Author has written 40 stories for StarTrek: Enterprise, X-Files, Law and Order: CI, Stargate: SG-1, Power Rangers, Band of Brothers, Supernatural, and Law and Order. Fan fiction and I have been friends for years. I started writing it in 7th grade, started reading it a year or so before that. I've been both a lurker and a participant in many different fandoms over the years. And time flies; I'm now out in the real world with a full-time job. That being said, I deleted several of my unfinished stories from various fandoms that I wrote in my middle school/early high school years that were still left hanging because I lacked real ideas and/or time to complete them. I don't have any copies of them either, sorry. Truthfully, my writing wasn't very good back then. For this reason, please keep in mind of the dates stories were written. Nowadays, my fandom life is on my journal and on comms over at Livejournal. Click the homepage link above for my journal (my LJ profile has the links to where you can find my more recent fan fic). I don't believe I'll be posting here in the near future; I just read stories from time to time. |
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