Reviews for The Burden of Memory
Guest chapter 14 . 10/27/2018
I find Hermione so amusing in this. She’s like this little trouble maker. I love it lmao
Pulcotinette chapter 1 . 5/10/2017
Hello ! Well that is a fic as good as Ten Steps ! I dont know who came up with that plot but i would like to kiss him/her on both cheaks.
The beginning was really cool, but i felt a bit as if Harry was doing everythibg he could not to meet Malfoy. But the meeting made it worth the waiting ! Why was Draco afraid by his parents ? They never touched him. But maybe because they represented Voldemort ? I move the whole Lara-Henry thing. And the riddle between Harry and Henry (it was comfusing enough !). Hermionz disappointed me at first but then you made her back to normal and i liked her. I liked the new couple you made ! I feel like the end was a bit rushed though. I would have liked to have more Umbridge or more dark wizards or more suffering before the final happiness ! And i want to start something that would go like thatNothing in your life would be more awkward than" and you fill in the blank, like "nothing in your life will be more awkward than Harry casually eating roasted pheasant in Malfoy Manor" or "than Harry and Draco using themselves as porn". You know ? Okay, that's enough for today ! Have a good end of whenever you're reading this ! Thanks !
Hotaru no Kaori chapter 24 . 5/9/2017
This is an interesting, captivant, well-writter, great stort!
MissMJS chapter 24 . 4/6/2017
Awww, now this was just adorable!
Absolutely lovely story!
Although, there was one loose end that you forgot to wrap up (and of course it's most likely that you'll never even read my review, it being years later now, but I still want to voice my thoughts xD) and that is the fact Lucius killed Lara's mom and nothing more was done about that 'little' tidbit?

Other than that, just a lovely story!
sapphire80 chapter 24 . 5/5/2016
really liked this story but felt the end was slightly rushed but overall very nice! one thing thou is the ready acceptance from Draco's parents... as much as I know this story would never happen (i wish!) haha and obviously taking creative license with everything, that last bit was really too much cx no way especially after that comment from Lucius early on when he expressed disdain for Lara would he readily accept Harry for marriage, that's like a double whammy, getting hitched to a man and no heir? just my two cents, other than that everything else was more or less plausible cx
PerdidoKitsune chapter 9 . 5/17/2015
Awwwww! the ending was such an aww moment that i literary put my hand on my cheek and the other over my heart.
Robotboy chapter 24 . 5/9/2015
you never disappoint 3
Robotboy chapter 12 . 5/8/2015
i did so not like that veritaserum questioning :S
Robotboy chapter 4 . 5/8/2015
uhm.. the wait is not interesting or anything. just very annoying. :]
Robotboy chapter 1 . 5/8/2015
wait what. lily didn't have a brother.
-snaps fingers-

ok im over it
Guest chapter 16 . 4/26/2015
in the previous chapter, harry said that he wanted draco to do the fucking... and now it's the other way round. just thought that it was a bit weird... chapter 4 . 9/9/2014
Sometimes you can be a real jerk! *sob* will "Dorian" remember Harry?! The suspense is killing me! chapter 1 . 9/9/2014
I like the story line so far.., that just does not happen. Family members just happen to live in the same building as you? I wish!
InkedBaby chapter 24 . 7/31/2014
Is this one of your older stories? I didn't look at the date, but it just seems like it'd be older to me? i really loved the plot and I loved that you gave Harry a family. It was a little strange to read Draco's parents urging him not to hurt Harry in the memories, but it was a nice twist.
The engagement in the beginning was strange, as was the fact that Lara would stop talking to Harry over it, when she wasn't even in love with Draco.
I loved that Hermione and Ron weren't together, but I always think its a little strange when two people find relationships in the same friend group, or in this case family.
The concept of Voldemort killing of muggle families with magic in their bloodline was actually a really interesting way to look at it, that makes so much sense.
I loved Draco in this, i loved that from the beginning he just knew that he didn't hate Harry. I feel like his fear around his parents went a little unexplained though. i would understand discomfort, but the fear was strange.
So i definitely loved this, it wasn't one of my favorite stories that you've written, but it was definitely great.
GlambertMatt chapter 24 . 3/3/2014
Just read this one today and I must say that I am impressed, you have some really awesome stories, and this one was really unique. Loved it.

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