For the Future

She stood at the edge of the graveyard, holding a single blue flower in her hand. Blue was her mother's favorite color and the color of her eyes - eyes, that she had inherited from her. She stood silently there for a long time. She closed her blue eyes and she sighed deeply, setting the flower on the gravestone.

"Oy, what are you doin' there?" A voice called and she turned to see a man a few years her elder, standing there and staring at her as if it were so hard to see what she was doing. He had tan skin and auburn colored locks, pulled away from his face.

"I'm not in the state of mind to deal with you and your shite, John" She glanced back at her mother's grave.

"Jack" He snapped, coming closer. "And ain't you a scary one, Miss Rebecca Read? Always so sharp with that tongue of yours! Perhaps I outta pluck it right out of your pretty little mouth"

"What would you know about my "pretty little mouth", John?" She asked, making sure to empathize that she called him John instead of Jack. His eyes narrowed a bit. They had known each other for ten years now and she had hated him for most of them.

"Not much, because you keep it closed." He huffed. He was a womanizer. He like lots of women, lots of different women and she would not be a part of that. "Anyway, I came here because I heard you were leaving our little sanctuary, for good"

"I am sailing for colder waters, that is true" She turned to him, all the way around at last. She put her hands on her hips, her wrist blades glinting. "Why do you care, John Rackham?"

"Jack" He snapped again, his green eyes narrowing. He wanted to say more but he busied himself playing with his own wrist blades. They were both Assassins, she was raised and he had become one when he had come to this island ten years ago. She supposed that should have made them friends but they couldn't stand each other most days.

"What does it matter to you, Jack?"

"Well, I was wondering where you were going and what you were doing?" He began to pace back and forth in front of her. "So, I asked our Mentor and he wouldn't tell me nothing. Told me if I had to know, go talk to you. Most days I rather eat glass, but I was curious."

"Why, do you tire of these water as well?"

"I do" And his answer surprised Rebecca. "I really do and I want to come with you"

"Why? So you can make my life hell for another ten years?"

"No, because I want to get away from here. So where are you going?"

She hesitated, not knowing what to tell him. She turned back to her mother's grave. It said Elizabeth Read-Kenway on it. Kenway was her grandfather's name, Read was her grandmother's. She had gone by Elizabeth Read for the last years of her life, because it had been sager. Rebecca remembered that she had told her about an Uncle, her older brother, whom was a Templar, who had sent her here, to the West Indies. She had found the Assassins here and given birth to Rebecca here. She had grown up here, among the Assassins and sailors and well…

She wanted to leave. She needed to leave.

She had to find her Uncle, she had to find answers. Her mother always told her of her grandparents, the great Edward Kenway and Mary Read. The people here, including their Mentor who had known both Edward and Mary, had stories of the two of them. Pirates and Assassins, they were two of the most deadly and legendary people who had ever sailed in the West Indies. Rebecca did not want to follow in their footstep. Nor did she want to follow in her mother's and hide most of her life. No, she had a different idea in mind for her life.

"I heard that the Templars wiped out most of the Colonial Assassins some years ago. I plan to go and help them restore themselves." She turned back to John. He was supposedly the grandson of Calico Jack Rackham and his lover, Anne Bonny. Both of those people had known her grandmother and grandfather. He was named after his grandfather, as his father before him.

"And you plan to go up there and just be a hero, eh?" He asked and then he spat on the ground. "You're a damn fool, Becca"

"Up your arse, Rackham" She hissed at him, jabbing a finger at him. "I'm not going to be a hero. I'm going to help other Assassins. I'm going to get away from this place. There isn't a thing here for me. There hasn't been for four years."

He was silent for a moment, and the he turned away, crossing his arms over his chest. He was silent another moment and she wondered if he had finished saying what he wanted to say. She began to walk past him but he grabbed her arm. She yanked it out of his grip and turned fast to face him.

"I'd like to go with you"

"What?" She snapped.

"I need a change of scenery, myself. I'm going with you, Bec" She hated when he called her that and she narrowed her eyes at him. He smiled, content with annoying her. "When do we leave?"

She couldn't decide if he were joking or not so she walked away, fuming. He laughed and ran after her, asking once more when they would leave. She wondered if anyone else knew what it was to have an annoying and stubborn man dogging them like a puppy in love. She smiled gently to herself though, a new future awaited her. A new future, with new hopes, new dreams and hopefully a happy ending.

A/N: Okay! This is the happy ending, here. Yes, Mary Read died, but I couldn't think of a way to end it that made me personally happy and kept the story slightly more canon without killing both Mary and Edward. The original plan was to let Mary live, but she would have just been a shell, going through the motions without Edward. Worse, to know her son was taken by a Templar would have destroyed her. It was a kindness to let Mary die. The promised happy ending is not that Mary died, but that her legacy lived on in her daughter, Elizabeth and then her granddaughter, Rebecca. The cycle goes on, even without Mary there.

So, that's it. This is the last chapter. I kind of don't know what to do with myself now. Though I won't lie, I have another Mary and Edward story in the works. Probably won't be long until that pops up too. I may write some one shots in my down time and perhaps I may return to Rebecca and John. Would you guys like to see their story as well? Read on the legacy of the great Mary Read? I'll pop a poll up and you guys take a vote. Let me know.

Thank you all for reading. Thank you to those who have been here since the start, thank you to those who came along the way. Thank you for your support of Mary Read and her lover, Edward Kenway. Without you guys, I don't think I ever would have finished their tale half as fast as I did or half as well. You guys are amazing. Thank you, really. Thank you. I hope to see you again and if anyone has any lingering questions, leave a review, shoot me a message or email. I'll try to answer you all if I can. Thank you, once more and have a blessed day.