Though it began through pretty odd standards. Here is my fanfic about Shika, and his lack of luck when it comes to women.

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He played with the title for a bit, glaring at the book with a complacent stare. He turned the cover a total of three times before reaching the intersection that would take him to the Ichiraku ramen shop. Each time resulting in his tucking the book under his shoulder with a scoff. He put his hands in his pockets, and slouched forward. Groaning at what awaited inside.

His father's words rang in his ears as he played back the conversation again, to make sense of it. "Now Shikamaru…" his father told him as they sat on the small couch in the living room of the Nara household. His face told the same look that every father would give his son before they go through another talk about the Education of Life. "You're almost sixteen now…It's finally time you learn how to deal with women." Shikamaru's eyes met him oddly. A frown rushing to his lips, "You get bossed around by mom all the time though… Do YOU even know how to deal with women?"

His father's eyes looked wearily to the kitchen before a grin and hearty laugh erupted from him. He wagged his finger in a proud motion, "That where you wrong, Shikamaru. I've got full control in our relationship." He said almost valiantly.

"Did you say something honey?" Shikamaru heard his mother ask from the kitchen. His father's eyes widening to that of a guilty child. The state he had previously been in retracted in a flash. "Nothing dear!" he replied with a nervous smile. Shikamaru's eyebrow rose in question at the sight of his fathers sweat-drop. Shikato acknowledged his sons look with another prideful grin.

He cleared his throat before holding his chin to the sky. "Regardless—You're getting to that age, and as a member of the Nara clan, you will need this when selecting your future wife."

He reached into his coat pocket, placing a book into his son's hand. Shikamaru's nose twitched slightly as he read the title, "The idiots guide to troublesome women…" he repeated. Looking at the author as his father nodded, "By Shikatachi Nara."

He paused for a minute before dropping it on the table oddly. "The hell is this?" he asked. "A family heirloom, my boy. Written by the first man ever in the Nara clan. And since then, it has been passed down from generation to generation of the Nara's. And just as my father gave it to me, and his father. It's time you get it yourself." He clutched his son's shoulder in a way only a father would. "And when your son comes to be that age. I only hope that you too will pass it along."

Heirloom my ass. Shikamaru groaned in the present. Walking into the ramen shop with his hands grasped into his pockets. What makes him think I'm going to have a son of my own anyway… and on top of that when the hell did it seem apparent that I needed advice on women?

The lazy ninja though to himself, slouching as he quickly forgot his previous arrangement. How troublesome…He thought to himself, remembering the women he acted with on a daily basis out of curiosity.

There was always Ino… but she talked too much for him to be that interested. Plus to find himself attracted to her anything but physically would be too difficult. Sakura and Ten-ten where around to, but they never really did anything to him that seemed like they would even give him that kind of thing… Not to mention there was 'that' person.

"Oi" he heard coming from his direction as he walked into the stand, remembering what he had gotten so used to in an instant Shikamaru glared at the blonde waiting for him at the table with a large amount of paperwork surrounding her. Shikamaru slapped his forehead, angry with himself for forgetting to get prepared for who it was. Oh Dammit… Temari. He walked to the table with a face more sour then usual.

"Don't look at me like that," she barked at him. "It's bad enough that we can only work on the Chuunin exams during the lunch hour… So don't pretend like you're the only one in pain here." He looked away from her sitting down. "It's not like I asked for this…" he grumbled. She grew irritated as well, crossing her arms. "Of all the other Ninja's in the village and I get paired up with a lazy baka like you."

"Take it up with the Fifth—she the one to blame." He started watching as she slid a large amount of paperwork his way as she pulled her ramen in front of her. "What do you think your doing?" he grumbled. She looked at him for a quick second, before grinning at her food. "I intend on it, but in the mean time fill out these forms."

"Oi" he asked in his normal manner. "If I'm looking at these then what are you going to do?" he asked, she ignored him rudely. Irritating him even further as she looked at her ramen, Shikamaru couldn't help but look at it too.

It looked and smelt completely delicious, the chopsticks folded neatly on top, only to compliment the egg. Steam emanating from the brown soup, which held the lightly cooked noodles captive. Vegetables floated from side to side as they soaked in the soup. Even Konoha's laziest ninja couldn't help but grow hungry at the sight of the ramen.

Her eyes noticed his, and with a grin she spoke again. "I'm going to eat my lunch of course." She finally replied to his previous question. He looked at her oddly. "What about me?" he asked remembering how little he'd eaten all day. "I didn't feel like smelling the onion in the food you normally get. So I didn't get it." She said taking a bite of her own food.

Shikamaru wasn't normally the kind of guy to get angry… such emotions would have been too much work for him to want to handle. Of course, Temari was one of those few exceptions. She was bossy, rude, an all around brat who did and got whatever she wanted. Any other day Shikamaru would have been fine, but with his fathers intrusion on the days events he'd forgotten to prepare himself for their usual, 'encounter.'

"So then what DID you get me?" he asked her in a highly annoyed tone. She took another bite of her food, slurping her noodles a little as she ate. "Nothing… You were late again—So I figured it'd be better for your work ethic if you worked through lunch."

Shikamaru grew even angrier… a shade of his skin turning redder under the light of the ramen shop due to his frustration. "I'm late everyday… Shouldn't you be used to it by now woman?" he fumed in a manner that could only be described as again, his. Her eyes narrowed a little as she grew a bit annoyed herself, she smirked hiding how she was getting irritated by his sour look. "That's why you have no food. Maybe it can teach you something." She replied

"Troublesome woman…"

He said rising to his feet at the table, his eyes slightly sharper as they focused on her. "Get over it, crybaby! —If you spent less time whining the paperwork would be done and you could get the snack you want so badly." She barked back causing a bit of a commotion in the stand as a few heads turned towards them. Not yet dismissing it as an argument between the two.

They glanced at each other for a few tense seconds, each glare meeting the other before they examined just how close they had gotten to each other. Almost forehead-to-forehead, whether the two had control or not over their faces was unknown. As both were red from either frustration…or. Shikamaru exited the booth, with a scoff, the sounded almost as if he spat at the situation. His hands finding their way into his pockets again. "This is too troublesome for me to care about anymore." He said walking away, she grinned sitting down with an equally as red face as she sat down. She took a big bite of her ramen out of spite. Yelling at him as he left. "Good riddance!" She grumbled to him loudly, looking as he left the stand.

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Any Criticism is Good criticsm.