Reviews for Wild Cards & Gambits
fruitsmoothy chapter 31 . 5/14/2015
10/10 :) took me longer to read through this one, but that's just cause life got busy. I love the universe you have created! Can't wait to read illusions and destinies to see where the story goes! And to see what happened to Jack!
silverbranches chapter 31 . 6/19/2013
Is it weird that I could hear that last line in the Queen's voice? I suppose that shows just how great you have the characyerizations down! As always, great job on this story, and I'm so happy that this story didn't lose its greatness, as oftentimes many sequels do. Now I'll have to start reading Illusions and Destinies!
Mycha chapter 31 . 10/23/2012
I absolutely loved this story! I ended up reading the last 10 chapters last night back to back, crying in at least 3 of them. You do such a good job with your descriptions, explanations, and extra world building. Absolutely beautiful.

That said, I have to say, "you are mean" in this cliff hanger! At least there is another 'book' to this trilogy (so far).
AngelofPrey chapter 31 . 2/26/2012
Oh my god, you are evil.

You literally had me on the edge of my seat reading this, and therefore this is really really, and I mean really good, but still bloody evil.

I've got a paper due tomorrow and I'm going to have to read at least the first three chapters of the next part before I can even think about working on it without being completely distracted.

Seriously though, I loved this as much as Of Tea and Chess, and as sadistic as this may sound, I did love you're forays into the darker parts of Hatter's madness, and I think I like Chesh even more in this one. I still can't praise you highly enough. There are so many aspects to this story that I just loved, and I usually don't go for baby!fic or for stories where a parent of a main character is dead but not really, but you've pulled both off in a very satisfying way, therefore I applaud you, and will now mosey over to the next part of your saga and hopefully ease my poor pounding heart a little before working on the things I'm supposed to be doing. Thank you again for such an enjoyable read.
KLCtheBookWorm chapter 31 . 7/22/2011
Oh good William is still alive (if the White Rabbit remnants actually know how to take care of a baby, but I'd learn quick). I can hope that Hatter and Alice get some time to recover, especially Hatter, before the next round of fighting.
scubagurl22 chapter 30 . 7/19/2011 Yea that's the only response I have to that. Really glad I waited till I had another chapter to read. Moving along now.
Geminii524 chapter 31 . 7/11/2011
Wait. What? Epilogue? *GAH!* For one astounded moment, I couldn’t even think what was going on here. Then I read your note at the end *whew*.

Onward to review!...

Twisting, turning, trembling…It’s like the manor is trying to escape itself, by twisting and turning ever more erratically to get away from the fire? Or to smother it somehow?

The crows to the rescue again! Attacking Selena (I hope) and saving those precious books. I wonder if the conservatory will somehow protect itself?

Ahwww. I loved that little gesture Hatter made: “Hatter gripping her tighter to keep her from falling.” Just the way he did back in Port town with the earthquakes. See – he IS in there, even if he is mostly comatose. It was something tangible for Alice too.

Pidge and Charlie to the rescue! And not a moment too soon. When Hatter collapses, I started thinking that it is more than a physical collapse. His lack of response to anyone shows, I think, that he can now allow himself to shut down and gather his sanity back. He is safe in the arms of Alice and now, hopefully, he can find his way out of his dark, mad mind and back to her. Just when I thought I might breath a sigh of relief, Alice collapses in agony. Dear heavens, be careful with that itty bitty baby.

And Hatter’s lack of response to his mother’s voice? Hardly! I was on the edge of my seat for this passage…Hatter's head suddenly jerked and twitched, and he started shivering violently. I think that’s a pretty drastic reaction from a man who is more than half comatose. Can’t wait to read more on that!

Trust the Queen of Hearts to be behind it all. Did she seem a bit gleeful that her own son had been “taken care of”? Holy crap, she can rival Selena in evilness. I am SO looking forward to Illusions and Destinies :)
SciFiGeek14 chapter 31 . 7/10/2011
ahhhh what happens next! Dx

i love this story!
saegrave chapter 21 . 7/6/2011
Okay, I just have to say you are an awesome writer. Thank you so much for this tale.
Alaina Downs chapter 31 . 7/4/2011
Oh wow, what a great epilogue and I'm so excited that you're going to be continuing this story! Yay! :) I can't wait to find out what happens next!
Geminii524 chapter 30 . 7/3/2011
This chapter showed up just as I was getting ready for a rather long road trip! Popped it right onto my Kindle and I was all ready to go! Then I read it several times, and I think this is one of your most powerful chapters yet (and it certainly helps that this one ends in the reunion we have all been waiting for).

Selena seems to be distracted and underestimating the tasks at hand. She unhappily realizes she has very little control over Hatter. The weather is unsettled and stormy and just as creepy as the exhausted, half starved Hatter is. the manor is indeed disguising and protecting itself to confuse Selena and her cohorts. The whirlwind of books in the library was brilliant! Then when Tot asks: “Just… have... have you seen where the Hatter has gone?" Tsk, tsk Selena – dangerous to underestimate (and lose) your opponent!

I smiled to see the blue tulips popping up all around Hatter. I remember those tulips from one of the beginning chapters, explaining Alice’s power and how her glow affects those around her. This is the first evidence trying to wiggle into Hatter’s mind that Alice is really alive and nearby.

Alice’s rescue plan unfolded … and whether aware of it or not, hit Hatter with everything she had, including Chesh, who was so happy to torment Hatter again :). The sight of Alice, so haunting at the top of the stairs, the memories in the mirrors (I loved that you used bits of OT&C and the movie!), the feel of her and her glow that creeps up his arm to sooth him, the surprising bite by the gryphon tattoo, the smell of her lavender scent, the startling sound of her voice. All meant to wrap him up in her and bring him back. Brilliant!

The actual physical fight between them was riveting, like watching a car crash – you don’t want it to happen, but you cannot tear your eyes away.. It was terrible to read how intent Hatter was on killing her and she was doing everything she could to just disable him. Her defeat was almost heartbreaking, as she dropped the gun and whispered "I could never hurt you, Hatter. Not before, not now, not ever. I love you too much." In the final moments, just as I was letting out my breath and getting a little misty to read Hatter’s cracked voice whispering “Alice…” those horrible Doctors Dee & Dum showed up! But it was too late, Hatter had found his Alice at last. I must say, I was SO glad to see them die so gruesomely.

One last note… For several long, agonizing chapters poor Hatter has been tortured to the edge of collapse. Now that he has Alice, and a glimmer of sanity, please give him some bread and a bed. He needs it so badly.
g chapter 31 . 7/2/2011
well hell, talk about a cliffhanger, and a good one at that. looking forward to the sequel.
Rose of Zakarisz chapter 31 . 7/2/2011
I just about had a heart attack when I saw the word Epilogue... hehehe, but I see now. I'm looking forward to the next piece of the puzzle.
Inkyfingerstoo chapter 31 . 7/1/2011
You nearly killed me! I literally screeched out WHAT? when I saw the title for Chapter 31.

What an absolute delight this was. Well, delight might not be the right word considering the trials of each character, but I thoroughly enjoyed this and am an eager beaver for more. Can't wait to Story Alert Illusions & Destinies.

I love when Hatter's mad musings make sense or are precognitive. ("vorpal sword in hand...")

And I was biting my nails in worry about Selena popping up, dagger in hand. whew

And I was thinking this whole chapter that Alice is being putting under WAY too much stress. Think of the baby! Saw that collapse coming a mile away. What's going to happen!

Well Done. Cheers and Champagne for everyone!
britgirlatheart chapter 31 . 6/30/2011
Holy crud! Hope to see the next story soon! Talk about your cliff-hanger!
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