![]() Author has written 1 story for Medaka Box/めだかボックス. On MT: Ah. Yes. What to say about myself? Like what I assume to be the majority of people on this site, I enjoy good writing, and keep coming back here for the gems one will inevitably stumble upon if they persevere. I have been reading works on the internet for a few years now, so I like to think I can spot a good one by this point. That's probably just hubris though. Personally? I like to travel, I like to read, and I'm an English Major who keeps one copy each of Strunk and White's The Elements of Style (Fourth Edition) and Lynne Truss's Eats, Shoots & Leaves on his bedside table. Which probably tells you more about me than any one sentence really should. If you haven't guessed already, when I'm not writing fanfiction, I'm writing dull and uninspired bios. My fanfiction however is neither dull nor uninspired (as far as fanfiction can be inspired). That's right, reader. I'm saying it. Don't believe me? Have a read and leave a review. See? Now I'm issuing you a challenge as well. Factoid: Back in the day I used the pen name "Mister Trickster", because I thought a two part pseudonym that rhymed was the height of wit. I have grown up a bit since then, and have adopted the moniker "MyosotisTeal". So if you come across anyone referring to a "Mister Trickster" on this site, they are probably talking about me. Unless they are saying something uncomplimentary, in which case I am sure they mean someone else. Shameless Self-Promotion: I highly doubt my profile gets frequented by very many fans of the web series RWBY, but for any who do stumble onto my little corner of the interweb, there is this really popular fanfic for the series called Zodiac by a chap named inkbender. He, me, and ten other writers got together and collaboratively wrote up the story's twenty-fifth chapter. So if you'd like to read more of my writing and you're all caught up on World As Myth, you can go check that out. You can also read the first twenty-four chapters written exclusively by inkbender, who is an excellent—not as good as me of course, but pretty close—wordsmith himself. On Review Replies: Every writer loves getting reviews (whether or not they're the objective of writing), and I'm no exception. When someone takes the initiative to hit that button at the bottom of the page and tell me what they thought, I consider it only polite to reply, even if my response is nothing more than a simple "thank you" for reading. On the other hand, if you're going to review, I would appreciate it if you took that little extra initiative to write more than "I like it" and tell me to update quickly (these are the reviews that only get a "thank you for reading" reply). Pick something you like. Find something that needs work. Make a prediction. Ask a question. The more you put in your review, the more I put in my reply. Note: If you come across any spelling/grammar/typographical errors, please make me aware. My obsessive-compulsive streak is usually pretty good at weeding them out before I submit a chapter to the site, but I don't catch them all every time. |