Author has written 53 stories for Doctor Who, Torchwood, Sonny with a Chance, Vampire Diaries, Alice, 2009, Rurouni Kenshin, Rave Master, Harry Potter, and Glee.
Hey! Welcome to my profile!
I'm Scifigeek14 or Kim
I am currently studying at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor undergrad and going for an English Major.
My favorite color is purple or green
My fave Holiday is Halloween
I love to write, read, paint, sing, draw, dance, take and edit photos, and play the piano.
And I have 2 cats!
Come and say hi.
Oh and I make fan art! Ask user, Clef Longfellow about it. (also check out her work cause she is amazing!)
BAD WOLF HUNT: Do you know all the times that Bad Wolf is seen or heard in Season One? I do!
"Rose" (Doesn't have one)
"End of the World" The Moxx of Balhoon is talking to the Face of Boe. MOXX OF BALHOON: ...this is the Bad Wolf scenario..
"Unquiet Dead" GWYNETH:The things you've seen... the darkness.. the Big Bad Wolf!
"Aliens of London/World War Three" A young boy spray-paints "BAD WOLF" on the side of the TARDIS.
"Dalek"The call sign for Henry van Statten's helicopter is "Bad Wolf One".
"The Long Game" CATHICA:And over on the Bad Wolf channel, the Face of Boe has just announced he's pregnant.
"Father's Day" A poster advertising a rave in 1987 has the words "BAD WOLF" defacing it.
"The Empty Chld/ The Doctor Dances" The bomb that Captain Jack rides is labelled "SCHLECHTER WOLF", which translates to "Bad Wolf" in German.
"Boom Town" THE DOCTOR:Blaidd Drwg. ROSE:What's it mean? THE DOCTOR:Bad Wolf. ROSE:But I've heard that before, Bad Wolf. I've heard that lots of times... THE DOCTOR:Everywhere we go. Two words. Following us. Bad Wolf.
"Bad Wolf/Parting of Ways" (kind of obvious)