Author has written 4 stories for Naruto.
hey! thiS is my prOfile! hopE yOu like it! mosT impoRtantly hoPe yOu like my stOries:)
My Personal Profile:
Name: maica ~i won't give out my last name just to be safe...lol~
Age: 14
What I Look Like: Hmm..well. I have Brown wavy hair wich is almost up to my hip and I always waer it in a half ponytail. Green eyes, but some say it's a mixture of green and gray but i don't really care...lol. Fair skin. I'm 5'5. Hmmm...i guess thats about it..=)
Favorite TV Shows:
~Ah! My Goddess~
~Law of Ueki~
~Blood +~
~Love Hina~
~God! Save Our King~
~Fate/Saty night~
Favorite Books:
Harry Potter 1-7
Wild Act
Gacha Gacha
Love Hina
-x~ ~x~ ~x~ ~x~ ~x~ ~x~ ~x~ ~x~ ~x~ ~x~ ~x~ ~x~ ~x-
My Favorite Naruto Pairings!
Sasuke && Sakura
Naruto && Hinata
Tenten && Neji
Shikamaru && Ino
-x~ ~x~ ~x~ ~x~ ~x~ ~x~ ~x~ ~x~ ~x~ ~x~ ~x~ ~x~ ~x-
The songs that were in my stories:
Words Unspoken
Change Of Sasuke's Mind
sorry guys but i can't seem to find the songs for this one cause every song i find only plays 30 seconds each.
…….. .lovel …
…... lovelovelo … for all of you out there whose
…. .lovelovelove …. inlurve! paste this heart on your profile... :
.. .lovelovelovelove ………………. …. and for all of you whose heart was broken...
. .lovelovelovelovelo ………….. lovelo …. paste this too to let others know
.. lovelovelovelovelove …….… lovelovelov . that you still have the courage
.. lovelovelovelovelove ……. lovelovelove. move on and be happy with life and not just
... lovelovelovelovelove ….. lovelovelove … hold on to some jerk who broke your heart.
..… lovelovelovelovelove. .lovelovelove …
……. lovelovelolovelovelovelovelovelo …
…..…. lovelovelovelovelovelovelov …
……..…. lovelovelovelovelovelo …
………..… .lovelovelovelove … hearts & lurve-
……………… lovelovelo …. -wink-
……………….. lovelo …
…………………… .. , maicaü