![]() Author has written 13 stories for CSI. Ok, so I think I should write a little thing here about myself... here it goes I'm 28, female. I'm orginally from Ontario, Canada (just outside of Niagara Falls) and I am currently living in Southport, England. I've actually loved writing since I was a kid, you would always see me with pen & paper. For my 21st birthday all I asked for was pens, papers, binders and stuff. But I never really did anything about my writing. My grandmother was actually a published writer herself (She sadly passed April 2009) not a HUGE author but I love some of the stories she's wrote. (I guess I get my talent from her) When I was in school the teachers couldn't wait 'til it was time to "write stories" lol! 'Cuz they always loved mine (rolls eyes) But being the rebel I was, I never did any homework unless I was forced to, or threatened and that always happened when I wouldn't write! Ha ha! So they were only presented with a few stories. Ha ha! I'm a lesbian and proud of it. It actually took me a LONG time to admit it to myself but in 2005, I started coming out. Now, I'm out to everybody I know and I don't care what people say! WOOT! No One Is To Blame, I wrote the first 6 chapters in December of 2006 for an ex-girlfriends Christmas present as she was into CSI and the Cath/Sara FanFiction pairings, so I did some research whilst on midnights at work, and that involved reading FanFiction stories so I knew what it was all about and I got hooked on FanFiction! She DID warn me though! Promises was written in a few days as it was my way of dealing with what was going on at that time. And then a few days after I posted Promises, I found out my mom's best friend's son was going to be deployed in Iraq. He fought in Bazara, and is now home safe and sound. And My Little Boxer I wrote in a few hours and dedicated it to my niece that was born June 13th, 2007. I nicknamed her "My Little Boxer" because she puts her hands up like she's a boxer. I also have a nephew named Zev who born Aug 4th, 2008. I was sadly not present for his birth cuz the then-wife and I couldn't afford to fly over to Canada for his birth. I also have 2 step-nieces and a step-nephew, Stephanie who is 15, Courtney who is 12 and Jason who is 6. I am a PROUD Auntie!! I also gained a step-sister, who is older than me... So I'm still getting used to not being the oldest now!! HA HA!! I got married to a beautiful woman I met on here actually... It started off with me reviewing her stories, I called her bluff, we started e-mailing, then MSNing, and it just went from there!! We got married very fast, but when you know someone is the one, you don't want to wait!! We started dating September 21st, 2007 and then got married on April 6th, 2008 (on her 26th birthday, just as she had mentioned to wanted to do in memory of her Mum) and I moved over here 3 days later... But sadly my marriage ended Feb 12, 2011. It was a very hard year - 18 months for me... We sadly don't talk anymore because of some crazy person playing us against each other which eventually escalated to us almost punching each other's lights out and we are not those kind of people, either!! So it was a shock to both of us, that it had gotten that far... But even though it was a shock to us, she stopped talking to me, so we sadly do not talk anymore, which was hard for me because I don't really have any friends over here... And even harder now, because out of nowhere my best friend said she wanted nothing to do with me!! She said it was because I live over here now and we have nothing in common now because I live over here in England...? Confusing, so I have no one now... So it's quite a lonely life for me now... :-( I've also noticed that the link I tried posting at the end of "Promises" was not posted. So here's the link, if you wish to watch it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIxJjXiXwlM I've just started writing chapters for No One Is To Blame again, and hopefully I can start writing Family Vacation again... Plus the last 1-2 chapters for Closer. I've also set up a "Blog" thing on WordPress for news on my stories, so like when I expect to update my stories and stuff... So here's the address if you want to read and maybe join/subscribe? That's all. chimp1984 |