![]() Author has written 19 stories for Hellsing, Bleach, Resident Evil, and Naruto. Wtf? What am I doing out of retirement? Oh well, best not to ask questions... Don't expect any regular updates, but also don't be suprised if I type up a chapter or two every now and then. Anyway, on to the silly bio... "The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown." - H. P. Lovecraft I do NOT own the rights to any movies, game, animes, or anything else. I own NOTHING. So nobody sue me:) -Also known as "wandering_samurai" on the fan fic site animespiral- Pictures of Agent HUNK, my fav Resident Evil character. These will be very helpful if you have read or are currently reading some of my newer stories... http:///wikipedia/en/1/1e/Hunkfull_lg.jpg http:///gallery/image.asp?id=712 Not suprisingly, I don't own Resident Evil, or Agent HUNK. Capcom does. So no lawsuits, please. Religeon: Christian (Baptist) Languages spoken: English (1st), Spanish (2nd), and German (3rd, currently learning). Favortie animes/mangas: Hellsing, Naruto, Bleach, Excel Saga, Full Metal Alchemist, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop. Favorite video games: Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid, Morrowind, Half-Life, Halo, Mortal Kombat, Monster Hunter. I love Hellsing. Saw most of the anime, the OVAs, and I have up to Volume 5 of the manga. Fav characters are Anderson and Pip. I love writing fan fics about Hellsing. There's just so much opportunity! Bleach is awsome. I'm loving the anime, and I read a few volumes on the internet... Quite a good show! It seems to be a neverending source of material for me... Naruto rocks. Kakashi is my favorite character by far. I hate Sasuke and Gaara. Feel free to flame me, but I do. They just bug me with their "Ooooh, I'm so cool and the show should be named after me" attitudes... I've gotten into writing Naruto fan fiction lately, so expect to see quite a few fics about it coming from me. Excel Saga rules. It is so bizarre, random, and zanny. It is the perfect anime for me! Too bad the fan fic community for it is weak here... If I haven't updated a story in a long time (1 month+) then I have most likely lost interest. Chances are, they won't be completed. Sorry, but writer's block can be a cruel thing. OC's I Have Created: Fenrir Wolfsbane: A werewolf who works for Hellsing. He's got long brown hair in a pony tail and yellow eyes. He tends to get hurt a lot. He shows up in a few of my Hellsing fics. His motto: If all else fails, blow everything up. Narbe: Not really an OC, par se. He's simply a nameless character from the Hellsing manga further developed. Wearing the usual Waffen-SS uniform and cap, he's got short dark hair, a beard, and a scar on the left side of his face. He's a vampire, and he uses an STG-44 assault rifle, so he can surely stand up for himself in a fight. Against anyone other than Alucard, at least. He is Agent HUNK's assistant and voice of reason. He doesn't get hurt much, if at all. He shows up in my "More Random Hellsing Tales" fic. His motto: If you can't beat zem, run for your life... Agent HUNK: The self-insert of myself. He looks like Agent HUNK from Resident Evil. Capable of altering the world around him since he is writing the stories. He likes to push people's buttons, but often this goes to far and he has to run for his life. He tends to get hurt a lot. He likes to blow things up and shoot anything that moves. He shows up in most of my fics. His motto: When in doubt, shoot it 'til it stops twitching. Dr. Insane-O: The self-insert of my friend who has helped me with most of my stories. He has short brown hair, and wears a black tuxedo, red tie, lab coat, and two monocles. He tends to get hurt a lot. More so than Fenrir and Agent HUNK combined, in fact. He shows up whenever Agent HUNK is around, with or without an invitation. His motto: I'm still alive, so I can't complain. Still ain't dead yet... |