Authors Note:Don't get me wrong I love you fic writers, this is just my idea of what my favorite character might do if she saw what some of ya think of her!! This is the first fic I posted on so it's short because I wasn't sure I'd be able to post it.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own the X-Men. (Although I wish I did because Marvel does some DUMB shit with them sometimes!!)

I Ain't EASY!

"Oh mah!" Rogue exclaimed quickly closing the window to the fanfic she had been reading. "What's wrong with some of these people?!? I would NEVAH do that! ESPECIALLY not with the BLOB. Ewwwwwww." she began to cringe.

"What that chere?" Rogue jumped at the voice that came from behind her.

"I hate it when ya sneak up on meh like that!" she said glaring at the Cajun.

"Sure you do Roguey. I jus finished readin a fic that said you LOVED how mischievous I was."

"Well what do fanfic writers know!?!?" Rogue said crossing her arms in front of her.

"It that time of da month?" he asked and was instantly sorry he did.

"NO." she replied sternly. "I just think fan fiction is stupid."

"Some of them are good chere..." Remy moved his arm in front of Rogue and clicked the mouse, opening a new window. Rogue looked at the screen, where in big bold letters it read "CAJUN HEAT" with a summary indicating it was a Rogue/Remy fic, followed by an NC17 rating. Rogue, looked away blushing. Remy grinned.

"But that's what I mean Swamp Rat! I can't evah touch ya, or anyone. Yet these fic writers have meh paired up with every hero an villain we've evah faced, like I'm easy! I AIN'T EASY!!!!" Gambit's grin became even wider when he scrolled down the page and clicked on yet another fic. "What are ya grinnin' about?" she asked as she turned her attention back to the screen. And there- larger than life were the words "Rogue is Easy" followed by the pairings Rogue/Remy Rogue/Bobby Rogue/Logan Rogue/Scott Rogue/Magneto Rogue/Pietro Rogue/Lance Rogue/Kurt and an X rating.

"Didn even know they HAD an X ratin'." Gambit said laughing. Rogue shook her head furiously.

"I don believe it! These people are sick!! Scott's with Jean. Lance is a bad guy. Bobby's mah best friend. Pietro just ain't mah type. And KURT?!?! He's my brother for gawd sakes!! And I AIN'T EASY!!!" Rogue stuck her tongue out at the computer.

"Not to mention that Logan and Magneto are old enough to be your grandfathers...." Gambit added.

"Uhhh ya...well I thought that went without sayin' Sugah." Rogue was a little ashamed that she didn't CARE how old they were, and let out a sigh. Gambit picked up on this but chose to ignore it.

"Gambit notice you didn' complain none about US bein paired up petite." he said seductively raisin his eyebrows and sauntered closer to Rogue. "These fic writers may not know everything, but they have SOME good ideas, non?" He began tracing her covered arms with his fingers and let them slid down to her hips. Rogue relished this, the little signs of affection that would go un- noticed by most other couples. But Rogue and Remy knew better. However, she couldn't pass up the opportunity and grabbed the computer mouse. Gambit heard a couple of clicks but chose to ignore them.


"Ya chere?"

"Are you sure it's really meh ya want?"

"Why you ask sumthin like that Roguey?" He looked up at the computer screen to see "A Cold Night in the Bayou" with slash warnings, a Gambit/Iceman indicator and an "R" rating. Gambit's mouth dropped open while Rogue fell onto the floor laughing'. "I AIN'T GAY!!"

This fic has been re-posted & modified. ROGUECHERE.