The weather was just as beautiful as it had been when they'd left, although considering that they'd apparently been gone for just thirteen seconds, it probably wasn't too surprising.

Rose reached behind her back, readjusted the cushion on the lounger, and then sank back onto it with a contented sigh. She pushed her sunglasses further up her nose and returned to her reading.

"What d'you think of it so far?" said a quiet voice from somewhere nearby.

"It's fun," she said, her lips curling. "Now, shh. This is a good part."

"Which part's that?" asked the Doctor, in the tones of a man anticipating a slapping.

"Well, Rincewind's just found out about the insurance policy and he's doing his nut. Now," she said, lowering the book just enough so that she could frown at him over the top, "stop bothering me and find something else to do." She winked at him to indicate that there were no hard feelings, but to little avail.

The Doctor glanced around them, looking for something to occupy his time. He stared at the shining surf, the white sand speckled with jewelled shells, the thundering cobalt sky, the dancing palms. The boundless beauty of nature's time and tide, in all its awesome splendour.

"I'm bored," he said.