Chapter 3 – Just The Beginning

5 minutes before the bell would ring. I already waved goodbye to Ino since I told her I still had to put my books in my locker and drop off some documents to the library. I still wasn't used to the whole hey-everyone-Sakura's-hot-now!-stare-at-her type of thing that I've been receiving since awkweird yesterday.

I opened my locker and put my books in and when I was finished and was already closing it, surprise, surprise…

"Why don't you just give in?" Sasuke smirked thinking that him leaning on my neighboring locker would have me enticed in him so much that I really would give in.

"And why don't YOU just GIVE UP?" I shot back smirking along.

"You know I won't" he raised one eyebrow and leaned in closer to me.

I opened my locker once again, banging it on his face.

"Someday you will…" I closed my locker door and walked away rolling my eyes while I still got the chance when he was rubbing his hopefully broken nose.

Just as I was about to become okay again for the whole day, he eventually caught up with me halfway through the library.

"C'mon Sakura just another teeny chance, I'm sure you'll do well with all my other girlfriends whose already accepted the fact that they'd rather be in my life with the other girls I have than not be in my life at all" he raised his eyebrows a few times thinking it was a possibility.

"I'm not one of those girls… I'm sorry to say" I said sarcastically.

"You will be"

"In your dreams"

"C'mon Sak, what would it take for you to become one of my girls?" he asked still having that smirk on his face as he overtook me and stood in front with the plan of not having me through until I answer his stupid already answered by my actions question.

"Let's see" I played thinking about something "Nothing…" I giggled and passed him.


I turned around and was surprised to see that he was still rooted to the same spot looking at me like he already had no intentions to follow me whatsoever.

"See Sasuke, you're one of those guys whom I'll never ever go out with. But let's say AGAIN, since before I was stupid enough to actually believed that you… you know, loved me FOR ME? And finding out I was wrong about all of those sure brought a lot of damn hell to my life so do me a favor? Jump of a cliff will yea?"

I turned around triumphant leaving him speechless behind me.


Unlike some of the normal recess in some schools, mine just wouldn't be like those. I'll never have those when I know this idiotic guy keeps tailing around… well not actually stalking but maybe by "coincidence" that he was mostly wherever I was. But some guys I could really tell that they were stalking me, man I was never used to this when I was here before…

"Sorry" I said rubbing my forehead as I hit someone, apparently new…

"It's okay… I can see why you're not so concentrated on where you're walking" she giggled, her chocolate brown eyes glimmering beautifully.

"I can see you have the same problem too" I giggled back seeing guys hide behind open lockers or behind corners or simply reading books while glancing at her, trying to be "inconspicuous". I hope they had fun TRYING.

"Sakura, the school's gone crazy… I'm scared!" Ino shouted running to me being, one again, inconspicuously followed by guys as well.

"Relax Ino… that should've happened yesterday but maybe only word got spread out today about you… well look at you…" I smirked. She didn't reply but was still trying to guard herself from the piercing gazes of the guys that followed her. "New student?" I asked the girl I just bumped in to.

"Yea… and it seems we firstly have something in common" she raised her brows towards the different guys and giggled. "I'm Tenten"

"Haruno Sakura and this is my friend Ino…" I smiled tucking a lock of my hair behind my ear which made some guys from a distance sigh. EW.

"So… since yesterday huh?" Tenten asked hugging her books with one hand as the other pointed at the guys behind me and Ino.

"Join the club" I giggled and rolled my eyes.

"Ino… I think I'm having the same problems as yours" a raven haired, cute rosy cheeked teen went beside Ino and hugged her arm.

"We're not alone…" Ino said giggling. "Tenten, Sakura, I'd like you to meet my friend, Hyuuga Hinata. She's in my History Class" Ino introduced.

"Hyuuga, are you Neji's sister or-"

"I'm his cousin" she replied shyly. She was cute and obviously very shy… I guess this school just can't get enough of unique girls so that'[s why they follow some around… like the four of us for example… whatever happened to normal lives in high school?


"How do you know Hyuuga Neji?" I asked changing the topic after I greeted Hinata, smiling at my once again new found friend.

"Oh well I…" she stopped and blushed.

"I get it…" I giggled… "He's a cool guy but I guess you'd have to have an extra something for him to like you. Legend says-"I put quotation marks on the word legend "-he's never fallen for a girl, yet, EVER."

"Yeah Neji's says girls are a waste of time" Hinata included herself into the conversation as she twiddled with her fingers.

"So I'll see you guys at lunch if you don't have anyone else to be with" I smiled at the group of friends that I might start to hang with for the whole year.



"And then?" Ino asked excitedly thinking that my story was melodramatic and interesting.

"I bugged him off, so annoying. Couldn't he understand that and meant no and not yes? The idiot!" I told my friends that lunch time on our new table.

It was fun knowing how the rest of the year and the years after, I'd be like this with my friends… new friends at that. I'd be very happy to stay and have with them like this for as long as ever.

"Well you're not the only one; honestly I wasn't used to this kind of thing before…" Tenten sentenced as she took a slice of her steak.

"Why? I was a nerd before… guess this thing now is what I should get used to after my stupid make over" I rolled my eyes and the memory of having that long make over change abroad bought shivers down my spine. So long… all alone with that gender confused over talker… shiver…

"Nope… nerd was never in my category of my past selves but I had friends like those before… but now I don't. Just because I changed my appearance, I've been dragging my literally poor over stalked body everywhere just to hide and let's say I've forgotten to spend special time with my friends… I was, well what you'd call boy-ish before… my pushy mom left me with her long time friend to fix me in her home land and it worked… although I do miss wearing those baggy pants… sure'd pair well with some sleeveless vintage tops…" Tenten sighed.

"If you were boy-ish I was standard loser! I couldn't get everything right and being cool was totally not a thing for me before… learning stuff from my mom for a couple of months really got me to turn around…" Ino shrugged triumphantly and brushed her long beautiful gold blonde hair.

"Compared to me at least you weren't all clutses, everything I touched would either end up junk or totally beyond repair" Hinata said after eating a slice of her banana.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Mom put me into all those grace schools and she wouldn't let me cut off my hair whenever it got too long for my taste… learning to use proper and stylish clothing was a part of that school too…"

So Hinata wasn't the type to have long hair but now she did, and it suited her. Go her mom who knew best!

"Hey… you're Sakura right, I mean… duh but… you really are HER right?" a freshmen walked to our table and stared at the four of us with this some kind of indescribable desire. Unknown if either to friendship or romance. Pathetic.

"Yea… and you're Ino and Tenten and Hinata… I've seen your past record and profile in the other schools, forgive me for my interruptions and indecency… but I'm a part of the school council and given the job to take care to look out the profile of the transfer, new, old-gone-and-back students if they fit for the school… and I should say… wow…"

Poor freshmen talking to new sophomores couldn't get the right words out of his mouth.

"I'm Kaito, and as a part of the student council… I'd like to invite you to the annual school welcoming party, it's not actually handled by the school but-"

"Chill… I know all about it… we'd love to go, Kaito" I smiled.

"Cool… okay... see you then…" he saluted and walked off.

"So what is this?"

"Well practically it's a school party… sort of. The school doesn't hold charges on it or know anything about it but the school body, a.k.a the students, are holding it for sort of like a start of the school so get to know newbies type of party…" I shrugged opening my canned fruits.

"Cool! When is it exactly?"

"After today's dismissal" I winked.

"But isn't it a school night?" Hinata asked.

"Don't worry. I have my room big enough for a slumber party. Do you want to get your stuff and run to my house before the party?" I smiled of the idea.



Third Person Point Of View

"Who's that girl?" Shikamaru rubbed his chin, his eyes following some girl that caught his eye.

"That's Yamanaka Ino… believe me… she's a loser before that simply transferred to this school." Sasuke replied for Shikamaru who already tilted his head towards Sasuke because of his personal comment.

"And what was Sakura before… a nerd right? And I didn't judge her or anything when you suddenly got an interest on her… so can you put the bitchy overlooked personality check behind?" Shikamaru winked and knew he won the talk when Sasuke smirked and shrugged.

Shikamaru walked off and disappeared into the crowd. Seemed like out blue eyed blonde who was wearing some short-short denims and a halter top caught the eye of Shikamaru.

"So… see anything sweet pass your way?" Sasuke asked Neji who thought it was pointless to attend this year's party.

Girls wearing shawls, shorts, sleeveless tops and some… only wearing bikinis and nothing else… has already passed their way and received tallied whistling scores from the playboy Sasuke.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I have no interest in-"

Neji stopped.

"Hello? And you were saying?" Sasuke asked snapping a finger in front of Neji's face whose eyes have just followed a certain chocolate haired newbie.

"So you finally got those eyes follow some good stuff huh?"

"Shut up… the wind caught me by surprise…" Neji answered with an annoyed tone and walked away.

"Funny story Hyuuga… it's dead air in this beach… there was no wind that passed by" Sasuke smirked and walked off with his hands in his beach shorts' pockets.

"Where could she be?" Naruto mumbled.

"Who is where exactly?" Sasuke asked putting his elbows on the ledge getting his eyes glued to the crowd trying to look for someone.

"I've had a crush on her since I saw her at the park a long time ago. She dropped her ice cream cause I bumped into her on my bike… I never forgot her… but after she was picked up with a limo… I knew she was too good… but know I also know it's not wrong to try right?" he said into the air not aiming his words to Sasuke.

"How do you know she's here?" Sasuke asked being creeped out about the fact that Naruto actually got concentrated on one girl now… the only girl he concentrated on.

"I saw her on that first day of school during the assembly… she's changed… appearance and-"

"Naruto-kun? Is that you?" a soft voiced girl echoed her words into Naruto's ear.

Naruto turned around a big smile appeared on his face.


Hinata nodded and blushed.


Sakura's P.O.V

Great. The girls walked out, well not technically walked out but haven't they realized I'm all alone… they're probably having fun with other people out there. But it's okay, I perfectly well understand. I took some punch from the bar near the bonfire the other students have already made and leaned on a big rock overlooking the ocean.

"I see you're alone as well"

"Go away…" I hated to hear that voice. I loathed it. The freaking idiot. Didn't he also understand the word no? The world's gone crazy… whenever we say no to guys the only outcome that pops in their head is that we approved and said yes.

"But you look like you could use some company… still haven't got any friends like before?" Sasuke smirked and leaned beside me thinking that was okay.

"Actually I already have my friends… and yes it has an s as it's last letter. Secondly I'm alone because Tenten… had some guy ask her if it was okay to have a walk with him, Ino was practically asked to dance by this guy and Hinata just said she found her long lost crush in this pool of people. Third… their your friends so I suggest you keep them behaved cause if ever they hurt my friends… they'll get kicked to the curb" I smirked and turned back to my drink.

Sasuke smirked like he already had a plan brewing in his mind and maybe thinking about the weird fact that Neji had asked a girl to walk on the beach with him. Or maybe that wasn't Neji at all… he really was serious when he said he didn't like women. I should know…

"Since they have their thing with the guys now… why don't you and i-"

Him coming closer to me and feeling his breathe tickling my ear wanted me to punch him. But not just yet, instead.

"I hate kinky guys like you" I poured my drink on his head and sad to say people were listening in on our conversation so I practically had the whole audience laughing.

"This Uchiha, Sasuke… is a loser not one worth dating… but if you want him to get into your pants to simply rent you overnight, be my guest ladies" I smirked and skipped away stifling my laughter.

"You'll fall for me eventually" he followed out.

"Oh no Sasuke… I'll never do that… if you keep on trying you'll receive embarrassing moments like this then… this is just the beginning…"

"I like em' feisty… count me in… I'll play your little game… give you 50 bucks if you won't fall for me after all my efforts"

I hesitated… but the smiled.


"I won't give up on you then…"

"And I'm not loosing to you Uchiha…"

-to be continued-

-read && review please-

Hey guys! Thanks so much for supporting this story and as a token of my gratitude… I'll be updating the story "I Miss The Me You Loved" next week… a full very very long chapter for you delight and I'm sorry I had you waiting this long. A couple more night's sleep and you'll be reading my update for my other story. This message does not mean I'll be stopping this story. Please continue loving and reading this one cause it's gonna be a bigger hit than my first story… hopefully that is. LOL. Anyways . bye loveyea'll
