It took Rogue a few days to make it there, she hid her car far into the woods, just as a precaution. She couldn't believe that she found it in the same condition she had found the place around a year ago. She made her way through the narrow path to the large colonial home. It looked nearly the same as it had so long ago, when her and Remy were lost on their way to Louisiana. She was five months pregnant but she made her way to the front door as fast as she could get herself there. No one seemed to have been there, not since the last time they were. Everything was exactly how they left it. It was so disappointing that she didn't find them once again, but decided to stay the night since she had worked so hard to get here. She was exhausted. As dark slowly started to overtake the light, she went to the same balcony she saw in her dream and starred at the beauty before her. It was a sunset worth waiting for.

It was getting dark, but Remy had decided to leave the car behind, not wanting to deal with it since it broke down on the road. He carried the sleepy Anna the rest of the way, until finally he found the narrow path they had taken so long ago. By the time he reached the door, he had already checked the place out, but did not see anyone. He was tired and dirty, so he made his way up to the bedrooms to put the sleeping child to bed so that he could do the same. That's when he saw her. He never saw anyone on the balcony earlier, but then saw the wind flow causing her hair to sway and he saw the white stripe. He couldn't believe it, he thought he was dreaming again. Without making a sound he made his way into the room and placed the child on the bed, slowly making his way to the woman standing before him, scared that he would wake up at any moment.

She wasn't sure what it was, but she felt someone's eyes on her, but felt no danger. So Rogue slowly turned her head to see who or what was behind her to ruin her moment staring at the sunset, when she saw those familiar eyes. She was beside herself with joy. She turned her body slightly and he couldn't help but notice the large bulge that is her stomach. He looked back up into her eyes and closed the distance between them. She merely smiled at him as if she were in a trance. As he wrapped his arms around her waist still afraid that this was a dream and that she was going to float away when she whispered to him, "Ya gonna beh a daddy." He gave her a very large smirk and proceeded to kiss her.


Hope you all enjoyed it. Thank you for all of the reviews and for sticking with me through my first fic. Almost feels wrong to have to end it, but you have to do it sometimes. :-) I really do appreciate all of the reviews though. Sorry if you don't enjoy the ending, I was feeling sappy. ;-)