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![]() Author has written 21 stories for Pokémon. Name: Evan Age:24 Birthday: September 12, 1991 Hometown: Utica, New York, but I currently live in Lenox, New York Favorite AAML story made by myself: The Dare Game, ( my first one, it holds sentimental value since it was the first thing that got me to where I am today ) Favorite AAML story(s) made by others: Songs from the Heart ( my favorite ), Love And War, I'll never let go, etc, ( too many to list ) Sex: Male Orientation: Technically American, but I'm supposed to be German, Polish, French, Dutch, Irish, and English My favorite quotes: ''Death will come on swift wings''-Chinese proverb Brock- ''It's the best romance show ever!'' Max- ''Man, you watch that stuff too!?'' Brock-''It teaches me about romance!'' Max- ''If that show were a school, you'd be flunking!'' Brock- ( cowers into wall behind him and hits it with his fist ) ''Why do children have to be so cruel!!''-Brock and Max on ''King and Queen for a day'' Melody-''I told you to stay at the party, if you'd listen to me before, this wouldn't have happened!'' Misty-''Welcome to my world, I have to deal with his stubborn attitude every single day!'' Melody-''Oh it's alright, it's just something the two of you will have to work out when the two of you get married!'' Misty-''TAKE THAT BACK!'' Jessie-''Listen, when you deal with the opposite sex you're only asking for trouble!'' James-''Yes and that's the kind of trouble, I like to stay out of'' Meowth-''The two of you's don't need the opposite sex cause you's got each oda!'' Jessie-''What's that supposed to mean!?'' James-''Not funny!'' ( Meowth laughs )- Speech from ''Pokémon The Movie 2000'', my favorite part of it, other than the aaml Misty-''Well how about this!? ( pulls out holy cross ) '' Ghastly-''What's that!?'' Misty-''It's a cross! I also got garlic, a stake, and a hammer! ( Ash and Brock's face faults )'' Ghastly- (face faults ) ''Augh, what do I look like, some vampire?'' - Misty and Ghastly on ''Ghost of Maiden's Peak'' Narrator-''Well it seems Misty has captured a new Pokémon, congratulations!'' Misty-''Don't congratulate me!''- Narrator and Misty on ''Hypno's Naptime!'' May-''What are leche berries?'' Drew-''They're only the best berries for making Pokéblock, anyone who was a top Pokémon Coordinator would know that '' May-''Oh yeah!? Well I happen to know all about lechae berries!'' Drew-''Then you should know it's pronounced leche!'' May- ( makes a face to the camera )-May and Drew arguing on ''Who, What, Where, When, Wynot!'' Misty- ''Scrawny!?'' Ash-''REAL scrawny!'' Misty- ( hits Ash in head with fist ) Ash-''Ow!'' Misty-''That's it, I don't need to hang around here and be insulted, ( grabs Ash and Brock on ground ), let's get out of here!'' -Ash and Misty arguing on ''Ghost of Maiden's Peak'' Ash, Brock, Misty- ( after realizing that the wall separating their hot-bathes fell down and they look at each other, supposedly naked )-''AAAAAHHHHHHH!'' -Ash, Misty, and Brock on ''Volcanic Panic!'' Ash- ''Pikachu, our lucky star...is shinning today!'' Pikachu- ( looks at the sky and is confused, Misty appears right behind Ash and leans on him ) Misty- ''Where? I don't see it, how can you see a star in the middle of the day?'' Ash- ( faces Misty angrily ), ''I don't mean it's actually shinning!'' -Ash, Misty, and Pikachu on ''Electric Shock Showdown!'' Brock- ( Team Rocket has just performed a cheer for Pikachu for his battle against Raichu ), ''That was really, disturbing'' -Brock on ''Electric Shock Showdown!'' Brock- ''Oh Domino, so black and white, and yet so playful, ( grabs Domino's hand ), please let's find a quiet place to line up and see if we're a match'' ( Misty grabs Brock's ear ), Misty- ''Haven't you learned that if you can't play you can't win!?'' Brock- ''Ow, ow, ow!'' -Brock and Misty on ''Pokémon, Mewtwo's Return'' Brock- ''Wow, a Wartortle! Talk about your rare Pokémon'' Ash- ''A Warwhatle!?'' - Brock and Ash on ''Beach Blankout Blastoise!'' Misty- ( makes V for Victory sign ) ''Alright! I caught Horsea!'' Ash- ''Hey! That's my catch phrase!'' Misty- ''Well I like it, I always wanted to try it!'' Brock- Hey! That's a good idea, maybe I should try it too!'' Ash- ''Hey! Get your own catch phrase!'' -Ash, Misty, and Brock on ''Tentacool and Tentacruel!'' Dawn-( Runs in between Ash and Paul with Pikachu ) ''Hold it!'' Pikachu - ''Pika!'' Dawn- ''If you're going to fight, at least make it a Pokémon battle!'' Paul- ( stares at Dawn ) Dawn- ''What's wrong?'' Paul- ''What's wrong? Who are you?'' Dawn- ( Volcano bursts in background )''Excuse me, but we've met before, the name's Dawn!'' Paul- ''Never heard of you'' Dawn- ( Planet explodes in background )''You think you're funny don't you!? That's it, let's go!'' -Dawn and Paul on ''A Gruff Act to Follow!'' James- ( Prima has just given Ash an important speech about Pokémon battling ) ''What a wonderful speech, would you happen to have it on CD?'' Prima- ( Looks up at Team Rocket from Meowth head balloon ) ''Sorry, cassette only, ( looks down and whispers to Ash, Misty, Tracy, Pikachu, and Togepi ) $18.95 '' ( Ash and gang collapses, Team Rocket falls out of Meowth head balloon while collapsing ) -James and Prima on ''The Mandarin Island Miss Match!'' Jessie- ''Are you thinking what I'm thinking?'' James- ''I don't know, what were you thinking that I was thinking?'' Jessie- ''Gee, that's a hard one!''- Jessie and James on ''Clefairy Tales!'' Meowth- ''What's a passport?'' James- ''I don't know what kind of pass he's talking about Meowth, but will you please stop calling me sport!''- Meowth and James in the Pokémon movie ''Pokemon, The Legend Of Deoxys'' Ash-( looking through a window with Brock )''Huh? I don't see a beautiful girl'' Misty-( putting her hands on her cheeks, flustered ) ''Why don't you just turn around?'' Ash-( ignoring her and continuing to look through the window with Brock ) ''Misty, please, only one of us can hallucinate at a time''- Ash and Misty on ''Make room for Gloom!'' Evan- ( playing Super Smash Bro. Brawl on the Wii system with my little brother ) ''I just got mugged by a freakin Piplup!'' Evan and Connor- ( playing Super Smash Bro. Brawl, commenting on the loss of Pokéball items available due to changing environments and incompetent opponents ) ''SAVE THE POKEBALLS!'' James- ( telling his childhood story ) ''...and the little boy departed this world to a better place. Little Growlithe howled all night. The little boy was discovered solid cold the next morning'' Jessie- ( crying ) ''What a sad ending!'' Meowth- ( crying ) ''That poor kid!'' Brock- ( crying ) ''I can't believe...James is gone!'' Ash- ( crying ) ''I MISS HIM!'' Pikachu- ( crying ) ''Piiiiii'' Misty- ( annoyed at the stupidity of the group ) ''HOW CAN YOU MISS HIM WHEN HE'S STANDING RIGHT THERE!?'' James- ( realizing that Misty is right ) ''Oh yeah, that's right!''- James, Jessie, Meowth, Brock, Ash, Pikachu, and Misty on ''Holy Matrimony!'' Brock- ( after bringing a candle for Charmander to light, only to be burned by Charmander's Flamethrower in the process, standing burnt to a crisp and body expanded in anger ) ''LIGHT THE CANDLE NOT ME!''- Brock on ''The Tower Of Terror!'' Ash- ( after seeing Temaku hit on Brock ) ''Wow, imagine Brock, married!'' Misty- ( not paying attention ) ''You and I will be married someday too'' Ash- ( nodding ), ''Mhmmm ( pause, then realization of what Misty said ), HUH!?'' Misty- ( stares at Ash with bug eyes, realizing also what she has said )- Ash and Misty on ''The Heartbreak Of Brock!'' David- ( playing SSBB and being attacked ) ''SQUIRTLE'S GOT A LIGHT-SABER!'' - My friend David The Collector, ( Lawrence III ) - "Disturb not the harmony of Fire, Ice, or Lightning, lest these three titans wreck destruction upon the world in which they clash. Though the water's Great Guardian shall arise to quell the fighting, alone its song will fail, thus the Earth shall turn to Ash. O, Chosen One, into thine hands bring together all three. Their treasures combined tame...the beast of the sea. Now it...begins" - The Collector, AKA Lawrence III in "Pokémon The Movie 2000" Jessie- "Prepare for more trouble than you've ever seen!" James- "And make it double, we're on the big screen!" Ash- ( angry ) "I'm going to have to get this on video!" ( Team Rocket faults ) - Jessie, James, and Ash in "Pokémon The Movie 2000" James- ( while, he, Jessie, and Meowth cling onto Lugia's leg, arguing that they're too heavy ) "We should try Weight Watchers!" Jessie- "It's too late for that!" Meowth- "I heard it's never too late if you just STICK TO THE PROGRAM!" - James, Jessie, and Meowth arguing in "Pokémon The Movie 2000" James- ( the end of the movie, Team Rocket has just realized that they were heroes for once ) "We actually did some good this time!" Meowth- "What if da boss finds out!?" James- "That's bad!" Jessie- "We'll just make our own team then!" James- "That's good!" Meowth- "But we ain't got no money!" James- "That's bad!" Jessie- "Then we'll just steal some!" James- ( confused ) "That's good...or is that bad...ugh!" - James, Meowth, and Jessie at the end of "Pokémon The Movie 2000" Evan- "Life is short, break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss softly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile" - My senior quote, which was placed in my final high school year book as my own personal goodbye to the other students. Author Hall of Fame: (That's right, I'm doing this, please don't be upset if you're not on here, I update frequently!) *in NO particular order* -prettygirl17 (http://www.fanfiction.ws/u/1251687/prettygirl17 ) -prettygirl17 has been my longest friend on this site and to this day she is still my best friend here. She may ALSO be my girlfriend and the love of my life, but let's not dwell on that here, ;) We first met years ago after I read her first story and reviewed it for her. While that story is no longer up, she has plenty of other stories on now that will certainly please readers. Her talent of characterization and symbolism is, in my opinion, unmatched. We have shared ideas and opinions many times over the years and I personally thank her for being one of the people who have helped bring me to where I am today as an author. She is, and always will be, my dear friend. :D She also has her own blog site: "Behind PG17". It's an inspiring site, and I hope you all can check it out. :) http:/// Author Appearances: "Power From Within", "R". -AshK (http://www.fanfiction.ws/u/19672/ ) -AshK was the first person who reviewed my work whom I stayed in contact with when I first started writing. While many of the authors who reviewed my earlier works either left quick little "good jobs", or left rather rude comments, AshK not only supported my writings, but gave me suggestions and tips, tips I still use to this day. He has been writing for many years longer than me, and has plenty of stories to prove it. He is, in my opinion, the best cross-over writer on the site, and a wonderful talent that the younger generation of writers can easily learn from. To this day, he still reviews my works, just like he did so many years ago, something I am always appreciative of. Author Appearances: "Power From Within", "R". -Bittersweet Romanticide (http://www.fanfiction.ws/u/1163169/Bittersweet-Romanticide ) -Bittersweet Romanticide was another friend who I first met years ago in my early years of writing. (note, I started writing on this site 5 days before her. ;P). I discovered one of her many hilarious Pokémon one shots and have since then become good friends with the author. She is one with such varying talent that it amazes me to this day. Her skills at comedic writing and unbelievable story-telling is matched only by her skills at writing different topic stories; all of them with deep meaning and great emotion. She is an author who has influenced my writing so much in the years, and she has also given me the most tips in terms of proper English writing. She has since then retired from writing Pokemon stories, but I wish her the best of luck with her future endeavors. Thank you my friend. :) Author Appearances: "Eternal Darkness". Shipping Definitions: Pokeshipping- The pairing of Ash and Misty, the most popular form of shipping, ( my fav! ). AKA Gakishipping, Twerpshipping, SatoKasu, AAML, ( and stories known as AAMRN ). Contestshipping- The pairing of May and Drew, second most popular form of shipping read ''does not mean written'' , ( I write this a bit ). AKA DAML Rocketshipping- The pairing of Jessie and James, ( makes perfect sense to me ). AKA JAJL Gymshipping- The pairing of Misty and Brock, ( I can see where people got this from, but Brock is too hormonal for Misty and they are more like siblings if anything, besides, he's made too many AAML jokes for that to happen ). Advanceshipping- The pairing of Ash and May, ( I notice that this one has alot of dislikes due to the introduction of May into the series with the loss of Misty ). AKA AAML, ( be careful readers! You may get Ash and Misty, or Ash and May! ) Palletshipping- The pairing of Ash and Gary, ( I personally hate slash fics, nothing against the authors, but I just find it weird ). Egoshipping- The pairing of Misty and Gary, ( No, just...no ) Ikarishipping- The pairing of Dawn and Paul, ( I hate Paul with a passion, but hey, not everyone does ). Pearlshipping- The pairing of Ash and Dawn, ( one of the newest ones, Dawn is too young for Ash, then again, things considered, most everyone is the same age! But still, doubt it ). Penguinshipping- The pairing of Dawn and Kenny, ( pretty possible, it's obvious that Kenny likes Dawn, but the Pokémon Co. seems to hate having their characters getting together! I personally am not a big fan of it, but hey, I'll write about it ). Orangeshipping- The pairing of Misty and Tracy, ( I've only seen a few hints for this one and only in ''Pokemon Chronicles''. But luckily, it's not widespread. Although there was another shipping shown in that series as well...). Handymanshipping- The pairing of Tracy and Daisy, ( this is the other one on ''Pokemon Chronicles''. They actually went out on a date, so yeah ). Questshipping- The pairing of Jimmy and Marina, ( only in ''Pokemon Chronicles'', probably the most obvious, aside from Pokeshipping. Since they are minor characters, (( with the acception of brief appearances in the main series of today )), this one is not very explored ). And thank you Invisible-chan for the correct terminology! Eldershipping- The pairing of Delila and Prof. Oak, ( nothing against this pairing, but Prof. Oak is too old for her, besides, Delila is too independent for another man ). Cat-and-mouse-shipping- The pairing of Meowth and Pikachu, ( I personally think Pikachu's a guy, and I'm not a fan of either slash fics or cross species fics, but hey, what ever tickles your fancy, don't let me stop you ). Abilityshipping- The pairing of Ash and Anabel, ( I think it's cute, but I highly doubt it since gym leaders and people like that are only shown for like what, 2 episodes at the most? ). Newbieshipping- The pairing of Dawn and Max, ( I think it's pretty cute, they're close to the same age technically speaking. Unfortunately, I doubt they would ever meet, at least not in the time hoping ). ( created by RDH, who is now named Sally White, check out her stories! ). Negaishipping- The pairing of Ash and Iris, ( I have yet to see any of the 5th generation; and from what I can gather, I may not want to. It's much to different from the "good old days" (sigh). Iris looks like a complete psycho, so...yeah. Not buying it ). ( This shipping was given to me by AshK, check out his stories! ). CigaretteShipping- The pairing of OCs Evan and Aleksi, ( This is for my story "R", with the name created by author KrazyKat101. And of COURSE it's awesome! ). SugarheartShipping- The pairing of OCs Nick and Sawyer, ( This is also for my story "R", and also created by KrazyKat101. Sweet, pun intended ). Be sure to check out my Twitter page! https://twitter.com/EVANAAML Here I will have many little updates, news, and just me talking, because I KNOW you like to read what I have to say. ;) I have an account on YouTube as well! http://www.youtube.com/user/EVANAAML It should be noted, I can, (due to YouTube's new stupid google requirements), no longer sign-in to this account. My apologies! If you wish to know more about me, then contact me by private message, or just read my stories and review them. I hope to hear from you soon! sincerely, evan, a fan of aaml - EVAN AAML DISCLAIMER! -I do not own anything Pokémon related! Pokémon is owned by Nintendo and is the property of Satoshi Tajiri! All stories made by me are made purely for entertainment purposes and love of writing. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING EVAN AAML: PLEASE READ! -Due to several personal incidents having occurred recently, my writing will be, until further notice, on hiatus. I apologize for the severely late, and quite frankly obvious, notice, but I felt it necessary to inform my readers on here, as few followers on this site are aware of my Twitter page, (where this news was released prior). My mental health has been poor for several months now, (I suffer from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder for those inquiring), and it prevents me from writing at my absolute best. This, coupled with some other recent traumas, which I shall not get into, has crippled my capabilities. Whether I return to writing or not remains in the air, I cannot say for certain at this time. I'm sorry if this is troubling news to you, but you deserve stories written at their absolute best, and I feel I can not do this in my current condition. Please understand that this is something I have to do, to better heal. I have not forgotten you, my online family, and all you have done for me. You have helped me grow not just as a writer, but also as a person, and I am eternally grateful. I hope to still reply to reviews if any are sent to me, and will also help with your own writings if I am capable. Should I be able to return to writing, I will delete this section of my profile and update "R", or post a new story altogether. Once again, I apologize for those I have upset with this news, and ask that you understand my reasons behind it. -EVAN AAML |