Author has written 2 stories for NCIS. Hello to all who are taking the time to view this profile. Umm... Not exactly sure what to write here. I guess that I could start with the fact that I had no idea what fan fiction even was until I stumbled onto this site. The first real fandom that I followed was NCIS. I had loved the show for quite some time and found that some of the stories on the site were better than some of the episodes and after that I was hooked. Since that time I have written a story or two. One was completed by myself while the other I let someone take it over. I started Lateral Move fully with the intention to finish but at that time the show itself was starting to lose my interest. That and the fact that they seemed to make Tony dumber, less capable and downright unpleasant to even watch. So I let someone who still had a love for NCIS take over which worked out pretty well. Even though I do still watch the show and read the fanic's. While on my little hiatus I started looking into other fandoms. I had read a few of the Harry Potter books at the time and checked into that fandom. What I found was an immense group of fans who were particularly gifted. In this particular fandom my favorite character is Ron. He is the everyman at least in my opinion. He and Hermione are my couple (Jeez... I'm a 31 year old male and still feel like a 13 year old girl when I say that) and read mostly stories centered around them but truth be told I also read Ron/other's. Doesn't really matter as long as it's a girl and it's well written. I find Draco, Harry, Severus, Remus, Sirius, Blaise, any Weasley besides Ron/Hermione to be just ridiculous. I barely remember Blaise from the books so I don't even know how or why he is put with Hermione so much, the same goes for Theodore Nott or any Slytherin/deatheater for that matter. Dragon Age has also become on of my favorite fandoms. There is such a wide open world to work with and so many Warden combinations that it makes almost anything possible. I guess my favorite character here would have to go along with my own play through of the game. Male Rogue Aedan Cousland. Of course those are hard to find because of the aforementioned combinations given the game, but as long as it's a Male Cousland I'll live. I suppose the only problem I have with this fandom, if it's even a problem really, is the lack of good male Cousland heterosexual stories. A surprise couple that I hadn't even considered before has me intrigued though. Male Cousland/Bethany Hawke. I wasn't even aware Bethany could become a warden until I read some stories here. Mass Effect is another Bioware game that I enjoy reading about. Again probably no surprise but Male Shepard is my pick for reading. I have no established ship for this game because all the female romantic possibilities are good. For the most part I read MShep/Tali or MShep/Jack although the other girls are good as well. As long as it's a good story. Even though I have been reading fanfic's for awhile now I am still lost with some of the acronyms people use. OOC and AU I get but OTP and a few others have stumped me. I do have certain pet peeves when it comes to reading fics though. I don't really consider myself a snobby reader or anything but some things just annoy me. Length: I will never read a drabble. I am sure that some of these are great but if it is under 1000 words I won't read it. Even multi-chaptered fic's I wont read if the chapters are under 1000. If there are 8 chapters and only 6000 words I wont even open it. I am not a grammar Nazi or anything but if I open a chapter and the entire story is in one block I close it immediately. Same goes for it being in bold or italics. Punctuation doesn't really bother me too much but if it is crazy out of hand I'm backin out. And nothing annoys me more than misplaced stories, though this seems to happen in the Harry Potter fandom more than the others. I can't count the times I have started to read a Ron/Hermione story only for it to turn a 180 and end up being a Harry/Hermione or Draco/Hermione. Put your stories where they belong. Don't dupe people into reading something they really don't want to read. I am currently developing stories for all of the fandoms above (if you have any questions about them drop me a line) and hopefully will begin writing again soon. But don't expect any posting for awhile. I plan to completely finish a story before I post it. That's about it yall. Thanks for droppin by. |