![]() EDITED: This site actively supports plagiarizers. This person: http://www.fanfiction.ws/u/3297220/lifesfordreamers Claims to have "written" 6 stories for the Dr. Who fandom. Instead, this person has PLAGIARIZED. (= cut and pasted without changing a word) stories from the following fanfic authors: me = loveslashangst tasty_kate nostalgia_lj alt_universe_me effie124 Despite being repeatedly contacted by the authors, requesting that the plagiarized stories be removed and the offending thief be TOS'd, has taken NO ACTION. OLDER NOTICE: If you want to find me, look here: http:/// I write really hot bi/poly slash, mostly for the Dr. Who/Torchwood fandoms. My works include: NOVELS: THE LADY IN THE FIREPLACE (complete OTP Ten/Rose. "French Farce" set in Versailles.) INNOCENCE (complete OTP Ten/Rose, though from Martha's POV. My strange sequel to TLitF.) DANCING LESSONS (complete OT3 Nine/Jack/Rose. Jack has a rather serious debt to pay to an old partner.) FAITHFUL (Work-in-Progress OT3 Jack/John/Ianto. Weevils and Weirdness and Captain Hart, oh my!) STORIES: FIFTY THINGS (includes ones for The Doctor (Ten), Rose Tyler, Toshiko Sato, Captain Jack Harkness, Captain John Hart, Janet the Weevil, Owen Harper, and Ianto Jones) ECSTASY (complete OT3 Jack/John/Ianto prequel to Faithful.) LOVE! SLASH! ANGST (the complete crack!fic that gave me my name. Stars all of DW AND most of TW in a crack-tastic parody of every DW fanfic every written.) WHAT GOES AROUND... (crack!fic prequel teaser to both Ecstasy and Faithful. Stars all of TW3.) IANTO JONES KNOWS ABOUT SEX (character development backstory for Ianto. Heavy on the angst because... well... it's about Ianto's life before TW.) ... AND EAT IT TOO (smut!fic OT3 John/Jack/Ianto. My cracky "birthday present" to Ianto -- and myself -- which is unapologetically PWP.) GUEST AUTHOR'S COMPANION WORKS (by Ophymirage, my beta and writing partner) JUST DESSERTS (complete OTP Jack/Ianto. PWP prequel to Faithful, with Italian food.) OUT STANDING IN HIS FIELD (complete crack!fic prequel to Faithful, starring the whole TW cast. Poor Owen just wanted to file a damn report.) OTHER STUFF: I'LL SHOW YOU MOVES (crack!fic Four/Romana. This one's silly, even for me.) DOING ONE'S DUTY (smut!fic Susan/Prince Caspian, Chronicles of Narnia. For "porn battle": prompts = Narnia, Susan/Caspian, "lie back and think of England".) PILLOW TALK (smut!fic Buffy Summers/Spike, BtVS. For "porn battle": prompts = BtVS, Buffy/Spike, "talking during sex".) And much, much more. Apologies to all those whose reviews I didn't reply to. Thank you for your support. My fen here were FANTASTIC! Here's hoping I see you on LJ. |