Author has written 37 stories for Inuyasha. Who am I? I'm a native of Kansas, neither young nor old, a single woman who programs for a living, and does other things the rest of the time. Such as writing fan-fiction. :) Favorite fiction Science-fiction and fantasy have been my first choice of reading since college. I also used to read a fair number of comics, but the last few years have dropped them. I choose not to have cable television, so I don't follow the latest shows on the SciFi or animation channels. I used to have Netflix, but now mostly find series that I can download or stream over the internet. I will forever be grateful to Netflix, however, since it is through that service that I chanced upon Inuyasha. It started with renting Princess Mononoke and other movies produced by Ghibli Studios, some of which I first saw in the theaters. Having rented every one of those Netflix had in stock, the Inuyasha DVDs started showing up on the 'recommended' lists. I tried the movies-- and, oh, my. I'm hooked. Since then, I've bought most of the DVDs, and the American versions of the manga, watched 'The Final Chapter' on Hulu, and then purchased the DVDs. And of course, I write Inuyasha fan-fiction. Updates (11/2/2013) - I am starting to try and decrease my backlog of stories written for LiveJournal contests that have not been posted here. Sadly, my production of fanfic has dipped sharply this year, in part as many of the LiveJournal contest sites are going into hiatus, as people move away from writing Inuyasha fanfiction. It's also been a fairly rough year, with two minor accidents, which have stretched my fiscal resources. Currently, I am involved in the NaNoWriMo effort to write 50,000 words in a young adult fantasy that is not at all related to Inuyasha. I do hope to start writing fanfic in December. |