![]() Author has written 5 stories for X-overs, Ginger Snaps, Inuyasha, and Naruto. Incomplete Stories Blood and Fire- Pre-Naruto Shippuuden story, canon divergence. Summary: Hidan recruits a new servant of Jashin, but in the process, gets more than he bargained for. Hidan/OC. (Original deleted; undergoing a MASSIVE rewrite.) (Seven chapters finished as of 1/16/2017) Shadows of Darkness- AU Naruto Shippuuden story. Summary: After Sasori's death, Deidara kidnaps a young Jounin from Sunagakure, and the sparks begin to fly as he and his new partner go head to head. Deidara/OC. (On indefinite hiatus.) Song of the Fallen- Naruto story. Summary: Tayuya was only fifteen when she was killed. But what events led to her joining Orochimaru, and becoming one of the Sound Four? Tayuya/Sakon, some Tayuya/Orochimaru (Indefinitely on hiatus; will be undergoing a rewrite, with more chapter content added) Posted chapters (before the rewrite) can be found here. I'm going to try to post them here after they're rewritten, but (obviously) the story is fairly dark, so it may be deleted here. http:///story.php?no=600101878 Complete Stories It's My Life- Naruto Shippuuden story. Summary: After a mission that almost leads to her death, Sakura realizes there are still things she wants to do before she dies. (older) Naruto/Sakura The Fate of the Red and the Black- Ginger Snaps story. Summary: What happened to Ginger and Brigitte after the fort burned down? Takes place immediately after the third movie. The Beast Within (poem)- Ginger Snaps-esque Inuyasha Drabbles- Summary: A collection of short stories featuring the Inuyasha cast. Some of my favorite quotes They say there's no such place as Paradise. Even if you search to the ends of the earth, there's nothing there. No matter how far you walk, it's the same road. It just goes on and on. But in spite of that, why am I so driven to find it? I hear a voice calling to me. It says 'Search for Paradise'. I tell you now the words of Red Moon. From the Great Spirit was born the wolf, and man became its messenger. The beast lives its life in silence, abiding where the blessings of the blood of the gods is bestowed upon it. The white flower, after winning the favor of the Lord of the Night, will share her scent. Preordained and eternal in countenance, her form is of a lily-white supple maiden. She distills and condenses all of time until it becomes a precious frozen mass. Only then will appear the wretched beast. To write is to play God for another world. Don't make me angry, I'm running out of places to hide the bodies. I may be a cruel and heartless bitch, but I'm damn good at it. You laugh at me because I'm different. I laugh at you because you're all the same. No, I don't have PMS. I just really hate you. I'm not afraid of death. What's it going to do, kill me? Whoever said nothing was impossible has never tried to slam a revolving door. Stand up for what you believe in, even if it means standing alone. It's only called PMS because Mad Cow Disease was already taken. Your chances of getting struck by lightning increase significantly when you run outside during a thunderstorm, shake your fists at the sky and scream "Storms suck!" (Special thanks to Lights Aura858 for generously allowing me to use this.) I'm a bitch by nature, not by intent. (special thanks to Demonic Reiki for generously allowing me to use this.) My body's a temple, now get on your knees and worship! (Special thanks to Demonic Reiki for generously allowing me to use this.) Save your breath for your inflateable date! (Special thanks to Demonic Reiki for generously allowing me to use this.) |