Author has written 1 story for Sherwood Smith. * go tohttp:///profile.php?userid=139791 for my EXCELLENT originals :) Honestly, I wouldn't want you to miss them... (Yeah. Right.) it's too bad decide to split..but there's the easy link for you!* Grr...I STILL hate bios! There is just no way I can tell you every single aspect of my life and personality to give you a good description! :) The bare facts are I'm 15. I live in Canada and I'm female. I have brown hair and very blue eyes. I argue a's one of my (many) faults :P Some people say I argue well, I say I never want to be a laywer and that it's a bad habit. Anyway, I've decided to make a more complete bio. and it's long. Oh Lord, it is LONG. watch out. favorite Movies: Billy Elliot, Enemy at The Gates, Life as a House, The Princess Bride (I grew up on that one!) The Last Unicorn, possibly anything Monty Python (though the Quest for The Holy Grail is my favorite) Robin Hood: Men In Tights, most animated Disney Movies. least favorite movies: Most non-animated Disney movies and most sequels (save The lion king and the little mermaid :P) Stigmata (the presentation was WAAAAYY to gaudy for my tastes) Favortie books: The Catcher in The Rye, Harry Potter, almost anything by Tamora Pierce, The Blue Sword, Refugee Boy, Crown/Court Duel, The Princess Diaries (aaaahhhh! can it be I actually like those? (my firends would say) well,'s true. nyah.) Confessions of Georgia Nicholson, Harry Potter, His Dark Materials trilogoy, Ella Enchanted,The Dark is Rising Sequence, The Perilous Guard, Artemis, Dragon Prince and Dragon Star trilogies, many more (but they're mostly classics everyone knows) Count of Monte Cristo, Pride and Pejudice, Lord of the Rings (I'm not a fanatic though) To Kill a Mocking Bird, 1984...*falls over* I read too much... Least Favorite books: ( goes) Jane Eyre-sorry, I thought it was boring...but if you like it don't HATE meeeeee!! Fearless series-pointless, to me. I didn't like any of the characters, and I could care less what happened to them. Again...I know people are ver personal about their don't flame me or anything :P I don't like movie-made-into-book books (this includes Star Wars and Star Trek!), I also dont really like MOST Adult fantasy books (Lord of The Rings and Dragon Prince and Dragon star are exceptions...there ARE some more too.) I really don't know why I don't like them, maybe it's my age, but the writing doesn't interest me, even if the plot does. Does that make sense?? Anyway, I just don't like Discworld, or The Wheel Of's just so...generic? Like being THAT orignial and 'making a new world' is just the smae thing everyone else is doing. Uh...yeah. I most likely contradicted myself there, or made myself a hypocrite :P The truth is out! Favorite novel characters: I have tons...but my all time favorite is Andry from The Dragon Prince/Star series. AND NEAL from POTS. ALL THE WAY. (and Squall...and pracitally every other FF hero...) I also like a multitude of others...Vidanric (Crow/Court Duel) Corlath (The Blue Sword), Catherine (Catherine, Called Birdy) everyone from Harry Potter but Fred and George especially :) hehe. Music: I'm big on music. And I have very ecclectic tastes. Be prepared :P in no special order: Howie Day, Better Than Ezra, Jimmy Eat World, Saves The Day, Phantom Planet, Oliver Haze, Dashboard Confessional, Guster, The Used, Finch, John Mayer, Craig David, Nickelback, Vanessa Carlton, Duncan Sheik, Blur, Finger Eleven, vertical Horizon, RUBBERMAN (good old canadian band - awesome too! check them out. I mean it.), Spin Doctors (oooolld(ish) stuff!), Plain White T's, Incubus, Fuel, Hoobastank, Third Eye Blind, Josh Groban, Sarah Brightman (yep, opera too) Any Cowboy Bebop soundtrack, aaannd most Rpg music (even if they loop in 5 seconds...sooooo???)and mooooorre. least Favorite music: Most rap, except a bunch of Rascalz songs...and believe me, that is abnormal. Britney Spears. Not because of her personally. (sorry to those who like her!) nope, I don't like her because frankly, her songs ARE. NOT. ANY. GOOD. to me, anyway. And she doesn't even write them. jeez. And uh...some other stuff. Random things I like/like to do: Drawing, looking at art reading, writing, my doggies, thinking, storms, ancient things, people, all things green, horses, people who are nice for no reason, Spike (from Cowboy Bebop), Swimming (actually just love water) quiet, sitting at home and watching movies with my friends, running or dancing for no particular reason, snow, fall, sailing, playing soccer, forests, guys with accents (yum!)oogling at Hyung-Tae Kim's artwork aaaaaannnddd...dreaming (sleeping included!) Things I dislike/dislike to do: People who don't like others for no apparent reason, opression, sticking your nose in other people's buisness, not treading carefully enough on someone's culture, spaghetti, and arrogance. Okay so there's more. But I'm tyring to be APPEALING. you don't just throw out a list of everything you HATE, do you? :) Obsessions: All other obsessions withstanding (Jude Law, hayden Christensen, Magna Carta art, etc), most recently I'm absolutely in love with Joaquin Phoenix's acting. He's a VERY good actor - I absolutely adored him in Gladiator (even though I hated the movie I still loved that performance) and he was pretty awesome in Signs. Just...amazing. :) He definitley is one of my favorite actors. That's enough for now. If you're even reading :P God That's long. I swear I'll shorten it...but not now...I worked soooo looong on it. Hey, maybe someone will read it:P A LITTLE NOTE: My hard-drive is down, so I'm not sure when I'll next be able to update. I AM WORKING ON A FANFIC. I have not abandoned Ficdom tyo write complete originals, but it takes a good story for me to take a shot at butchering someone's characters :) A little preview? There works have something to do about Garth Nix's "Abhorsen", possibly something of an adaptation of "The Ballad of Tam Lin" and maybe something from the book "Habibi". I may move the "Tam Lin" over to fictionpress. though...who knows. |