Chapter 1: Too Many Questions
Sasuke inhaled.
Yup…he was definitely back home.
Sasuke was standing at the gates of Konoha, his face blank.
"Sasuke!?" Kotetsu asked puzzled.
Sasuke simply greeted them with a nod.
"We need to report to Tsunade-sama that you've returned right away!" Kotetsu said offering Sasuke to go with him.
"I can go there myself thank you" Sasuke said heading for the Hokage's mansion leaving Kotetsu puzzled.
On the way he could see a rather familiar figure heading his way carrying documents. It was Naruto.
Sasuke smirked.
As Naruto came closer, Sasuke could hear him curse.
"Do this, do that! Why doesn't she do it herself?!"
Sasuke looked at him as he passed by.
Naruto passed by but glimpsed at him. He continued walking but suddenly dropped the documents and looked back at Sasuke who kept his smirk.
Naruto had definitely grown up. He looked more mature now.
"Sasuke?" Naruto whispered.
"Tsunade!" Naruto said banging the door open.
"Didn't I tell you to give those documents to Kotetsu?" Tsunade said turning her chair around to look at him.
"I already did!" Tsunade baa-chan he-"
"You finished giving those documents? So fast?"
Naruto's grip tightened.
"Grrrrr! Tsunade-sama! Listen! He's back! Sasuke came back." Naruto said.
Tsunade's eyes enlarged.
Sasuke came in and looked at Tsunade.
"Long time no see Tsunade" Sasuke said his face blank.
"We heard Sasuke was back and-" Ino stomped in gasping for breath.
Everyone went inside of Tsunade's office and looked at her like there was someone very important to accompany to another country.
Tsunade looked at the back of the door. As they looked at the door it slowly closed revealing Sasuke leaning on the wall with his hand closing the door and the other on his side.
Everyone jumped on him, in a manner of speaking, and asked him thousands of questions.
Naruto smiled.
Sasuke pushed all of them away from him.
He didn't want this kind of atmosphere right now. He put up an angry look to his face.
Everyone was totally different now. He wondered how strong they've gotten.
"I don't need this now" Sasuke said as he closed his eyes heading for the window keeping his anger.
"Looks like you still have your pride Sasuke" Tsunade said with her eyes closed.
"Sasuke…" Naruto whispered looking sad.
Sasuke looked at all of them. They looked surprised.
One was missing though…
"It's a miracle that Sakura isn't here to annoy me…" Sasuke said with a smirk.
Everyone looked hurt.
"Sasuke! Don't talk about Sakura that way! She's been through so much pain that you've caused her, do you even know that?" Naruto said burning with rage.
Sasuke smirked.
"It's only a good thing that she now has so-" Ino was interrupted when someone went inside of Tsunade's office.
He's a new face… Sasuke thought his smirk disappearing from his face.
"I'm sorry I'm late Tsunade-sama, but Kotetsu-san needed help in gathering the documents that scattered near the gates" he said with a smile.
Tsunade looked at Naruto who scratched his head looking like he was about to apologize "ehehehe…"
"Who the heck are you?" Sasuke said shooting an angry glare at him.
"Oh, I'm sorry…I'm Yakuro" he said offering a hand to Sasuke as he smiled.
Sasuke looked at the hand then looked at Tsunade.
"Yakuro…put down your hand…he won't take your greetings."
He put down his hand and looked at Tsunade.
"That still doesn't answer my question…" Sasuke said looking at Tsunade before crossing his arms and closing his eyes.
"Again Sasuke, this is Yakuro…he came to Konoha a year ago. He's 16, just the same age as yours and the others…except for Neji, Tenten and Lee of course. He was sent here for a mission but he seemed to like it here better and told their Kazekage that he would be living here."
"And to Sakura's luck too" Ino said looking angry at Sasuke.
"And why is that?" Sasuke said keeping his smirk.
"Because when he arrived, Sakura didn't have to suffer because of you anymore."
Sasuke looked puzzled.
"Oh…your Sasuke" Yakuro said looking at Sasuke like he was an enemy.
"And?" Sasuke said returning his glare.
"You're the one who left this village 3 years ago and left Sakura to suffer alone here" He said keeping his glare.
"And so?" Sasuke said smirking.
"Don't talk to him about Sakura like that Sasuke…" Neji said calmly.
"Why?" Sasuke said walking towards his direction.
"Because" Neji said as Sasuke came face to face with him. "He's her fiancé" Neji said raising his voice a little.
Sasuke backed away keeping his smirk.
"Good thing he came too because Sakura almost killed herself for training each and everyday for you."
Sasuke shrugged keeping his smirk as he closed his eyes.
"So?" Sasuke said looking at Yakuro his smirk getting wider.
Yakuro was about to hit Sasuke but Shikamaru interrupted.
"Stop it Yakuro…just, leave him…" Shikamaru said holding his shoulders.
Yakuro calmed down and turned to look at Tsunade.
"I'm gonna' go outside now" he walked out of the office but before he opened the door he couldn't fight the urge to tell Sasuke something.
"You're gonna' regret that you left Sakura here"
"And why is that?" Sasuke said his smirk fading a little.
"You'll see after she comes back" he said without looking back as he closed the door.
"Where is she anyway" Sasuke asked keeping his smirk.
"She's out on a S-rank mission" Naruto said with a smirk.
"But that means-" Sasuke said looking surprised.
"-that she's ANBU already" Tenten said with a smirk.
How could she be that strong?... he thought.
"At least her being strong is a good thing she got from your leaving her here." Hinata said her face blank.
"You don't stammer anymore…" Sasuke said his smirk coming back.
"I got my confidence steady because of Naruto" she said smiling.
"So you finally got over Sakura eh?" Sasuke said looking at Naruto.
"Hn" Naruto said his face blank.
"just to let you know Sasuke, everybody's a Jounin now…except of course for Sakura, Tenten, Neji and Lee. They're the one's who passed the ANBU test" Tsunade said her eyes closed.
"So?" Sasuke said his smirk disappearing from his face as he looked at all of them.
"You're still a Chuunin" Naruto said with pride.
Sasuke remembered that he was only announced to the Chuunin level before during the exams.
"The Jounin exam is in 2 weeks though, do you want to enter" Tsunade asked opening her eyes.
"I'm gonna' finish it easily anyways…I'll enter the damn thing" Sasuke said returning his smirk.
"Okay…all of you, you can now go"
Everything with them seemed different as they stepped out of the Hokage's mansion.
Shikamaru's arm was around Ino's waist as they walked towards the direction of her house.
Neji pulled a joke out of Tenten and she laughed. Tenten jumped on Neji's back and they headed for their training grounds with Tenten on Neji's back.
Naruto's arm was on Hinata's shoulders as they headed for Ichiraku's
Sasuke raised his brow just before smirking and shook his head, closing his eyes looking at the ground.
"So when exactly are you getting married?" Sasuke asked opening his eyes smirking as he stared at the direction in front of him.
"Next Year" Yakuro stepped out of the shadows a few meters behind Sasuke and leaned against the mansion's wall and crossed his arms.
"It's a wonder how you liked her" Sasuke said turning around looking at him.
"If she's only here now…you'll see why" Yakuro said with a smile.
Sasuke turned around and shook his head heading for the direction of his apartment.
hey guys! hope you liked this chapter! new story for me still making the next chapter so look forward to it!!