Author's Notes: Oh my God! It's the conclusion of "Surveillance" already? Jeez…that was fast. Thanks for all the reviews. I really appreciate it. I hope you like the ending. If not, oh well, tell me in a review. Oh, and keep looking around the Law & Order: CI section of this site. More fan fiction by me may just pop up in the near future…



(Where we left off)

At this point, I'm still elsewhere…held captive by Nicole Wallace/ Elizabeth Hitchens. My colleagues are searching for any leads that could help locate me. Deakins was questioning one of the nurse in charge of the floor.

"Hello. I'm Captain Deakins of the police. I need to ask you some questions, Miss…"

"Um…Ms. Jacobs. My name is Ms. Darla Jacobs. What is this about?"

"Did you happen to see a doctor go into that room down the hall?"

"Yes…about an hour ago, I think."

"I believe this person is connected with a crime I'm investigating. Did he or she mention a name or did you see an I.D. badge on them?"

"Um…it was a he. His badge said his name was Dr. Wallace Hitchens."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes…I remember the name so well because I remember thinking that it was a very smart sounding name."

"Thank you, Ms. Jacobs. You have helped a great deal."

Deakins turned away and went down the hall to Eames's room. "That name sounded very familiar…Eames may know the connection."



Unknown abandoned factory

Wallace/Hitchens was still toying with me. This game of hers had been going on for quite awhile now. She had first started by asking a bunch of basic questions like my favorite foods and music. Then, she started to get personal.

"Robert, how many girlfriends have you had?"

"Not many. I didn't have time…also, most women stayed away. They thought I was…"

"Crazy? Dangerous?"

"Yes…my turn. How about you?"

"Quite a large number…men find me quite attractive. Okay, you know, I asked many questions of your mother. What happened to your father?"

"He left us."

"That's all?"

"My turn. Your father molested you. Where was your mother?"

"She was a washed up actress. She was too busy with herself to pay any attention. Robert, your father left you…and your mother was admitted into the hospital. What did you do?"

"I…joined the army."


"Because I didn't know what to do with my life."

"With your intelligence and charm, you would have made a great teacher."

"Thanks…my turn. If you didn't turn to a life of unlawful acts and crime, what would you be doing?"

"Married…with a family."

"In England or Australia?"

"Not sure…I might have wanted to move to America."

"You're here now."

"Not the same."



Eames, being the resourceful and efficient person that she is, was looking into old cases from the hospital computers that she hacked into. After about thirty minutes, Deakins found her out of bed and three floors down from her room.

"What're you doing here, Eames? You are supposed to be in bed resting…upstairs. I gave you an order and you directly disobeyed me. Eames, are you even listening to me?"

"Sir! Did you find anything in your interviews? Did anyone say anything important?"

"A nurse said a Dr. Wallace Hitchens came…"

"Wallace Hitchens! Oh my God! Oh, sorry for disobeying the order, Captain. I just had to help find Bobby. You know he'd do the same for me."

"I know. What have you found?"

"Not much until you mentioned the name of the "doctor". Nicole Wallace AKA Elizabeth Hitchens, the pseudoprofessor of literature from Oxford, she got away. I remember how she played Bobby…how she intrigued him. She's intelligent and crafty enough to pull off all this planning for the scheme. It's her."

"That's good. I just need collaboration."

"Um…Jim Darkly, the scumbag that we arrested a few days ago. He probably knew Hitchens and her plans. We could ask him."

"Detective, what do mean we? You need to stay here."

"But sir! I need to find him!"

Eames then put on a sweet, sad little puppy dogface…the one that I had taught her. Of course, Deakins fell for it.

He then signed her out and they were off to see Jim Darkly.



Major Case Squad

Interrogation Room

"Do you know Elizabeth Hitchens? What is your involvement in this whole plan to kidnap my partner?"

"Who? What plan?"

"Don't play with me, Jim. I'm not in the mood. This has not been a good last few weeks."

"Okay, I know Elizabeth. I met her at this club a few months ago. That's when she started asking me for some favors. She had this elaborate plan to get this cop, your partner. Since she was a controlling little hottie, I did as she asked."

"You didn't even think of the consequences?"

"Consequences? I don't care about that stuff. I think only about the now…not the stuff that comes way down the road."

"If anything happens to my partner, you may want to start thinking about down the road. It won't look so good…don't you screw with me."

"God you are so hot when you're intimidating."

"You are a total scumbag…a bottom feeder. What'd she pay you?"

"Not money if you'd like to know."


"Yeah…damn good if you ask me."

"Does she have my partner right now?"

"Yes. She's in love with him. Why? I don't have a clue."

"Damn…where the hell is she?"



Unknown abandoned factory

"Robert…do you know my real intentions for bringing you here?"

"No…not really. I haven't got to that yet."

"From the moment we first met, I knew I sensed a connection. We share many of the same interests, we are both very well educated, and interact well with each other. Also, you are quite attractive…"

"What's your point?"

"Don't you see? I haven't stopped thinking about you."

"Oh shit."

"I said stop with the language."

Wallace/Hitchens then came up to me again and slapped me in the face.

"Is this what you wanted, Nicole…or Elizabeth, whoever the hell you may be?"

"No…I wanted you. I love you. I want you to love me in the same way."

"This is not how it's done. It's not going to work…"

"No! You will love me!"

"My heart is somewhere else…for someone else."

"Be that way, Robert. You will regret it."

Wallace/Hitchens takes out a gun from the back of her waistband.

"Say that you love me." –She commands.

"No." -I say tersely.

Wallace/Hitchens was crying and fuming at the same time. Then I remembered: Some murders occur in the moment of passion. I just hoped it did not end up that way. I was hoping that she was smarter than that.

She quickly regained her composure and she pointed the gun right between my eyes.

"Robert, I will give you a choice. Live and love me…or die and love another."

"I'd rather die than love you."

"Such bold words coming from such a person. Too bad…we were a perfect pair."

Wallace/Hitchens's finger is about to squeeze the trigger as…Eames, Deakins, and a whole SWAT team enters, guns flaring and screaming for her to drop her weapon. (I believe that was the most perfectly timed move ever.)

Suddenly everything moves so fast. Wallace/Hitchens refused to give up without a fight. So, she pointed her gun in the direction of Eames. She planned to shoot the one person who stood in her way to true happiness (in her mind, anyway).

So many curses run through my mind as I make a move in heroics and stupidity. I pushed myself, chair and all (because at this point I'm still handcuffed to the chair), into Wallace/Hitchens. Thus, knocking her aback. Before she could retaliate, Eames shot her in the leg.

Then, as we thought it all almost over, Wallace/Hitchens raised her gun and me quickly in the arm before turning it on herself in defeat.

The gunshot rang in my ears. And the world all went black…



Deakins's office

"Detectives, I congratulate you on a great job. Closing this case must have been tough." –Deakins said with a smile

"Yes, sir. It has." –Eames said with an exaggerated sigh.

"I agree." –Goren chimed in.

"Well, Goren…this report is so thorough. Great storytelling."

"I needed to get all of it off my chest."

"I give both of you the rest of the week off. You deserve it. Use it to recover. I'll see you next week."

"Yes sir." –Both Detectives said as they left the office.



Prospect Park

Detectives Eames and Goren sat watching the world go by. Goren turned to Eames and said simply, "Dinner?"

Eames smiled and answered, "Sure."

As they both got up to leave, Eames stopped Goren by touching him on the arm.

"Alex, what is it?"

"Um…Bobby? Next time strange people offer you a suspicious job offer, promise me you'll run and won't look back."

"I promise."

Then, in a spontaneous move, Goren pulled Eames into a deep kiss. The world was right side up again.

The End


What did you think? Was it a great ending or did it just disappoint you? Please tell me what you think in a review. I deeply appreciate it. Thank you for reading "Surveillance". Please look for more stories by me, CJSpooks here in this section (or any others) at fan