![]() Author has written 40 stories for Torchwood, Doctor Who, Secret Circle, Glee, Tomb Raider, Warehouse 13, Defiance, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., and 100. Hi! I've been on fanfiction.net a while but I wandered off to LJ and Tumblr for a bit, until LJ and I had a bit of a falling out. I still might go back there, but for now I'm here. If you want to find me elsewhere, here are the links: I'm now going to shamelessly promote myself, please standby. If you like my writing - particularly the new stuff - you should totally buy my book from here. It's not even a dollar! This is the summary: "Bianca's life is tediously normal until the day she rescues a fairytale princess from a troll. Then, everything changes and Bianca finds herself being thrust into the role of Prince Charming whether she likes it or not. Despite her misgivings, she's drawn to the strange Princess and her ways and before she knows where she is she's forced to fight for her love - and her life." You don't need a kindle to buy it. You can download a completely free Kindle app for your computer straight from amazon. Tempted yet? The 'ships you'll find on my account: TORCHWOOD: Jack/Ianto, Owen/Tosh, Owen/Gwen, Rhys/Gwen. THE SECRET CIRCLE: Cassie/Faye MASS EFFECT: Manshep/Kaidan, Femshep/Garrus, Femshep/Liara, Femshep/Tali, Miranda/Jack. GLEE: Rachel/Quinn, Kurt/Blaine. TOMB RAIDER: Lara/Alister, Lara/Amanda, Lara/Anaya. WAREHOUSE 13: Pete/Claudia, Myka/H.G. AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D.: Skye/Ward, Skye/Simmons, Skye/Phil, Skye/Fitz, Fitz/Simmons, Fitz/Ward, Ward/Phil, Ward/Simmons, Phil/May, May/Skye, May/Ward. I am a multishipper, hear me roar. The things you'll find on my account: I write less PG rated stuff and more M rated stuff, especially when it's long. I write slash, femslash and het. It's rare that I write gen, in fact I don't think I ever have. A little about me: Likes: Writing, reading, windows 7, my friends, Photoshop CS5, Winamp, Google Chrome, tumblr. Dislikes: Homophobes, Windows Vista, Courier New (font), bad grammar, certain 'ships (but not the shippers). Films I like: But I'm a Cheerleader!, Lost and Delirious, Imagine Me and You, Romeo and Juliet 1968, Avatar, Star Trek XI, Sherlock Holmes, Saving Face, The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe, Prince Caspian, Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead, 13 going on 30, The Truth About Jane, Mean Girls. TV Shows I like: Torchwood, Doctor Who, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel the Series, Alias, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Desperate Housewives, Bewitched, Jack of All Trades, Cleopatra 2525, Star Trek (all), Babylon 5, Battlestar Galactica, Hillstreet Blues, Smallville, Glee, The Secret Circle, Veronica Mars, Stargate (All), Queer as Folk, The L Word, Farscape, Xena: Warrior Princess, Pretty Little Liars. Books I like: The Hunger Games, Vampirates: Demons of the Ocean/Tide of Terror/Blood Captain, Harry Potter (All seven), Anne of Green Gables, The Alex Rider series ... and more, but I forget them for now, whoops. Games I like: Mass Effect 1&2, Dragon Age: Origins, the Sims 1, 2 & 3, Fallout 3, Dead Island, Amnesia: The Dark Descent, |