I forgot to say something :P. That part with Sniffles getting Lumpy for a teacher is the same thing my friend Zack went through. The teacher had also misspelled his name by accident and he got a lot of problems wrong!

I don't own Happy Tree Friends or it's characters, they belong to Mondo Media!