A/N: Here is Part Three, will not say anything more. Oh, except that it is written in first person. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts. Not the characters or anything. So dere.

- Love is Comatose -

Darkness. Silence. Nothing.

I opened my eyes, or at least tried to. Pain shot through my head for a moment, and then a slit of light invaded my view as my eyes struggled to open and adjust.

Bright light. Noises. Too much.

My eyes opened further and I saw Kairi Haruki, standing by my bedside, eyes closed, dried tears on her cheeks. I tried to speak, but I couldn't. Then I raised my hand, slowly and shakily, to touch her arm.

She didn't seem to quite notice my touch at first, but then her violet-blue eyes opened slowly, and her gaze wandered up to my eyes. Her eyes widened, and she gasped.

"You're…awake?" she exclaimed, reaching up with shaking hands to touch my face. I smiled weakly at her and reached up to touch her hand.

Just then, a doctor came in; one whose tag told me his name: Dr. Hiroshi. He smiled down at me and approached. I just noticed it all, the hospital bed, the white room, the monitors and machines I was hooked up to…I don't remember any of it.

"Finally awake, huh?" the man said as he checked the monitors and machines. He nodded and sighed. "Your vitals all check out, looks like you'll make a full recovery."

"Excuse me, but when did this all happen?" I asked in a quiet, cracked voice.

The doctor smiled down at me and spoke. "You've been in a coma for three months now. You were in a car accident, and you sustained head injuries and a few bad bruises."

My eyes widened as I tried to take all of this in. I was in a coma? I don't remember the accident or anything…

Kairi smiled down at me again, and the doctor went to the door. "I'll be back in a while with some more test results. Glad to have you back."

And with that, he went out the door and left me with a beaming Kairi. I rubbed my head shakily and breathed in deeply.

"Wow. That's a lot to take in." I said quietly.

She nodded. "It'll be alright now, I promise. You may need to stay for an extra day or so because of some final tests, but after that, you can go home and just take it easy. We can try to get back to normal."

"Alright." I said shortly, I really didn't know what else to say.

She wrapped me into a gentle but tight hug and I wrapped my arms around her, glad to see my best friend again.

"I'm so glad you're okay." she said quietly.

I closed my eyes and relaxed there, trying not to think at all. When I did so, my eyes shot open.

"Wait…where's Riku?"


"Sora! Please, calm down!" Kairi shrieked and jumped back as I turned over the table and cried out again.

"Why?" I yelled as I continued to pound my hands on the wall.

"It wasn't your fault!" she tried, tears falling down her cheeks.

"Why not me? It should have been me!" I yelled before I felt my knees weaken, and I slid to the floor, burying my head into my hands and more tears poured down my cheeks.

Kairi came over to me and knelt down, pulling me into her arms while I sobbed helplessly.

Riku… I love you so much…


The wind felt like it went right through me. I didn't bother to wrap my coat any tighter around me as I made my way across the lawn to my destination.

I looked grimly at the stones I passed, looking for that one name. My eyes found their way to it, at last.

A black granite cross weighed heavily on the ground, and on my heart, as I stared at the name on it.

"Riku Hakumei…" I whispered, barely audible to even my own ears.

"Passed in a tragic car accident." I read with numb lips. I felt the first warm tear slide down my cheeks.

I read the next line, silently in my aching head, and I felt more tears run down my face. I kissed one of the red roses I held in my hand, and I placed the bouquet onto the grave of the only person I have ever, or will ever love.

"I'll always love you, Riku." I whispered, and turned as my words were carried away with the wind. I could only hope that the angels would carry them up to his ears.


Riku Hakumei

Passed in a tragic car accident.

"Love never perishes."

A/N: Ah, a twist to finish it all off. Hope you all liked it, even though the tombstone was not very realistic. Meh, it was custom. :P See you all next time!