Author has written 8 stories for X-Men, X-Men: Evolution, X-Men: The Movie, and Final Fantasy X-2. Story Status: All That Hate - X-MEN COMICVERSE. A Post-Antarctica fic, in which I bash no one. Deals with the effects the events of Uncanny X-Men 350 had on the relationships and individuals of the team. Focus on Rogue and Remy. ( 7th Chapter Posted of a Multi-Chapter Fic. Work In Progress.) Every Beginning Has an End formerly Caged Angels - This is what I refer to as my ONE SHOT OR NOT series, because the chapters are a series of one shots, but can be read in order as a single story. I have big plans for this series, but admit it is moving along very slowly. (Posted- Chapters can be read individually.) Painting A Rainbow - This is a fic I wrote a few years ago titled 'Kissing in the Rain'. I found it on my disk and after fixing it up a little, posted it up here. It's a short, sweet, little ROMY fic. (Posted & Complete) In The Basement - This is the only fic I have posted here that is not completely Rogue-centric. She's there - but it's told from John/Pyro's point of view. It is also the only fic told by and through a character. (Posted & Complete) Sweet Marie - MOVIEVERSE. Everyone in the mansion thinks Rogue is sweet and innocent. Everyone is very, very wrong. Essentially a one-shot told in 5 pieces.(Posted &Complete.) I Ain't Easy - The first fic I wrote on . It's not serious at all and deals with X-Characters reading fanfiction; specifically Remy & Rogue. It was meant to be a one shot but turned into a mini-series. (Posted & Complete) Replay:Slow Motion - EVOLUTION. Some Romy & Rietro. (Posted & Complete) The Truth behind the Eye-Patch - FINAL FANTASY X-2. Had to be written, the plot bunnies would NOT leave me alone! I guess you could call it a Rikku/Gippal but it's done mostly for a laugh. My first Final Fantasy fic. (Posted & Complete) OtHEr CoMMenTARy : MY EMAIL ACCOUNT WAS HACKED. WILL NOTIFY WHEN I HAVE ANOTHER ONE. THANK YOU. AND PLEASE DO NOT OPEN ANYTHING SENT TO YOU FROM MY OLD ONE. |
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