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Disclaimer: Pokemon doesn't belong to me.
AN: It's been a while since I've written anything pokemon, hasn't it? I've been writing for almost 2 years(Yay!) Well, this is going to be really short, and I might write a sequel, depending on how well it does. If you like this story, it is really likely you'll like my other stories, so go ahead and click on my pen name. Follow me to a world full of stories that will make you melt into a puddle of shippiness. ^_^ Okay, so it's only 10 stories. Anyway, R&R and enjoy.
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Misty and Ash stood in a clearing in the forest. The wind was blowing through the tress, and the running water from a nearby creek could be heard. But neither on of the 2 kids were paying attention to the beauty that was the nature around them. Misty stood there watching Ash as he made his decision.
" Well, Ash. What do you think?" she asked after a few minutes.
" Well...uh... Misty. I don''t... I mean..." he stuttered, and Misty grew impatient.
" Ash, come on! We need to learn anyway." Misty coaxed him in her sweetest voice. Ash looked at her and bit his lip.
" But Misty... shouldn't it be like special or something. I mean, you're just asking me so you won't be embarassed if a guy kisses you and you don't know what to do. I mean... why not Brock?"
" Because Brock is too old, and he's like a brother. Please, Ash, just this once." She looked up at him sweetly. How could he resist?
" Okay, but I swear I'll kill you if you ever tell anyone."
" I swear." Misty smiled up at him, waiting for him to do something, but he just stood there. " Uh... Ash?"
Ash wrinkled his nose and awkwardly put his arms around Misty's waist.
" Uh, what do I do?" he asked, the confusion evident on his face.
" Well, you lean down and kiss me, I guess." she bit her lip, not quite sure if this was a good idea anymore.
Ash nervously leaned down to kiss her, when Misty began giggling, adn moved her head down. Instead of kissing her lips, he kissed her forehead. Wanting to get it over with, and maybe something else, he leaned down quickly and tried once more, but she giggled hysterically again, and he missed her lips by mere centimeters, kissing her, instead, in the corner of her mouth.
Annoyed, he grabbed her face with both his hands and looked into her eyes. Without warning, he slowly began to inch towards her again. All awkwardness gone, he kissed her gently on the lips. He let go of her face, and pulled away quickly, blushing.
" You can be Damn sure I won't be doing that again." he muttered to her as he walked back to camp. Knowing Misty couldn't see him, Ash smiled. He wasn't so sure he could keep that promise. Misty stood there for a second, and then began to follow him quietly.
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Okay! That's a record. 34 minutes. ^_^ Yay! Please R&R. ^_^ You know you want to read more of my stories...