Ok, this is the first one I ever wrote. I wrote this in December for my girlfriend as a Christmas present, as I knew she loves the CSI fanfiction about Sara and Catherine. Plus, I love writing so I figured why not? I wasn't going to post it as it was for my girlfriend but she told me I should because it was good. So shrugs here it is, I hope you enjoy!

Sara looks at Catherine, trying to be discreet so no one will notice "God! Look at her! The way she moves her hips when she walks, the way she smiles when she's talking to someone…" Sara thinks as Catherine walks to the coffee pot whilst talking to Warrick about their case.

Catherine catches a glimpse of Sara looking at her. Sara darts her eyes when she noticed Catherine had caught her. She grabs a magazine and hides her rapidly blushing face in the magazine. Catherine stops mid-sentence to Warrick while she ponders what that meant. "Does that mean she's as attracted to me as I am her?"

"Catherine?? Hello?? Earth to Catherine!" Warrick tries getting Catherine's attention

"Oh, sorry Warrick. I think I got something on the case."

"Ok? And that would be…?" Warrick asked confused because the case is a dead end.

Not noticing Warrick was asking her a question, Catherine walks out of the break room and towards her office.

"Was I imagining that? She was blushing when I caught her! I swear she was! Damn woman! Control yourself! She's straight… she has to be, doesn't she? She's been lusting after Grissom for God knows how long… and then there's Hank…" A knock on her door brings Catherine back to reality

"Come on in!" Catherine yells at the door

"Uh, hi Catherine? Hi… I… uh…" Sara stutters trying to get the words out. With a big sigh, the words come out like gibberish "Iwaswonderingifyouwannacatchsomebreakfastwithme?"

"I'm sorry?" Catherine asks

"Sorry, um… Fancy some breakfast after shift?"

"Sure" replies Catherine trying to act like it didn't bother her.

"Great… so uh? Meet you outside afterwards?"

"Ok. See you then." Catherine was sure her face was burning

"So, any leads on your case Catherine?" Sara asks trying to break the awkward silence between them.

"No, dead end. No evidence on the homicide. Warrick is as stumped as me" Catherine replies

"Oh" was all Sara could say. She was at awe with Catherine's beauty, her feelings and attractions towards her are getting stronger… even being in the same room with her gets her all flustered

"Wait!" Sara thinks to herself "Catherine is checking me out! She just looked at my… Oh my god! She's staring at my lips! Fuck, I want to kiss her, to taste her…."

Catherine notices that Sara caught her checking her out "Shit! She caught… wait! She's staring at me too! Oh shit, the tension… should I make the first move?"

They are so lost in each other's eye movements that they didn't notice the waitress waiting to take their order until she cleared her throat. Sara quickly orders and excuses herself from the table

Sara stands in front of the mirror staring at her reflection

"What the fuck was that back there? That woman sure knows how to get the hormones going!"

Just as Sara puts her head down to splash cold water on her face, she feels a hand on her shoulder. Sara freezes, keeping her head down

"Are you ok, Sara? You've been in here awhile."

"Yeah, sorry to worry you. I'll be out in a few."

"Ok" Catherine stands there not removing her hand from Sara's shoulder but slowly moves her hand down Sara's arm and into her hand.

Sara slowly turns around, keeping her head down but her eyes glide upwards taking in Catherine's body on the way up. Their eyes meet and darken with an unexplained sense of emotion overwhelming each other. Catherine leans in wanting to know what Sara's lips feel like against her own. Their lips are so close they can feel the others breath on their own lips.

"Fuck…" Sara musters "I'm sorry, I can't." with that Sara moves away, dries her hands and walks out leaving Catherine wondering what just happened.

Sara fumbles through her glove compartment looking for those hidden cigarettes she keeps for emergencies

"Fuck! Why can't I find the damn things when I need one!" After a few more minutes of profanities, she gives up telling herself she didn't need one anyways. Sara sees Catherine sitting at the table, looking deep in thought, holding a cup of coffee in her hands. With a sigh and hands deep in the back pockets of her jeans, Sara walks into the diner to join Catherine.

The rest of the breakfast consists of awkward silences, mild chit chat, and diverting eyes. Catherine glances at her watch, and says she has to leave because she promised Lindsay she would take her to school that morning. Sara agrees she should be leaving too, with that Sara pays and walks Catherine to her car. Once Sara entered her own vehicle, she leans her head back with closed eyes and sighs a sigh of frustration

"You can't do this, Sara! You're only going to get hurt again, like always." She continues, leaning back with closed eyes for a few more minutes then starts her car and drives away.

So? What do you think? I don't have a title for it. I'm not that good at thinking up titles... any ideas?