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Author has written 21 stories for Harry Potter, Sookie Stackhouse/Southern Vampire Mysteries, Primeval, Halo, Dragon Age, Star Wars, and Far Cry. R.I.P. Micheal Crichton. you made me fall in love with dinosaurs all over again. you will be missed. Tumblr: Disclaimer: i do not in anyway own any of the following stories, much to my sadness, that is reserved for the authors who actually wrote these books, TV shows, and video games. Sookie Stackhouse, Harry Potter, Primeval, Dragon age origins, Star wars: The Old Republic, Halo. |
Crookshanks.x (14) dragonfrost (8) Emma Winchester (12) Isiss2868 (4) | Opaleye Dragon (2) RickeyA (0) StatlerWaldorf (6) Tulips and Jill (5) | xxxxcrazychickxxxx (18) |