Disclaimer: This story is based on "Inuyasha," copyrighted by Rumiko Takahashi. No infringement of copyright intended or implied.

The Stalk

She was a cat, stalking her prey. One paw at a time, she silently crawled, watching closely for any sign that her prey was awakening. He slumbered peacefully, his back to her. She thought of leaping onto to her prey. But, that would probably make Daddy wake up cross, which wasn't good. He was supposed to wake up when she couldn't sleep any more. Tonight, he hadn't. And so, invention. She liked cats…

Paw forward, pause. Paw forward. Longer pause. He still hadn't sensed her! Aimiko suppressed a giggle of excitement. Paw forward, and freeze. The prey was still unaware. Aimiko reached out one small, clawed 'paw', and began to tickle-

Inuyasha was normally a light sleeper, and was remarkably ticklish when his guard was down. He reacted vehemently, rousing instantly, twisting up and about, lashing out with a hand, only failing to sink claws into flesh because his mind woke up and recognized what he had grabbed.

He glared, ears flat, breathing hard, a growl rumbling. Aimiko whimpered, ears lowering, shoulders hunching, twisting her head to the side and looking up contritely. "I'm sorry, Daddy."

"Mmmm … Inuyasha … what?" A sleepy mumble came from behind him.

Inuyasha sighed. "Aimiko's awake. Go back to sleep, lover."


A very little bit later, two red-clad figures were on top of the hill near their house, the smaller comfortably ensconced on Inuyasha's hip, explaining.

"A cat, eh?"

Aimiko nodded. "Not bad, for a kitten," he observed, half-smiling. "But, why don't you be a pup now?"


He smirked. "You run. I chase. And when I catch you…"

She ran. He followed, and caught her, only when far enough away for squeals and laughter not to be heard, as they wrestled and played to two inu hearts' content.

Author's Note: This was written for the prompt 'Ticklish', for the LiveJournal community "At First Tweak." It was originally posted on January 13th, 2013. (11/2/2013)