"Gage, I'm gonna kill you!"
Chet Kelly's voice reverberated through Station 51. Captain Hank Stanley was sitting in his office working on some paperwork that needed to be finished. His door was open, like it always was, so Chet's threat filtered into his office clearly.
Cap looked up, hearing a set of feet running away from the day room and into the apparatus bay. He guessed it was Johnny Gage's footsteps and was rewarded a moment later when Johnny ran pas his office door. He also heard a roar of laughter coming from the day room. He guessed it also had something to do with Chet's threat.
I'd better investigate, Cap thought to himself as he pushed back from his desk and stood up. As he was coming out of his office, he was almost plowed over by Johnny.
"Sorry Cap!" Johnny exclaimed, almost losing his balance as he came close to colliding with his superior officer.
"Slow it down John," Cap replied, reaching out to steady his youngest paramedic before he toppled over. "What the dell did you do to Chet?"
Johnny didn't answer; instead he turned and ran the way he came. Cap turned to see Chet standing behind him. Cap had to hold back from laughing out loud at his lineman.
There, standing in front of him, was Chet. He was a sorry sight to behold. Chet had chocolate sauce dripping down from his hair and his face. He was trying to keep the sauce from running into his eyes.
"Chet, do you want some ice cream to go with that chocolate sauce?" Johnny asked tauntingly from across the room.
"Or how about nuts to sprinkle on top?" came Marco's taunt from the day room.
"Or a cherry on top?" Johnny added, giggling. More laughter ensued from the others who were wisely keeping their distance from Johnny and Chet.
"Gage, you are a dead man!" Chet bellowed before he began to run. Cap stopped him before he could go too far.
"Chet, you are going to get in the shower and get into a clean uniform. And Gage," Cap crossed his arms as his paramedic walked carefully around the squad, "You're going to be cleaning the latrine after he's done with his shower. Is that understood?"
"Yes Cap," both men said in unison.
"Good, now move," Cap said watching as Gage and Kelly headed to the locker room, arguing the whole way.
Cap blew out a breath and walked back to his office. This time, he shut the door. As soon as he did, he began laughing so hard he had tears rolling down his cheeks.
Half and hour later, Marco announced that lunch was ready. Johnny had just cleaned the latrine and Chet was in a clean uniform. Cap had finally stopped laughing so that he could finish his paperwork.
The six men had just sat down for lunch when the klaxon sounded. Six forks dropped to the table as the guys ran for the vehicles in the bay.
"Station 51, report of smoke showing, 8643 Bay Front Road. Eight, six, four, three Bay Front Road. Cross street Harbour Drive. Time out 13:25."
"Station 51, KMG365," Cap replied, writing the address down. He handed one copy to Roy and jogged over to his side of the engine. As he got in, he saw the squad pull out, and a second later, Mike put the big rig in gear and left the station.