It was a cloudy cold December day, flippy and nine other friends were boarding the plane. "Um.. Flippy I have a bad feeling about this plane the weather doesn't look too god are you sure our vacation can't wait for tomorrow?" Flaky asked timidly "Don't worry flaky nothing will go wrong, trust me." Flippy said getting a firm grip on flaky's paw. "For your sake I hope you're right." Flaky murmured under her breath.

Meanwhile behind Flippy and Flaky there were the two raccoon brothers lifty, and shifty. Who did their signature laugh while they swiftly stole another fox's purse, and behind them was a light orange bear who wore a yellow jumpsuit and listened to disco while he was on his way to the ticket lady, behind (surprisingly) was giggles and petunia, behind them was a group of three people, cuddles, nutty, and toothy. (Yeah I know I used the word behind a lot)

Flippy was the first to board the plane, he gave his ticket to the lady, Flaky was the second, "Let's see, Aha! First class seat 2a!" Flippy said excitingly. Flippy as a good gentle man would do, allowed flaky to take the window seat. Flaky stared at the seat with a puzzled expression on her face. "well aren't you gonna sit?" Flippy said with a hint of frustration in his voice. "Oh… uh yeah! I was dazed for a minute! So I kinda froze" The red porcupine said timidly.


Lifty and shifty took their seats, Lifty, who had a blackberry storm (that he stole from the fox's purse) was so into it he was completely cut off from what shifty was trying to tell him. The flight attendants started to speak. "Please turn off all your phones, and remember in the unlikely event of a water landing oxygen masks will drop from the ceiling,

If you are traveling with a small child, or at least anyone that acts like a child" She muttered under breath, soon everyone on the plane was laughing. "Okay, okay put the oxygen masks on your child and then your self, and in the event of hard turbulence please put your head in your hands.

(Yeah I know this is not how they say it but I haven't been on a plane in 1 year so..) Lifty was still so into his newly stolen phone that he didn't hear the instructions about turning off your phone. "Hey jack ass turn off your phone I don't want the plane to crash you cumwad!" Shifty said while snatching the phone from him and turning it off.

Cuddles and giggles were in the row behind lifty and shifty. "Ahhh… Isn't this gonna be a great vacation cuddles?" Giggles said while snuggling against cuddles. "yeah especially when you're going to Hawaii for a whole two weeks! You know how much surfing I get done?!" Cuddles said excitingly. "We didn't come for surfing we came for a fun romantic vacation to celebrate our 1 year anniversary as a couple!" Giggles said while her voice calmed down.

"I'm getting tired I'm goin' to sleep so don't bother me lifty." Shifty said yawning as he tried to recline the seat. "Um shifty there's two people behind us you can't recline" Lifty said. "Oh yeah watch me!" Shifty said back. He pushed back his seat and reclined at the same time. Giggles was behind shifty felling the seat slowly crushing her leg. "Hey dickwad! Do you mind? There's people behind you so why don't you put your seat back up" Giggles snarled at shifty.

"Easy lady! Don't be such a bitch about it" Shifty said while putting up his seat. "Hey that's my girlfriend you're talking to" Cuddles said out of nowhere. "You wanna start something you little peachy rabbit!" Shifty yelled at him. "Hey! Break it up! You green raccoon with the fedora go sit over there" the flight attendant said while separating the two raccoons from each other. Shifty took a seat behind Flippy and Flaky, and lifty took a seat behind petunia.

"I'm glad those two jackasses are gone" Cuddles said in relief "I'm going to the bath room giggles okay?" Cuddles got up and left. Disco bear who was in the row next to giggles. He smoothly got up and slid over giggles , putting his arms around her. "Hey baby wanna take walk on the wild side?" Disco bear said in his signature smooth voice. "No thanks, I'd rather be in a plane crash and get stranded on an island than be with you!" She said slapping him.

(We now go back to flippy and flaky at the moment.) Suddenly, a loud thunder clap occurred. "Uh folks were experiencing some mild turbulence please put your seatbelts on." The pilot's voice said through the intercom . Everyone did as they were told. "Flippy, I'm not so sure about this what if the plane crashes?" Flaky said timidly. "Flaky listen to me, I know this seems like I'm agreeing to what you're saying but, I love you and even if the plane crashes remember I'll always be with you." Flippy kissed flaky on her lips. (that was her reassurance)

Then, another thunder clap occurred and lightning struck, soon the turbulence became unbearable people were being bashed against the windows and blood splattered. Lifty hid under his seat, shifty did the same, Giggles ran into the bathroom with cuddles and locked the door (that's the best thing to do during times like this, trust me) Toothy stole someone's hardhat and put it on, Disco bear hid under his seat as well. But flippy used his body as a shield to protect flaky.

Now the plane was swirling out of control, Screams and babies crying were heard throughout the plane. Flaky somehow managed to look out side the window, seeing a rather large island . Everyone screamed. BOOM! A loud crash made a loud earthquake-like eruption.

Flippy and flaky were still alive searching for survivors, but it was no use, battered and bloody half bodies covered everywhere making the chances of find a survivor really slim. Flaky opened the bath room door to see cuddles and giggles with minor scratches on then hugging each other. "Are we dead?" Cuddles said delusionally (I k now that's not a word but hey!) "No you're not, come with me." Flaky said extending her hand out to them.

Cuddles and giggles were walking around the wrecked plane when they heard mumbling. "Who's that?" Giggles said fearfully. Cuddles went past her and looked under seat to see the two raccoon he got into a fight with. "Ughh, why are they still alive?" Cuddles said to giggles. "Cuddles these people are survivors of the crash we must help them!" Giggles pulled lifty and shifty up from under the seats the both of them sustained mild injuries to their face and back.

"Hey guys check out what's over here!" Flippy said to the small crowd of 5 people. They walked over to find petunia, completely unharmed. Shifty was the first one to rush to the scene. He held her head up and felt her neck. " she's unconscious" Shifty took her up and held her in his hands. "Ahhaaahaa!" Everyone turned around to hear the hysterical laughing of nutty who was pulling himself from under his seat. Did everybody hide under their seats? Flippy thought. "Okay new theory, check under all the seats for survivors." Flippy ordered.

Soon every seat was checked, and disco bear and toothy were the last ones found. "Is that everybody Flippy asked. "Yes that's it the rest is all battered bodies." Nutty said surprisingly in a calm matter, without his candy he was pretty much sober. "Good" Every jumped down from the huge hole on the side of the plane. "Where are we?" Toothy asked. "I don't know but where ever this is, I can tell nobody can hear or see us in a long time" Flippy said.