
By Sweet Honey

Chapter Nine: Lessons Learned

She was in a dark place, a room with no windows and no candles. Tirah was laying beside her, still unconscious and a constant reminder of the princess's awaiting fate. Abby's mind was in turmoil and she was rocking back and forth on the cold stone floor, trying her hardest to think. When had she become so pitiful? Hadn't she always taken care of herself, taken her responsibilities seriously and most importantly, been able to protect herself? When had she become such a...disgrace.

"It was my own fault." thought Abby outloud as she continued to rock back and forth. "The minute I put my safety into someone else's hands I was doomed. I should have known better...I shouldn't have become so weak-!"

"Honey, feeling sorry for yourself isn't going to solve anything." said Tirah as she sat up with some difficulty. Abby looked at her with her big green eyes and burst into tears again.

"Oh darling, stop crying!" said Tirah as she hugged Abby, who jerked up and away.

"I don't deserve your pity..." said Abby in a murmur. "I don't deserve anything you've ever given to me. I betrayed you...oh please, don't hate me!"

She fell to the ground again, prostrating herself in front of Tirah, who immediately hit her. Hard.

"Ouch, what the hell!?" said Abby, rubbing her arm. "I know I deserved that, but your supposed to warn someone first..."

She trailed off as she saw the look on Tirah's face. "Abby, don't you ever bow down to anyone! Ever!" yelled Tirah, who pulled Abby up off of the ground. "It's time to stop this stupid whining crap and get to work! You're going to lose EVERYTHING if you don't do something quick!"

"No pressure..." said Abby with a slight grin that quickly crumbled.

"What, what now?" said Tirah with a large sigh. "Abby, you are my best friend and I love you to death, but if you continue with this moody crap I'm going to get violent."

Abby sat down on the cold ground. "We have to get out of here...we need a plan. You got a plan?"

"Nah uh."

Abby rubbed her chin. "All right, that could be a problem." she said, getting up and pacing back and forth. "Don't you have magical powers that you could use or something?"

Tirah rolled her eyes. "Do you really think that fool Zaden would stick me in a cell that wasn't magically protected? Please, I just LOOK harmless."

"Good point, but-" started Abby, but at that moment the cell door opened and a girl walked in. Abby let out a loud gasp as she recognized the regal figure before her.

"Kel...?" she said uncertainly, getting up and walking toward her sister. She wasn't angry with her, nor was she upset. She was more or less shocked. "What the hell happened to you? You're sporting some heavy injuries there."

Kel threw back her head and tried to laugh, but her voice echoed off the cell walls and came back sounding hollow and meaningless. "My darling sister, what are you doing here?"

Abby started to get mad. "Damnit Kel, you know what I'm doing here, now stop trying to change the subject! How the hell did you get a black eye, and why are your hands bandaged?"

Kel smiled haughtily but her eyes betrayed her true emotions. "None of you business." she murmured. "Besides, I came her to talk to you about Zaden. I want you to stop disobeying him...you know he's really a very nice person."

Abby's face flamed and she clenched her fists. "NICE?!" she bellowed, grabbing her sister's hands. "He killed Erik, he tried to kill Tirah and look what he did to you! How can you possibly defend him-"

"He didn't do this to my hands!" she screamed shrilly. "When I picked up the Divine Gem...it burned me. I don't know, I guess it happens to everyone but it wasn't his fault! And he only hit me because I was disobeying him, he'd under a lot of pressure and I love him!"

The last words were spoken with such fervor that Abby nearly gagged. "Love? Fearing someone is not the same thing as love!" said Abby, and she pulled her sister in close to her. "Damnit Kel...I know we haven't gotten along well, but that doesn't mean I don't love you. And you know YOU KNOW that if he loved you he wouldn't hurt you. Oh, you deserve so much better~"

"LET ME GO!" screeched Kel, pushing Abby away with an amazing amount of strength. She was slinking away from Abby as is she were some deranged animal. "Don't you touch me....GUARDS! GUARDS! Lock them up again, LOCK THEM UP!"

As the door slammed in her face, Abby shook her head. "I have one twisted sister." she said with a sigh.

"My thoughts exactly..." said Tirah in an off-hand sort of way.

"What?" said Abby as she noticed Tirah's contemplative look. "What are you thinking?"

Tirah pulled at her hair as she narrowed her eyes. "Kel," she said, giving her hair a very firm tug. "She burnt her hands when she touched the stone."

"Yah, so what?" asked Abby as she slumped against a cold stone wall. "Sounds like that happens to everyone when they handle the stone."

"No, that's just it." said Tirah, getting up and trying to look through one of the cracks in the stone. "You see, a peasant's hands would burn if they touched the stone. So I don't understand...why would Kel's hands burn? It doesn't make any sense!"

"Is it possible...could something have gone wrong in Zaden's plan?" asked Abby hopefully, but without warning someone grasped onto her hair and pulled her THROUGH the door. She let out a muffled cry but stopped as she looked into the ice cold eyes of Zaden.

"Do not scream, it's so common." he whispered, but Abby wouldn't have screamed anyway. She would never give him that satisfaction. He dragged her through the damp hallways, and Abby saw that outside the sun was setting. Had it just been this morning that she had walked hand in hand with Erik...she sighed and shook the thought of him out of her head before tears came to her eyes. It seemed like decades had passed since that morning.

"And, in case your wondering because I know you are, nothing has gone wrong with my plan. We just had a minor set back." Zaden said calmly as he dragged the young princess viciously.

Before Abby knew it they were out in the open, and the sun nearly blinded her. However, Zaden's firm footsteps never faltered and Abby tripped continuously over the harsh terrain that she could hardly see. Finally, as her vision cleared, she realized that she was being led into what seemed to be a cave. She began to fight wildly as she realized that she would be ALONE in a cave with Zaden....

....the possibilities were endlessly sickening.

Her attempts were futile and the pair eventually reached the end of the cave. On the ground were five stones. One was glassy and emerald, obviously worth a fortune and another was ruby red that sparkled with a life of its own. And then there three other plain stones that surrounded the gems. Abby immediately recognized the emerald gem as the Divine Gem and shook her head.

"Pick it up." commanded Zaden as he threw her toward the stones.

"I refuse." she whispered, but realized that she was nodding her head, not shaking it! And even as she whispered her refusals, her hand twitched closer toward the stone. There was something so enticing about it..so lovely, that she was finding it hard to not listen to Zaden.

And why shouldn't she? If she took it, she didn't have to GIVE it to him. Wasn't it true that he couldn't touch it? She put both hands out, enjoying the sweet tension and anticipation that the stone held, but just as she was about to reach it the emerald began to swirl.

She peered closer, and saw a man on a horse holding the emerald. Her temper flared. How dare this man have her gem! She would see that he was executed...or castrated...or BOTH! But even as this thought of possessiveness crossed her mind, she watched in horror as the man with the gem picked up his sword and hacked at his comrades...the gore and utter violence caught Abby by the throat and she felt she would vomit if she watched anymore.

The man was glowing green, but from no where an arrow caught him across the chest and as he fell and the stone was released from his clutch, the glowing around him changed to a light blue. The man who had shot him knelt beside the young man, tears streaming down his face. He had the same light blue glow, and he held his crown to his heart as he cried over the dead soldier. Abby cried too.

She jumped back from the stone that now seemed hideous and deformed to her. "I would rather die than touch that rock." she said calmly, and stood up. As she brushed the dirt off of her dress she saw her sister Kel enter the cave.

"I had no doubt that you would." said Zaden as he laughed hysterically. "How odd, that you didn't grab the stone...your nothing like your sister, are you?"

Abby turned around, her fists curled and her face hot with anger. "What did you do to Kel!" she bellowed, as she looked once again upon her sister's injuries.

"Nothing. Oh, I hit her once but that was because she disappointed me greatly. Isn't that right Kel?"

"Yes, Lord Zaden.

Abby wanted to vomit again. "Why didn't you just have Kel get the stone, huh?" she said angrily. "What, couldn't resist kidnapping and killing a few people on your little journey?"

Zaden's laugh was cut short. "Let's just say that Kel doesn't fit the requirements necessary for a wielder of the Divine Gem." he said.

Abby looked at Kel, then at Zaden, then at Kel.

"Oh Abby, how could you be so naive!" Zaden said cheerfully, and wrapped his arms around her. "I would have thought you'd realized by now but...well, I'll tell you. Your sister is nothing more than a common peasant. There's not a bit of royal blood in her entire, perfect body."

"Your joking." said Abby coldly, putting her hands on Zaden's chest and pushing herself as far away from his face as possible.

"Oh, I assure you that I'm not." replied Zaden, putting his face even closer to hers. "My darling, you are my last hope...don't worry, you'll make a lovely Queen."

Abby became hysterical as Zaden's face came even closer to hers, and she began to fight and scream. "Let me go ! Don't touch me...don't you dare touch me! You murdering, lying scum, GET AWAY FROM ME!"

Zaden let her go so quickly that the enraged princess fell to the ground. "A murderer? Yes. Scum? Possibly. But a liar....never, my Hope." he snarled, and grabbed onto Kel's arm. "Let your sisters pain be a testimony to my truth!"

Kel let forth an agonizing howl as her hand was viciously pressed against the stone. Abby lunged at the pair and broke them apart. She sat up quickly and blocked her sister from Zaden. Frankly, she was surprised that she'd been able to knock over the strong fairy.

He was surprised too.

The sound of sizzling flesh nauseated Abby and she begin to gag. Zaden grabbed Kel's shoulder and push him towards her. "Leave. Now. Your uselessness sickens me."

Abby lifted her head and watched as her sister scurried out of the cave, cradling her maimed hand. The revolted princess looked around for another means of escape...or, in the very least, a cavern. It had never occurred to her to commit suicide before, but now it seemed like an excellent option. Without her, Zaden could never harness the power of the Divine Gem.

But then, who would save Tirah and Kel? Tirah, might in some way be able to save herself, but Kel would never gain the confidence or courage to do so. And, Tirah would never go out of her way to save Kel, whom she despised as Abby. But now, Abby felt a deep pity, laced with love, for the pathetic creature that her once strong-willed sister had become.

She got up, trying to regain what little pride she had left. "You can't force me," she said regally. "To pick up that hideous stone."

Zaden raised his eyebrows. "Well, actually, I could force you very easily." he said, mocking her with his eyes. "But, I do love to see you tremble."

Abby blushed and grabbed onto her dirty skirt, trying to stop her shivering hands. "I will never pick up that stone for you. I will fight you in every way possible."

Zaden sighed and crossed his arms, walking around the princess. "Frankly, Darling, you are boring me with these tedious threats." he said, and placed his arms on her back. "I'll have to put an end to this...why don't you just relax?"

Abby tried to push Zaden away but her hands wouldn't move. Then her hands began to move on their own, and as they inched toward the gem Abby realized in horror that Zaden was controlling her. She tried to open her mouth in a scream, but realized that her ability to do so was gone. Damnit, she thought wildly as she wrapped her hands around the jewel. It's not fair....I tried so hard.

She lifted up the jewel, and Zaden put his hand under her chin. "Tonight, we will have the ceremony to celebrate my victory and also where I will finally harness the true power of the Divine Gem. You should be getting ready now but...do you have any questions?"

Abby gasped, surprised that she was suddenly able to speak. "How....how will you be able to use the jewel? You can't touch it, can you?" she asked, aware that it would be better to get as much information from Zaden than to screech and curse at him.

"True, but that could be easily corrected with a sacrifice. In other words, by coating it in your royal blood and sprinkling a bit of mine onto the gem, it would be easy for me to pick it up and use it. Think of it as a blood cleansing."


"Well, I thought so."


"Welcome, welcome one and all!" exclaimed Zaden from behind Abby, wrapping his arms around the young princess as he spoke. "Please, enjoy the feast. Tonight we will celebrate the beginning of a new era of ruling!"

The people in the large ballroom cheered and went about their social business. All but Zaden and masked dug into the food and Abby wished she could have a bite. She scanned the room and saw an array of colors and people, all of which were fairies, save for her and Kel. Most of the fairies were older and distinguished but some were younger and extremely excited. None of them were as attractive as Zaden.

"Go and sit down, my dear." whispered Zaden and Abby, helpless to disobey, walked slowly toward the throne that was her special spot for the night. Abby remembered when her Nana had told her about her curse, and she wanted to scream as she realized how stupid it was for her not to ask how she had broken it. Idiot. She passed by her sister, who was sitting at a common table and wearing a very domestic dress, unlike Abby.

As she sat down on the throne, her own dress crumpled and puffed in places that she was sure shouldn't be puffing out. She sighed and vowed that, if she lived through this ordeal (which wasn't very likely), that she would have large puffy dresses outlawed. She still clutched the Divine Gem, and just looking at it made her nauseated.

The night seemed to speed up, and suddenly everyone was seated at the long, magnificently decorated tables available. Abby began to squirm as Zaden stood up, making his way toward her. No, not yet, she thought. I still have to come up with a plan!

"Well, my guests, it seems that the time has come for us to take our rightful place as the heads of this pathetic world."

Massive cheering. Totally predictable.

Zaden grabbed Abby's hand and pulled her up. "Now, my dear, it's time for your part in the evening. Such a shame...you weren't a weak, sniveling human, like most. However, I won't go falling for you like that half-breed Erik did."



Abby wanted to let out a cry of joy as her hand connected with Zaden's cheek. A hush fell over the room as Abby realized what an idiot she had been, and took a step back. But the action was too little to late, and she few through the air as Zaden's well aimed punch connected. She flew threw the air and felt her left arm snap as it broke.

The pain was intense and immediate, almost knocking out Abby. But even as the pain began it receded, leaving Abby feeling stronger and healthier. She wiggled the fingers on her left arm and realized that it was no longer broken. She looked up at the dumbstricken Zaden.

"Fairy magic...but you only have a drop of fairy blood...." he murmured to no one in particular as he stared into her oddly glowing eyes.

"Hey, if she has fairy magic doesn't that make her one of us?" asked a young fairy in the back curiously. Zaden snapped his fingers and the boy promptly exploded.

"Really Zaden, must you always be so dramatic?" asked the noble man who had been sitting next to the fairy and who was currently flicking his remains off of his shirt. "I mean, once and while would be fine...but at every party?"

Zaden laughed and grabbed Abby viciously, pulling her up by her neck and letting her feet dangle inches above the floor. "No more games!" he yelled, and dragged her back to the throne. "It's time for you to make me a king among humanity, princess."

"Wait, sir! Wait!" cried a voice, and Abby tried to turn her head to see who was speaking. For a wild moment she thought it might be Erik....but no, it was just a plump fairy cook and her helper. Abby wished she could see the fairy clearly, but the lack of oxygen wasn't helping her eyesight any.


"Sir, did you have any of the food?" asked the cook.

"What....no!" shouted Zaden, his patience no longer existent.

"Oh." said the cook, disappointed. "What a shame."

Suddenly Abby heard the sound of gurgling, and a fairy sitting at the table fell straight into his soup. The fairies seated next to her jumped up, screaming and pointing at the fallen fairy. But then more fairies began to gurgle and fall, scratching at their throats and screaming in terror. Kel's eyes were bugging out (although she hadn't eaten any food) and Zaden lost his hold on Abby as he watched his comrades fall.

"You bitch!" he bellowed, lunging at the cook. "What have you done!?"

Abby's eyes slowly focused and she gasped as she realized who the cook and her helper were.

"Nothing you wouldn't have done, murderer." said Mrs. K as she and Mr. K easily sidestepped Zaden and began to slowly disappear. "It seems that you won't be succeeding this night."

Abby felt someone drag her up and she looked up into a fairies masked face. She didn't have to see his face to know who it was. She'd been waiting for him all day, after all...but she still couldn't resist the urge to wrench off his mask. "Come on!" yelled the unmasked Erik gruffly as he pulled her along the length of the ballroom. She grabbed onto her sisters hand as she passed by.

"What are you doing?!" yelled Erik as Abby tried to drag the still spell-bound Kel out of the ballroom with them. "Leave her!"

"I won't!" yelled Abby as she tried with all her strength to drag Kel out of the room. "I won't leave her....help me! Please!"

Erik grabbed onto Kel's hand just as a blinding flash of light blue light flew toward them, separating the sisters and the fairy. Zaden walked toward them, his eyes glowing with rage.

"You won't leave here alive." he said calmly, although his eyes spoke of his true emotions. "But first I'll kill the little princess, before anything else can try and stop my plans.

Abby cowered, waiting for her death, but it never came. Instead she felt liquid splash onto her and she looked up to see....

....Kel, standing in front of her sister, her arms stretched out and a gaping hole in her stomach. Abby screamed, her hands groping for her sisters. She cried and pulled her sister toward her as best as she could without letting go of the gem. "Why, why did you do that?" she asked, her voice strangely steady.

"You could have gotten away..." whispered Kel, "If you hadn't tried to save me."

Abby's tears fell freely, her heart aching as Kel spoke in the most serious voice she had ever used.

"I was just...returning the favor."

Abby nuzzled her head into the top of Kel's, whispering for her heart to start again, for her to breathe again, for her to heal just as Abby had. But, of course, she could not.

"Let go of that vermin and come here!" yelled Zaden. "Meet your death with the dignity fit for the last member of your royal family. Come and accept your fate."

Abby found that she was once again under Zaden's control and she dropped her sister's body. She walked slowly toward Zaden, her eyes facing his with equal hatred and disgust.

"My God...the gem." whispered the masked fairy with horror. Abby looked down and gasped as she realized that the stone had turned black. She nearly dropped it in surprise.

"What...!" bellowed Zaden hoarsely, and he looked at the dead body of Kel and again at the gem, which seemed slightly moist. "It absorbed her blood....her contaminated blood!"

Abby looked down at it, and her gloves began to sizzle...it was burning! Before it could sizzle into her flesh she wrenched off her gloves and threw the gem (gloves and all) at Zaden.

"Here! Here's your stupid gem!" she screamed as Zaden caught it and pulled it close to his chest.

"It's mine....it's finally mine!" yelled the deranged Zaden, and he laughed hysterically even as the gem burned itself into his flesh. "Oh, finally..."

He fell forward as the gem burned itself into his chest and replaced what had once been his heart, which of course wasn't a very big change at all.

"Oh, Hell no." said Abby as she walked toward Zaden. "You won't die happily....not while I'm still alive."

She began to kick him fiercely, screaming crazily as she kicked his lifeless body. Erik grabbed her and pulled her away from Zaden. "Stop, stop." he said calmly.

"Her killed my sister! He killed her, and he killed you too! Damnit, he doesn't deserve death!" she bellowed, totally losing control. She dropped to the ground, Erik's arms still around her as she weeped pitifully. "It's not...fair."

There was silence for a moment, save for the quiet weeps of Abby and the sound of burning flesh. "Oh, no." said Erik suddenly as he pulled Abby back. "Look...Abby, look! We have to get out of here!"

Abby looked, and through her blurred vision saw the body of Zaden burst into flames. Her eyes cleared and she jumped back. "Wha..." she cried, and saw that the fire had spread and was covering most of the room. "I have to get Kel..."

"No. NO, you can't save her, Abby. She's dead now, and if we don't get out of here we'll be in the same position as her."

At that moment, Mr. and Mrs. K appeared in front of Abby and Erik. "C'mon." said Mr. K gruffly, his eyes no longer laughing. "We'll take you to our house."

Abby wanted to go get Kel, she wanted to tell Mrs. K that it was very important that she get her sister back, but even as the thought crossed her mind she realized that she could no longer save her sister. In a few seconds she was back in Mrs. K's house, looking at the familiar cheerful colors. The first thing she did was turn around and swiftly nail Erik in the crotch.


He dropped like a ton of bricks, moaning and groaning on the ground. Mrs. K was shocked, but Mr. K laughed. "Well, you didn't expect her to welcome you back with open arms, did yah?"


Abby stayed locked in the guest room at the K's house for three days, refusing to eat or drink anything. Nothing could coax her to come out of her room and she refused to talk to anyone. She wouldn't even talk to Tirah, who had escaped to the K's house when Zaden's barriers had broken down through his death. Occasionally the sound of crying would drift through the house, but if any of its habitants took notice, none of them said anything.

Erik, Tirah and Mr. K were sitting at the table, being served lunch by Mrs. K when Abby stormed in, banged her fist on the table and shouted, "I want answers. NOW!"

Erik winced. "But...I haven't finished my lunch yet..."

Abby eye's glowed even more than usual and she brought back her hand. However, Mr. K caught it with ease and said, "Darling, you need your strength before you decide to hit Erik. Have something to eat and I promise that he'll answer ALL of your questions after lunch."

Abby sat down and stared at her plate. Although the smell wafting up from the food was wonderful, she had no stomach for food. "This is ridiculous." she stated, and tried to get up but Mrs. K's firm hand pushed her back into her chair.

"Eat." she commanded, her face looming over Abby in an intimidating manner.

"Ok." she squeaked, and ate her food timidly.

She ate quickly ad waited impatiently for everyone else to finish. It seemed like years before the table was cleared and Mr. K asked her what questions she had.

She didn't even know where to begin. "Tell me...tell me why you lied to me! Why you handed me over to Zaden, who you KNEW would try to kill me? Why you-"

Erik held up his hands. "Stop, stop. All right, what exactly do you want to know? Why did I give you up to Zaden...well, I had no choice but to do it. If I didn't give you up he may have hurt you, and then killed me. As it was, I knew he'd try to kill me either way...not that he would. Which of course he didn't, because I had special protection."

Abby waved her hand. "That's great, but why did you lie to me?"

"Lie to you? When did I lie to you, exactly?" he asked.

"All right, how about you WITH-HELD VALUABLE INFORMATION, like how you were working for Zaden! What the hell were you thinking!?"

"When I joined up with Zaden last year, I was a bitter young fool who hated humans and wanted to fit in...shut up, let me finish. But I wasn't so stupid as to classify an entire race as expendable, and when I found out Zaden's true plans I began to have my doubts. So, instead of just dropping out, I turned spy for the group of fairies who were trying to stop Zaden....and my adopted parents just happened to be heading that group."

"So you were a spy, uh huh....did it ever occur to you to TELL ME?!" asked Abby.

"Um, frankly no." said Erik, as he laid back in his chair. His attitude was killing Abby, to say the least. "Telling you was out of the question, what would have happened if you'd been captured? My plan was to get you to the Divine Gem before Zaden got to it and have you destroy it, but my back-up plan was to continue my role as Zaden's servant, bring you to him and then use any chance I got to destroy the gem myself...which would have meant dying, but oh well."

"But you said you knew Zaden would kill you no matter what? Where did THAT fit into your plan?"

"I didn't realize he might kill me until I read that note he sent to me, warning me that if I got to close to you a dispatched fairy would take car eof the both of us, and I thought that fiary might be Tirah....you sure make some ugly faces, Tirah. Anyway, I made sure that he couldn't kill me and....oh no, why are you crying?"

Abby sniffled, wiping her eyes with a napkin. "Nothing...could we go outside for a minute? I think I need some fresh air."

"Of course." Erik said, and he followed Abby out the door. Tirah got up too but Mr. K pushed her down and shook her his head.

"Sweetie, you'll have all the time in the world to talk to her later....right now, Abby and Erik need to be alone."

Mrs. K snorted. "Yah, like your suddenly an expert on relationships."

"Of course I am, old woman. Now shut up and make me another sandwich."

"Like Hell I will, you old pervert! Stop trying to look down Tirah's dress!"



Erik was standing up while Abby sat on a rock, and after five minutes he could no longer take the silence. "Abby, are you going to say something? Please....say something."

Abby looked up at him, a slight smile on her face. "I never thought I'd hear you begging me to talk."

"Yah, today's just full of surprises."

Her face crumbled. "Erik, I really want to ask you...I really want to ask you something, but I'm to embarrassed to do it."

"You, embarrassed?" he said with a lewd grin, sitting down next to Abby. "I can only imagine what your thinking about asking."

Abby blushed. "Pervert. No, it's just that...I feel like my life has been turned upside down, I have no idea what I'm going to do anymore. How can I go home...without Kel....my mother will be heartbroken."

"I know exactly what your going to do. Your going to send a letter home, telling your mother what happened, and then you'll never have to see her again, unless of course you want to. The you and Tirah will live here with Mr. and Mrs. K."

"And you?" asked Abby, here eyes shining. She laughed harshly. "Oh, well probably not. I mean I love you, I'm not ashamed to admit it, but you...you were just acting, right? Isn't that right? You said you hated me..."

"I NEVER SAID THAT!" yelled Erik, scaring the crap out of Abby. His face was red with anger and his fists were clenched. Abby was surprised; she had never seen Erik show so much emotion. He grabbed her hands.

"Don't you see that I had to lie?! I needed you to believe that I wasn't going to come back, that I'd really hated you...I didn't want you to mourn for me! I needed you to act, to try and get away, to retrieve that fighting spirit so you could waste as much time as possible, so that I would have time to save you! I never wanted you to hate me and I never wanted you to think that I hated you! I lo-"

He choked on the words, and Abby squeezed his hand. "Say it....c'mon if you mean it SAY IT...SAY IT DAMNIT!"


"Wooohooooo!" said a bush.

Abby and Erik turned around and pushed aside the branches of the bush. Tirah looked up innocently and handed Abby a letter. "Abby, you got mail....just thought you'd want to know, is all."

She disappeared back into the bushes.

"Who's it from?" asked Erik, his face still the pleasant color of a tomato.

"My Nana..." said Abby, and she read aloud.

"Dear Abby, how are you? I heard what happened from Tirah, and I'm so proud of you! The death of Kel is a very sad subject, and I haven't told your mother yet. I thought it would be best if her final daughter told her. Even if your mother is a bitch, she'll still be heartbroken.

Speaking of the bitch, I hear you also found out that Kel was not of royal blood. Your mother was actually a maid at the castle, a commoner, although a very beautiful one indeed. She got pregnant by one of your father's ill-mannered court members, and rather than make your mother live in shame for the rest of her life he chose to marry her and give her child a chance. He loved your pretty young mother, although she only used him for her own benefit.

You were born a few years later, and your mother hated the fact that you had the true claim to the throne while Kel who reminded her so much of herself, did not. She pushed her own hopes onto the poor child and saw you as a threat. When your father died, no one but I knew that Kel was not technically a princess. But I never told anyone, and you probably shouldn't either. She never knew, and it wasn't her fault.

Stay with Mr. and Mrs. K, they're nice fairies and they'll take care of you until you can reclaim your throne. I know you'll be a wonderful queen someday!

P.S: I heard you kicked Erik in the nuts. That's my girl!"

Erik scowled. "That's crude." he said. "Plus, that hurt-a lot! Not that I didn't deserve it but really..."

"Hey, I thought fairy's could heal themselves!" Abby shot back.

"What-no we can't! Not without a potion or something!"

"Well, I can." said Abby with a smirk. "At the ball, when Zaden broke my arm, I healed it. I guess I have more fairy blood than everyone thought."

Erik laughed outright. "You have a drop of fairy blood, that's it! The reason you healed was because of Mrs. K's cooking."

"Her what?"

"Her cooking! Remember that huge feast she prepared for us right before we left...well, she added a healing potion into it. That's why I knew I wouldn't die when Zaden tried to kill me and that's also why you were able to heal your broken arm. Mrs. K only serves the best fairy food."

Abby sulked. "Aw, I thought I could do magic..."

Erik laughed. "Well, maybe I can teach you some little magic, later."

Tirah popped her head up again. "Um, excuse me, but I do believe this is ruining the mood. Aren't you two going to kiss or something?"

And, well, who were they to object?

AND THEY ALL LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER (well, what did you expect...this was a fairy tale, after all!)