![]() Author has written 6 stories for Avatar: Last Airbender. Hello! Okay, so some things about me...hmm...? Gender: Female Other boring stuff: I have a full-time job and dealing with other responsibilities, so I have to warn you that my updates will be slow sometimes. Other links: Please note that (except for Favorite Colors) I won't be posting any adult content on this website in order to give those who don't like smut the chance to read. You can read the smutty, lemony chapters of my stories here: http :// archiveofourown. org/users/ alwaysZutarian/ pseuds/alwaysZutarian (just take out the spaces). I decided to delete my accounts/stories from AFF and PaperDemon. You can also find me in my deviant account: htttp://alwayszutarian. deviantart. com/. And also in my livejournal account: http:// alwayszutarian. livejournal. com/ (though I rarely go on it. Heh.) Things I hate: Flamers. Seriously, flames are just so immature. It's fine if you don't like something, but it's just plain rude when you disrespect another person's stories when they have been working hard on them. I’m referring, of course, to that person who wrote a tumblr post bashing MHBFY and another person who did so on her blog. Not everybody thinks that way you do, like I obviously don’t. I’m not going to change my views, ideals, and thoughts just to please you. And also to those who support these people’s views by writing hurtful words criticizing my writing. You don’t like my story, fine. I can’t please everybody anyway. However, I would like to see you write a perfect story, which I'm sure many of you can't even piece a decent one together. You know what other thing I hate? Mai, from AtLA. Can't stand her and I don't get how people could say she's a beauty, but whatever, that's their opinion. I just have to warn you that if she appears in any of my stories, there's gonna be some bashing. Just saying since I know some people like her. I respect other people's views and so I expect others to respect mine. Oh, and the pairings in AtLA that I really can't stand are Kataang and Maiko. Heh. I just can’t see how it would work out. Things I like: I love to read! Whether they are fanfiction stories or actual novels or even things from the back of the cereal box. I love all of Jane Austen's novels especially Pride and Prejudice (Mr. Darcy is so damn dreamy!) and Sense and Sensibility. I also like to read romance novels. *blushes* Heh. (In case you haven't noticed yet, I am a big hopeless romantic! Haha!) I like anything related to legends and myths so I really enjoy Greek and Roman mythology. What else? Hmm? Well, I'm obsessed with chocolate (gotta have it every day!) and of course Zutara fanfics! Since the very beginning of the "Avatar: the Last Airbender" series I fell in love with the Zutara pairing and I was devastated and upset when it ended with Kataang and Maiko. Ew. That's why I decided to write a Zutara fic of my own. At first, I was reluctant to write one, but I kept getting ideas in my head of what would make a great story every time I saw a movie or heard a song. And so, here I am! Fanart for My Heart Burns for You: http:// heidalim. tumblr. com/image/107312175632 by Alimheidi/heidalim -Chapter 3 http:// diamondkitty1979. deviantart. com/art/My-Heart-Burns-for-You-267575262 by diamondkitty -Chapter 3 http:// s42. /user/jadedfaerie/media/scan0009-2. jpg.html by zomniac -Chapter 20 Loneliness by Chibinelly -Chapter 20 http:// zutaraipom4444. deviantart. com/art/Katara-outfit-208391596 by zutaraipom4444 -Chapter 21 http:// zutarart. deviantart. com/art/Don-t-Die-on-Me-314283199 by ZuTarart -Chapter 23 (First Version) http:// zutarart.deviantart. com/art/Don-t-Die-on-Me-467375887 by ZuTarart -Chapter 23 (Second version) You Need to Know by caspasta -Chapter 24 Mine by zutara4ever35 -Chapter 29 http://artsytam. tumblr. com/post/97939563864/smexy-zutara-dedicated-to-alwayszutarians-my by artsytam -Chapter 32 http://denisha190. deviantart. com/art/Zutara-Necklace-288669940 by denisha190 -Chapter 35 (Betrothal Necklace) Shattered Passion by CrueFan21 http://chibinelly. deviantart. com/art/My-heart-burns-for-you-180113977?q=sort&qo=1 by Chibinelly http://caspasta. tumblr. com/image/51271727260 by caspasta http://jinoratheairbender. tumblr. com/post/113074794064/my-heart-burns-for-you-alwayszutarian-fanfiction by JinoraTheAirbender If you would like to do fanart for any of my stories, let me know so I can admire your work and post the link here for everybody else to admire :) Translations: Un gran plan by Zutara Taisho (Spanish version of A Good Plan) Awards: My Heart Burns for You won Best ATLA Fanfic in the ATLA Awards! [Link] |