Here is my longest story yet called Pokespy. Whay happens when Ash, Misty, and Brock get a chance to be in a movie? Exciting right?, well not when the danger becomes real, what will happen and will anyone survive? ( ohh erry! don't worry, you know how I write, that won't happen ), AAML. Pleas enjoy!
''As our heroes Ash, Misty, Brock, Pikachu, and Togepi relax on a break, a sign of hope sparks''. ''I hope we get into anouther adventure soon!'', Ash said sighing loudly. Ash and his friends had started their journey to Viridian City right after Ash had won a Volcanoe Bdage from the gym leader Blaine back at Cinnabar Island. After a weeks worth of walking, they all decided to take a break on a rather large but seemingly unpopulated island. ''As much as I ususally disagree with you, I wish so too. Ever since you won your seventh badge, it's been kind of boring'', Misty said in a depressed manner. ''Well there was that incident with the turtle island'', Brock said. Ash and Misty then thought back to that moment, but with little success. ''Yeah, but if you remember, we were asleep half the time!'', Misty reminded him. Brock then remembered their little run in with Jigglypuff.
Ash then fell on the sand of the beach they were on, landing on his back. ''If something doesn't happen soon, I think I'm going to die of boredum'', Ash stated. Suddenly, they heard a girl scream in the jungle. ''What was that!?'', Brock asked in a alarmed way. ''I don't know, but we better find out!'', Misty stated as Ash stood up. He and Brock nodded and ran into the jungle towards the noise. ''I thought this island was uninhabited!'', Ash said with Pikachu running next to him. He picked up Pikachu and ran faster. ''Well maybe it isn't'', Misty said placing her egg Pokemon in her backpack. ''Either way, obviously someone's in trouble'', she finished. After a bit more running, they came to a clearing. They then noticed a young woman running away from a man who looked like a guard.
''HELP, HE'S AFTER ME!'', the woman yelled not noticing Ash and his friends. ''YOUR MINE!'', the man yelled. The woman then tripped and fell to the ground. She turned around as the man stood over her. She screamed as the man was about to grab her when Ash intervined. ''Pikachu, Thundershock now!'', Ash demanded. Pikachu jumped into the air and realised a lightning blot towards the man. He was then hit and fell to the ground dazed. Before they could help any further, someone yelled.
''CUT!'', someone yelled. ''Huh?'', Ash and his friends said confused. Suddenly, a tall, older man came into view. Even though he was in plain sight, no one noticed him. As the man walked towards Ash, Misty, and Brock, more people could be seen, some holding cameras. ''Do you kids know what you just did?'', the man asked in a calm voice. Ash, bewildered, answered the question. ''We just saved that woman!'', Ash said slightly annoyed. Suddenly, the woman who they saved stood up and walked up to them. ''Director, these kids obviously don't know about what were doing here, you should tell them'', the woman said. At the sound of the word Director, everyone wondered.
''Director?...Wait, are you guys making a movie!?'', Misty asked excitedly. Ash and Brock were wondering the same thing and also became excited. ''Why yes we are, I apologize for being so rude, I thought you would have known'', the director said. As Ash, Misty, and Brock looked around the area, the man who Pikachu attacked got up and walked to them. ''Ow, what hit me?'', the man asked. ''Oh, that was my Pikachu, sorry'', Ash said sincerely putting his hand behind his head in embarassment. ''Oh that's quite alright, I take it you guys didn't know of the movie?'', the man asked. They all nodded. Suddenly, Togepi's head popped out of Misty's bag. She chirped happily as Misty took her out and put her in her arms. Pikachu then jumped on Ash's shoulder to play with Togepi.
''I take it you all Pokemon trainers?'', the director asked. They all nodded. ''Perfect, can I ask you three of a favor?'', he asked again. ''What kind of favor?'', Ash asked curiously. ''How would you three want to be in this movie?'', the director asked. All three of them became very excited and jumped up and down yelling that they would love to. Suddenly, Ash stopped. ''How come you want us in the movie?'', Ash asked. The woman who was still there answered. ''I can answer that, you see, the director needs Pokemon trainers to play the main characters, but...'', the woman said before being cut off by the director. ''The actors and actresses who were supposed to play them never showed, so were lucky e ran into you!'', the director said. ''Speak for yourself!'', the man said sarcastically whipping off chared dust from the Thundershock, everyone laughed.
''So you want us to play the main characters!?'', Misty asked in a hyper way. ''Why yes, you three will be the main characters'', the director said. As he said this, Misty's eyes tuned glassy and big. ''Oh I always wanted to be an actress!'', Misty said. After she said this, their was an evil laugh. ''Did someone say actress?'', a familiar girl yelled. ''And movie?'', anouther familiar voice said, this one being a boy. ''And main characters?'', the last familiar voice said, this one was a boy, but sounded scratchy. Everyone then looked up and saw Team Rocket in their hot air baloon. As they jumped down, Ash yelled.
''Team Rocket! What are you doing here!?'', Ash asked angrily. Pikachu growled at them menacingly. ''What do you think, were for Pikachu!'', Jessie yelled. ''Now hand it over!'', James yelled also. ''Your not getting Pikachu!'', Ash said. ''Well then, we'll just have to take it!'', Meowth yelled. He then pulled out a mechanical arm that lunged forward and grabbed Pikachu. As Pikachu was being dragged towads Team Rocket, the director stepped in. ''Not so fast!'', the director yelled. He then held out a Pokeball and threw it towards Team Rocket. ''Dragonite, Hyper Beam attack!'', he yelled. The huge Dragon Pokemon then came out of the Pokeball and immediatly fired it's Hyper Beam attack. The attack hit the mechanical arm and Pikachu was set free. As Pikachu ran back to Ash, Everyone stared in amazement as Team Rocket fell to the ground in shock.
''Wow, a Dragonite, talk about your rare Pokemon!'', Brock said. Ash and Misty nodded in agreement. Meanwhile, Team Rocket looked at it in fear. But instead of an attack, Dragonite was called back into it's Pokeball by the director. Before anyone asked why he did this, the director spoke up. ''I take it by your Meowth your Pokemon trainers too?'', the direcotr asked. Jessie and James nodded in fear. ''Good, then how would you like to be in the movie too?'', he asked. Everyone then took surprisement, including Team Rocket. ''Director! Their Team Rocket! You can't trust them!'', Ash said.The director appreciated the warning but continued. ''Oh don't worry my boy. I know of team Rocket and I'm aware of what they do, but that's exactly why I need them. Everyone simply said ''huh?''. Team Rocket gathered enough courage to staind up and listen to what the director was talking about. ''I planned on having you three be the main characters, but as you know, the villians also play as the main characters. This movie was designed to have three main good characters, and two bad, and I have found our villians!'', the director said.
Everyone thought of what he said. It was true that they couldn't trust them, but now that they thought of it, they would make great villians. ''Still, can you trust them enough?'', Brock asked. ''Oh don't worry, I don't think these guys will cause any trouble...right?'', the director said talking to Team Rocket in a stern way. Team Rocket simply nodded in fear. ''Good, now all I need is a yes or no to being in the movie and we can start'', the director said. Team Rocket. ( who trusted the director enough for the moment ), waked over to the group and agreed to the part immediatly. ''Well I guess we get to kick your butt in this movie too!'', Misty said. ''Your just jealous because were much better in acting! Besides, we don't even know if your going to be in it!''. Jessie sneered.''Now now, no arguing. Well now that I have villians, will I get heroes?'', the director asked. Brock told him that he would be in.
''Oh man! Chicks love actors!'', Brock said cheerfully. The director laughed at this remark. Misty also said yes, ( which everone expected ). So it was up to Ash. Misty and Brock knew that if Ash didn't want to be in the movie, they would have to decline as well, seeing as how they would follow Ash off the island. Ash thought of this for a moment. He wanted to get his last badge quickly and get ready for the Pokemon league, but seeing Misty's face, he simply couldn't refuse the offer. ''OK, let's do it!'', Ash said. They then all did a little cheer together. So Team Rocket, the director, Ash, Misty, Brock, Pikachu, Togepi, and the man and woman they met earlier walked towards a trailer not to far from the field were the last movie scene was being made. As the director talked to Team Rocket of what would happen if they caused trouble, ( which by the looks of their faces, wasn't good ), Ash, Misty, and Brock talked to the man and woman.
''Oh I'm sorry, we didn't introduce ourselves. My name is Isabella'', the woman said. Brock, ( who was amazingly quiet near the girl ), Finally snapped.''Oh Isabella! What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl!'', Brock said holding her hand. She looked confused, which ended when Misty hit Brock over the head with her mallet.''Oh and my name is Ronald'', the man said. Ash, Misty, and Brock, ( who managed to get up after his sudden blow ), said their introductions as well. After this, Ash asked Ronald and Isabella about the director. ''Oh, his real name is Alfred, but everyone just calls him director. I suggest you do the same, he doesn't like his real name'', Isabella said. They all agreed to her advice.
''Do you know how he got his Dragonite?'', Ash asked curiously. ''Oh yes his Dragonite, when he was a Pokemon trainer, he found a wounded Dratini and nursed it back to health. The Dratini stayed with him and eventually evolved into Dragonite'', Isabella said. ''Wow, I bet he was a pretty tough trainer!'', Ash said. ''Actually, he once won the Pokemon League!'', Isabella said. Everyone took this into surprise. ''Yes, he won it when he was young. He even has a Pikachu that your Pikachu can play with!'', Isabella said. ''He stays in the trailer'', she finished. ''Cool, you have a play mate Pikachu!'', Ash said. Pikachu cheered happily in response. Misty then started a conversation with Ash.
''You know Ash, I was starting to wonder if you would be in the movie earlier'', Misty said. ''Well I wasn't sure at first, but then I saw how excited you were and...well I couldn't say no'', Ash said. ''Oh Ash, that's so sweet! Thank you!'', Misty said happily. She then embraced Ash in a hug. Ash, ( who took this by complete surprise ), started to turn red. ''Wow, your welcome!'', Ash said. He then returned the hug, but on accident, instead of having his hands on her back, he put them on her butt, ( really on accident to you pervs out there! ). Misty then broke out of the hug and hit Ash with her mallet.''Ash you loser don't do that ever again!'', Misty yelled. She then turned and walkedtowards the trailer blushing.
Everyone else, who knew it was an accident, simply laughed. Isabella and Ronald also notticed Misty blushing and smiled to each other sweetly. They knew right away how they felt for each other. Everyone then entered the trailer which they found out was the director's. As they walked in, a Pikachu, who was much older, jumped from the couch in the room and greeted them. Ash's Pikachu and Togepi then sat at the table in the kitchen area and talked to the older Pikachu while everyone else talked about the movie.
''Now, everyone in this room except for me and my Pokemon will be in this movie. This also includes your Pokemon'', the director said refering to the five trainers.''Now this movie is called Pokespy, it's about a spy who tries to save the world with the help of his Pokemon. Now Ash, you will be the Pokespy, also known as William. Don't worry about a last name, you won't have one. Brock, you are William's partner Rocky ( get it? Rock, gym leader? ), that's your nickname in the movie, you don't have a real name'', the director said. ''Misty, you will play as the beautiful ( Ash snickered immediatly, which made Misty hit him with her mallet ), Vannesa, a spy who later helps William and Rocky. And as for Team Rocket, James shall play as destruction and Jessie will be chaos, you are the villians who are trying to get rid of William, Vannesa, and Rocky and rule the world'', the director said.
Everyone thought of their roles and began to think of what they would look like. ''Hey boss man, what about Meowth!?'', Meowth asked worrid that he wouldn't be in the movie. ''Wow you talk, amazing! Don't worry, all Pokemon will be in the movie, you, Pikachu, and Togepi will be the main ones'', the director said reasuringly. ''Hpwever, since your a Pokemon, your name will be your Pokemon name'', he finished. ''Well I was lookin forward to a nickname, but dat's a small price to pay for bein an actor'', Meowth said. Pikachu and Togepi then joined Ash and Misty while the Director's Pikachu hopped on his master's lap.
''Director, I have a question, not about the movie, but about you being a trainer'', Ash said. ''Ah yes, I figured as much, well while I talk to Ash about my past, why don't you all try on your costumes. Isabella and Ronald will show you the way, and don't worry, Ash will be with you shortly'', the director said. So everyone left the trailer except Ash, the director, and their Pikachu.Now I suppose your on your way to become a Pokemon master?'', the director asked. Ash nodded."Now since this island is between Cinnabar and Pallet, I guess you now have seven badges correct?'', he asked. Ash once again nodded and showed him his badges.''Ah, your missing the Earth Badge, well I'd give you mine, but they keep a date on them to prevent cheating'', he said.
''That's alright, did you fight the same gym leaders as me?'', Ash asked. ''Well mind you, I was a Pokemon trainer years before you, so I only fought the older gym leaders, like Blaine, Koga, and Giovanni, Lt.Surge just started when I met him'', the director said. Ash then notticed on a mantle his eight gym badges and a few Pokemon pictures. ''How many Pokemon do you have?'', Ash asked. ''Well I have six with me, the usual number, but as a trainer, I had...uhh, over 150 I believe. My six here are Pikachu, Dragonite, Blastoise, Ivysaur, Charizard, and Pidgeot, ( my Kanto dream team! ). They were who I won the Pokemon League with'', the direcotr said.''But for now, let's stop.You have to fit in your costume. We'll talk later'', he said.
Ash then sat up, but right before he opened the door, the director stopped him. ''Ash wait, one more question', he said. ''Yes?'', Ash asked.''Are you and Misty related in anyway? Other than friends?'', the director asked. Ash was confused at why he asked the question, but answered no. ''OK, that'll do, I just wanted to know for the movie. You can go now, I'll see you and the others in a bit'', he said. Ash then walked out with Pikachu right beside him. After a few minutes, he found the place where everyone was. They then started to try on their costumes to see how they would fit them.
The boys and girls went into separate changing rooms, the guys in one and the girls in the other, while the Pokemon waited in the main room for the Pokemon didn't have costumes. Jessie and James were the first to come out. They both wore all black suits with a cape and black boots, not much different from the all black outfits the higher members of Team Rocket wore. However, the most noticable part of their costume were the half-face masks they were wearing. Jame's mask was red and Black and covered the right side of his face, while Jessie's was blue and black and covered the left side of her face. ''Well I must say, this costume looks rather good on us!'', James said. ''Yes, except for the masks, we look good!'', Jessie replied. Isabella and Ronald, who were waiting with the Pokemon, noticed them.
''Oh don't worry, you look great!'', Isabella said. ''Yeah, the masks make you look more evil'', Ronald said as well. All the Pokemon nodded in agreement. Ash and Brock then came out in their costumes. Both of them looked pretty much the same, with a all black tuxedo with parts of it to look like gadgets. The only difference was that Brock had a British cap to go with his outfit. ''What do you think Pikachu?'', Ash asked. Pikachu gave him a thumbs up. ''Man the ladies are going to love me!'', Brock said while he thought of girls surrounding him from head to toe. ''The only thing I'm disapointed in is that I don't have a hat, even you have one!'', Ash said to Brock. A few minutes passed while people in the costume dept. were talking. ''Hey, where's Misty?'', Ash asked. Jessie answered.
''She's still in the woman's changing roo. The costume they gave her is hard to wear, I tried to help her, but I don't touch twerps, or the material her outfit was made of'', Jessie said. Just then, the woman's changing room door opened and Misty walked out. Ash stood there with his mouth open and drool coming out at the sight of her in her outfit. She wore a black sleeveless t-shirt under a leather long-sleeve vest. She also had leather shorts with high helled boots, ( like Jessie's ). She also had a few minor accesories such as gloves, a gum hollister, and the hair scrungi she always wore, ( her hair didn't change ). She then walked up to Ash and Brock.
''Wow guys, looking good!'', Misty said reasuringly. She then noticed Ash's mouth open and closed it for him. She obviously knew what Ash thought of her costume. She walked towards Togepi blushing while Ash snapped out of his trance. ''You awake Romeo?'', Brock asked teasingly. Ash blushed in a frustraited way and bent Brock's cap so it was over his face. The director then entered the costume dept. ''Good, your all dressed. By the looks of it, you all fit perfectly. Now, let's get onto the set. In movie making, the actors or actresses always start to make the movie immediatly. Also for a note, we don't go in order in movie making, so we could do any part of the movie at any time, so don't worry if your confused'', the director said. ''OK, with that in mind, let' get started'', he said.
Everyone in the costume dept. then walked out and went into the jungle on the island. They eventually reached an area that had a bridge crossed between a liff and what looked like an entrance to a foretress. Jagged rocks were at the bottom of the bridge. ''Ok, this will be the first take. This takes place later in the movie, William and Rocky try to enter destruction and chaos's foretress to stop them from ruling the world and to save Vannesa, who was kidnapped earlier in the movie'', the director said. Everyone nodded, understainding the predicament. ''OK, now Ash, you and Brock try to cross the bridge. Act like your in a hurry, but act cautious as well. Now be careful, there is no net protecting you if you fall. But don't worry, we tested the bridge a half hour ago and it was fine'', he said.
''Right, you ready Brock?'', Ash asked.''Yep, let's do this!'', Brock said. Suddenly, a man came up to them and handed everyone papers. ''What are these?'', Jessie asked. ''Oh those are your scripts'', the man said. ''Thank you, and you are who?'', Misty asked. ''This is Tommy, he's the co-director and the script writer'', the director said. Introductions were made and the cast sat down while Ash and Brock walked to the top of the cliff were the bridge was, studying their lines. ''Good, we don't talk alot in this scene, I was worried for a secong there'', Ash said relieved. Brock nodded.
Finally, they reached the bridge. The bridge was a typical rope bridge, like the ones they have crossed before, the only difference was that if you fell, you would land on jagged rocks. ''Well the bridge looks sae'', Brock said. ''Right, now it says I go first, and when I'm about a forth of the way their, you start to cross. Now we just wait for the signal'', Ash said. At the bottom, everyone sat in anticipation. Finally, the director gave the signal. ''Action!'', the director yelled. Ash then started to slowly cross the bridge. ''Good, he;s a natural, great emotion'', the director said. Brock then started to cross. Ash was in the middle of the bridge eventually as Brock was where Ash was when he started, a forth way their. Suddenly, the rope snapped.
Ohh, what a cliffie! So who do you think is the criminal? And what about the aaml? Well that shall be covered in the next chapter, unless the story is longer than I thought and I might make anouther or two.
sincerely, evan, a fan of aaml