![]() Author has written 6 stories for A song of Ice and Fire, Detective Conan/Case Closed, Harry Potter, and Bleach. Hi, I’ve been particularly active on fanfiction of late, so I thought maybe it’s time to actually write something in the profile section. So, as you might have guessed I’m human and I like to write. No, I’m not a professional writer, and I’ve never taken a course on writing, probably never will. Writing is for me a stress control method, it is relaxing and it keeps me from completely forgetting my English (not my country’s language, nor is it the language I currently use on a daily basis, so mistakes will happen). I write fanfiction because I am too lazy to imagine the full background of an original story. I tried my hand in those too, only not every successfully. I also have very little time to write, mainly after work equals after 9 PM. But hey, I’m not complaining, I love my work, I can’t imagine doing something else, no, I wait, I can, but maybe just slightly different. My favourite books are, in no particular order: The Count of Monte Cristo, Good Omens and Malazan Book of the Fallen. That being said, I will never write a fanfiction around these three or any other book that may come into this category. Why, because they are, from my point of view complete, no pin out of place, no question left unanswered that should have been answered, and every answer fits not just because of some plot mechanism but because it makes sense. This doesn’t mean that the books/shows I write fanfiction for are not good, just well, incomplete, either because they haven’t been completed yet or in case of HP, I have some issued with how the story twisted, mainly with Sirius’s death (I fully agree with it- Canon Sirius would have died in a similar way in any scenario, because canon Sirius didn’t have time or the help needed to heal after Azkaban) and with Dumbledore being one of the good guys (I call bullshit to anyone who says otherwise without solid arguments). Also the wizarding society's background could be greatly expanded, so I get plot bunnies that develop into stories quite easily, only I’m never quite there with these stories, so they just multiply on my computer and barely make it to the internet. That being said, I won’t ask people to review unless they feel like it. I myself am a silent reader most of the time (read that all of the time) but reviews are very appreciated, especially if they debate parts of the story (that’s how plot bunnies multiply and cover my key board), and I will never get angry if you point out mistakes, be they grammar, spelling or errors in judgement (arguments will be needed for these, and logic is appreciated). Don’t be rude, or hateful, and just know that if I won’t update a story for a while it usually means I ran out of ideas, or haven’t found the right way to continue, and I won’t update just for the sake of updating, I have to at least like what I write before I expose the rest of the world to it. But I will try to finish stories, even if it takes years to do so. Iris out. |