Reviews for Fate
Sami chapter 10 . 2/5/2010
Surprising ending but all around awesomeness
Lady Ky chapter 10 . 8/31/2003
Okay, this certanly was my least favorite chapter of all. (Not that I'm complaining!) I just didn't like some of the stuff in it... The bloody-gruesome stuff was cool, but some of the OTHER stuff, well, you know what I mean. And Ella would so not use those words! I know I've been ranting about language and all, but it's true! I totally hated the fact that you had Ella do that!

Now, about The Evil Person... I'm happy that Abby's father (Ella's son!) married her to be nice... It explained a lot, and made me happy! I was sad though, that Kel hadta die... She was kinda nice at the end, ya know... Oh well. What's over is over, right?

Well, all-in-all, this wasn't too bad! In fact, I actually kinda enjoyed it! (And thats a bad thing, cause I don't enjoy anything, and don't want to ruin my image...) ;)




Please don't take any of these reviews seriously... I think I drank too much coffee tonight, and was a little hyper! Obviously! But, still. If you had gotten rid of the night-spending-thing of Abby and Erik's and the language (Another language thing, I know!) it would have been really, really good! But I guess I hafta take what I can get, huh? *sigh* ;)
Lady Ky chapter 9 . 8/31/2003
Hehehe! Great Almost-Ending! But was Tirah really bad? *Tear* *Sobs* I really liked Tirah, she was awesome! Erik, I knew somethin was scary bout him. He was cool, but I still felt it. Something odd. ;) Yeah, I knew it al along. Really. Well, please continue!



I especially loved the part about the exploding mashed potatoes!
Lady Ky chapter 8 . 8/31/2003
Ew! Mushy Romance! Lol... That's S'Okay. I really like Mr. K by now! He's so awesome! Erik... He's okay, but, ya know, a little mean... Lol... He's okay, like I said. Better than Zaden, or what-ever-his-name-is. And better than The Evil Person (I switched it to 'The Evil Person', cause I don't want to call her a Mother either, if ya know what I mean). And better than Kelamarie. I hope Tirah is a good guy (Or should I say girl?) cause I think she is just awesome. I really like her name, by the way. :)



I actually do kinda like Eric. He's perfect for Abby! ;)
Lady Ky chapter 7 . 8/31/2003
I liked this chapter. (Huh, surprise, surprise... I liked every chapter) I also like Mr. and Mrs. K! Poisonious dart, huh? How low! Even for that stupid Skar! (It was Skar, right? I don't know, cause I haven't read any farther than this chapter, but I was suspecting...) So, how's life where you're from? Okay, where'd that come from? Don't ask me. I don't know... Huh. Surprise, surprise.

Lady Ky chapter 6 . 8/31/2003
Hi again! You didn't really think you could get out of my terribly annoying onslaught, did you? I DID warn you, ya know. ;)

I really like this story! It is really well written! And it has an interesting plot to it, not the usual. Again, the language, but I can't have everything I want, now can I? (No matter what I tell everybody) So, I thought it was cool how you interlaced the porcelain into the story.. Though not the whole hand thing. Poor her! I really feel bad for her! My heart is achin' and breakin'! Okay, enough with the emotional stuff, but it was kinda cool.. In a twisted way... Well, great story!



I'm winding down a little, not so hyper, so you don't need to worry (Or I don't need to, whichever) about if I'm gonna embarrass you (Or me)...
Lady Ky chapter 5 . 8/31/2003
Oh good, oh good, oh good! I am SO happy that Abby's FATHER was Ella's son, instead of The Evil Queen. (Maybe I should start calling her 'The Evil Mother' instead, cause I don't want to associate 'Queen' with that Evil lady)... Again, I don't enjoy the language, but I have very useful advice, don't I? Of course, I review AFTER it's all said and done... Lol. ;) Well, I'm gonna continure reading, (Did you know how addictive your story is?) So, BYE! See ya for the next chapter's review!

Lady Ky chapter 4 . 8/31/2003
Hi! Thought you'd like to hear from me! You're getting annoyed with me, aren't you? I'm sorry...

That is so sad that nobody likes Abby! (Well, maybe not SO sad... considering who there is to love her... Namely, a little brat named Kel, and the little brat's mother...)... So, that's all I have to say for now...



I'm making a complete fool of myself in these reviews, aren't I? Lol... But I don't care. I think.
Lady Ky chapter 3 . 8/31/2003
Okay, that was a little more... bloody. And violent. But it was interesting, I have to say. Another thing (Not trying to critisize you! Especially since you're already done writing it, as I've mentioned before...), but Abby is kinda childish, too, huh? Just a thought... Kinda like Erik...

Doesn't... Let... The... Princesses... Get... To... Him...

Lol... I'm... Hyper...

Lady Ky chapter 2 . 8/31/2003
Okay, I don't know why I'm reviewing (Again), cause I don't want to be a bother... Okay, that was a total lie, wasn't it? I LOVE being a bother! Okay, but on to the review... This chapter was certainly more interesting... :), but I don't really think the language fits in, ya know? I don't know why I'm telling you this (I don't know a lot of things), cause you're already done and over with writing the story, but it just doesn't seem right to have cusswords in Ella's most beautiful and fascinating world, ya know? Ya know, ya know, ya know? Okay, I'm kinda hyper...

Well, thanks anyway! You should write some more Ella fics!

Lady Ky chapter 1 . 8/31/2003
Two words. Evil lady.

But wait! Would you call 'The Evil Queen' (That's what I'm calling her in my mind) a lady? And HOW is she Queen? Why would any of Ella's and Char's kid's marry THAT thing! (She certanly isn't THEIR kid, is she? Oh, please no!)

And I'm not even gonna start on Kelamarie! The little brat!

But, seriously, this is a really good story. This is only the first chapter (As you already know), but I like it. (And I just had to review before reading anymore while it was still fresh in my mind... though, it gets worse, doesn't it?)... Well, since you probably already hear many, many, many reviews like this (!) I'll just stop bothering you and continue reading... :)



Werewolfgal chapter 10 . 7/23/2003
please write a sequel!
Misty Woods chapter 10 . 5/18/2003
I love this! There was an unexpected twist to the story about Kel and her evil mother's background. Good job!
Amalia Paige chapter 10 . 4/26/2003
FANTASTIC. AMAZING. SPECTACULAR. WONDERFUL. EXCEPTIONAL. BRILLIANT. I could go on a long time! This is a brilliant story, that's all I can possibly say. By the way, I think I'm in love with Erik, can I keep him? Hehe... _

I anxiously await more material from you in the future, which reminds me to say, YOU'LL BE FAMOUS ONE DAY! I hope I can amount to half the writer you are. :)
abby chapter 10 . 3/31/2003
please write a sequel!

-abigail(or abby)(its my real name)
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