Author has written 2 stories for Only the Ring Finger Knows, and Harry Potter. Hi, there! I will not say I am new to fanfic, as I tried my hand at it years and years ago but never got myself to finish anything. However, this is my first time to begin writing for people other than my close friends. So please, be gentle! Constructive criticism on anything is ALWAYS welcome, but flaming just makes me laugh. I am in love with slash. Nothing hotter than two hot guys. Hmm...Ironic though considering I'm a lesbian. Go figure? Anyway, I don't spend a lot of time writing fanfic as I do enjoy writing original works, but occasionally inspiration might strike. You'll see the results of it pop up here. My two favorite fandoms right now are Only the Ring Finger Knows (both the manga and the novels) and Harry Potter. I am completely in love with Harry/Draco pairings in just about any combination I can get them. sighs Once upon a time I was a huge Sailor Moon geek, too. In fact that's where I cut my teeth in writing. However, that was years ago. I enjoy reading humor or complete fluff as well as Dark!fic, which means sometimes there are elements of both in my writing. shrugs It's just who I am. Anyway, I have no real beta readers at the moment, so anything I do post will be beta'd by myself or by close friends. I am looking for anyone interested in taking on the challenge, though! Shoot me a message or leave a note in a review and I'll get back to you! ~Alida UPDATE I owe a GIGANTIC apology to those of you following "A Second Life"...The story has not been completely abandoned, but it definitely went on a longer than intended break. I stopped writing regularly due to the time constraints of graduate school and whatnot, and right around the time I FINALLY had some time for writing something other than papers or applications to Ph.D. programs, I found myself in a relationship and just haven't had the same desire to write that I had for a long time. I don't plan on this project just disappearing, but I also won't promise that it'll ever be finished. I'm just not the same person I was when I started it. I am actually re-reading it now, getting a sense of the story again, and if all goes according to plan I'll have a new chapter up in the relatively near future. For those still holding out for it, thanks for your patience! I hope I don't continue to let you all down! |
Anna Fugazzi (32) | Digitallace (53) | Lomonaaeren (598) |