Summary: Sakura broke up with Sasuke cause of him being too much of a playboy. At first Sasuke doesn't give a damn in breaking up with his nerdy girlfriend but after a year of not meeting, whose this hot new girl in school? WTF... that couldn't be Sakura?!

"I'm breaking up"

Those three words hit me like a nuclear bomb even though I was the one saying it but still, I had to. What good relationship would come out of this one when you knew your boyfriend would be a forever-playboy? Why did I even agree to go steady with him?

I also have to admit I have my down side. Being practically nerdy and ugly… and having pimples and glasses that aren't even well proportioned. Addition to all those are these stupid braces that get food stuck in them whenever after I eat something.

My boyfriend practically laughed and rolled his eyes telling me finally it ended and that he wasn't man enough to do it to hurt a "nerd's feelings". What the? That time I really knew he just played a joke on me when he told me he loved me and thought it would be funny for everyone to think how stupid I was to ever have the most gorgeous, averagely smart, richest boyfriend everyone wanted to actually fall IN love with some like ME.

I was too heartbroken even after that. I told mom to let me go abroad for at least a year and get me think this off and study there. She agreed. When I get back I'll show him! If he's ever gonna want me back I'll laugh and walk away. I didn't care if I would still look like a nerd in front of him when he'd play me. I knew I was beautiful inside. And that's what matters right?

I guess now I'll have to pack.

I swear… I'll forget that Uchiha Sasuke.


Chapter 1 – Unknown Or Unrecognizable?

My plane landed. Finally! It's so good to be back home. I haven't my family, more or less my parents, in over a year now and I've missed them so much! All those chatting and emailing with them didn't do. I was homesick abroad and at times I thought about giving up schooling there and with that other goal in my mind but the pain I remembered kept me going. Fortunately I became happy abroad.

I took the luggage from the upper compartment as soon as we were allowed to stand up to get ready to go out. As soon as I stepped inside the familiar airport after the long line in the plane, I couldn't help but smile and inhale fresh Konoha air-conditioned air. It was weird I know but being homesick almost everyday as soon as I got abroad got me a little really too much depressed than I already was.

"Where could she be?" I heard a very familiar voice pass by me.

I looked around and instantly recognized the voice.

"Mom" I called out rooted to the spot not knowing what to do when you've seen what you've been craving to hug in a whole year.

She turned around with my Dad looking quite confused.

"Excuse me?" she asked.

"Mom it's me! Sakura…" I said leaving my stroller luggage and hugged them.

"Sakura?!" They both said at the same time I hugged them.

"Do I look to different?" I asked scratching my head as soon as they gently pushed me away and took a good head-to-foot look at me.

"I didn't recognize you. I've missed you so much!" Mom said hugging me this time and getting my shirt wet with her tears,

"You've grown hun, we missed you so much"

"I did too dad, trust me…" I said patting my mom's back who was sobbing.

After all the welcoming greets and hugs and kisses by the cheeks I finally sat down in the car dad had to pick me up and put my luggage at the back. I closed my eyes and smiled remembering what home was like and admittedly getting too excited to see my room and spiritually hug it.

"So we've already enrolled you Hun, school starts tomorrow. I'm sorry we couldn't prolong your rest." Mom said looking at me with gleeful eyes.

"Its okay mom, I'm excited about school anyways." I didn't have any friends before seeing as how pathetic I was. Or maybe still am, but maybe this year I'll get luck finding new ones.


"Today we have a new student class-"

New student? Hold up there I wasn't new… I was an old student, I just wasn't here last year.

"Excuse me but I'm not a new student" I corrected the teacher that loved me before I left. I guess you could call me a teacher's pet with me having my good grades and all.


"Anko don't you recognize me? Just cause I lost my pimples and braces and glasses and all those stuff, I'm still your grade A student" I winked.

She paused for a moment in confusion but then had utter shock and smile screaming printed on her face.

"Sakura?!" she screamed.

The class all looked at me from the front since I always loved to sit at the back and had their mouths wide open. I guess that make-over I had abroad really got me unknown in this school and even to my parents. I wasn't used to this attention but it'll do seeing as I really was lonely for so long. I just smiled and nodded.

"Wow and… wow!"

I could say that what I looked like was too much for them to get used to since what they saw before was someone ugly and now… well even for me, I even fainted after I saw my whole done make over abroad. I had fringe or bangs now, my hair was let loose instead of always being pony tailed, I had no more glasses and braces and pimples. My cheeks gained a rosy glow cause of the cold abroad but I guess now their permanent since I couldn't get my normal faint colored skin back to my cheeks with hot water. I was skinnier and I guess my chest has grown it's own too. I got a little bit taller as well. What was there not to recognize?

She shook her head. "Okay, now let's start the class and Sakura, it's good to have you back" I nodded.

"Since summers over…"

I wasn't listening now, I was too busy staring at the students, some, my ex classmates, were still staring at me like I was someone on fire. Literally.

After class that was mostly Anko telling the students to concentrate on what she was saying, I was alone once again. I was used to it. now I had to do my usual routine. Get my books back in the locker and then maybe study by the grounds lying down on the grass field near the soccer area.

Rumors were already spreading about my comeback since some have already asked if it really was me while I was torture walking to my locker. My, how fast do these people gossip? I rolled my eyes, shot my books into my locker and got one out for the next class I had to study on. I was wearing ragged edged skinny jeans and a vintage music lover top. I walked over towards where I wanted to be ignoring all the fuss.

I finally laid belly down on the dew grass and kicked my legs alternately as I read the book.

"Hey… hi" I heard an unfamiliar voice beside me. I looked at the girl already squatting herself beside me. I didn't recognize her. Must be a new student.

"Hi" I said smiling back at her. She had beautiful long blonde hair and her watery aqua blue eyes shimmered under the sun.

"I'm Ino, I'm new here" she shrugged.

"I'm Sakura… people think I'm new but I'm just a one year get-back"

"Yea I've heard. You're names almost filling up the entire school" she chuckled.

"Wow…" I said with my mouth wide open not sure how to handle this much attention already.


We both looked at each other and giggled.

I stopped abruptly and massaged the part of my head where a stupid soccer ball hit me.

"Sakura are you okay?" Ino asked.

"Yea I said as I lay with my back on the ground squinting my eyes."

"I'm sorry…" I heard a guy's voice say. He was looking down on me with his soccer uniform. I couldn't see his face since the sun was hurting my eyes and overshadowing his face. He pulled me up and I had to wait a few seconds before the short black out would clear up.

"I didn't mean that… I'll get an ice pack." He said.

"No its-" I stopped as I saw his face. His stupid BEAUTIFUL face! "Go away!" I shouted. "C'mon Ino"

I pulled her hand and we left without a word. Ino looked back but I was too angry to even care.

I bet he looked stupid and wondering back there.

"What was that about? He was being nice to you" Ino asked as I slowed down and let go of her hand inside the school.

"THAT was and IS still the most notorious playboy here! For short on why I give it a big factor. That idiot is my EX! Uchiha Sasuke" I infuriated.

Her mouth was a big O.


Sasuke's P.O.V

"Hey Sasuke… what happened" Neji asked.

"She shouted at me…" I shrugged and rolled my eyes smirking. "I guess she's not the type to fall for my charms."

Neji rolled his eyes at me and smiled. "Right…" he slow mentioned as he walked back to the main field kicking the ball towards Shikamaru.

I wonder who that girl was. She was definitely not one in my girlfriends group but she's not one from this school old too. Must be anew student. But one thing was for sure. She was beautiful. Wait did I just use that word? I'm supposed to say HOT… weird. I guess she's a difficult one to add to my list.

By dismissal I was walking with Neji and then I saw her again.

"Hey Neji… that's her… do you know her?"

"What the-" he said as he took a good glance at her.

"Hey she's mine… I saw her first…" I smirked.

"That's not what I mean…" he said.

"Sasuke…" Shikamaru continued for the o-mouthed Neji. "That's your ex" he shrugged lazily.

I thought about it and a number of ex's came with a list in my mind.

"Where the heck do I start?" I asked sarcastically knowing that I couldn't even count the number of ex girlfriend's I've had.

"That's Sakura baga! And now she's HOT!"


I couldn't help but do what Neji what doing… stare at her. No, that couldn't be… that's not Sakura!

I think so…

-to be continued-

Guys look, Im really sorry if I havent updated my story "I Miss The Me You Loved" yet cause im having one of those really bad writer's block. Any suggestions or ideas? Anyways…

This is a new story that majority won over the poll I have and I hope it gets a good start and that you'd love it.

--read & review—

