Reviews for Eclipse of the Soul: Return to Narnia
Sere'sLight chapter 21 . 7/31
Good story.
mae-E chapter 20 . 2/24/2016
this was a good chapter!
Tirananiel chapter 21 . 3/14/2013
Wow :) this is fabulous! I read the whole thing in one sitting - guess that shows how "into the story" I get! D Your writing is clear, easy to follow, and tremendous at describing the exciting events in your story! Now I'll never be able to look at that awkward lad in Prince Caspian the same way again ;)

Great job - you should write more Narnia fanfic :)
TheLordsArchDevil chapter 17 . 2/11/2013
Okay internet up again and I finally finished this chapter. I liked it a lot and it was sweet and funny- images with sound. A.E. laughed. Sorry A.E can't comment- very tired just stayed awake to read the chapter. Passed out now.(Or so OM thinks. Just to say loved it and.. yawn.*sleepy blink* sleep well.;-) )
TheLordsArchDevil chapter 16 . 2/7/2013
Too interested must press next, can't do a long review, just know that me an A.E love it.
TheLordsArchDevil chapter 14 . 2/7/2013
Firstly, poor king of Tisroc. I felt so sad (OM's always so emotional. ;-) ) Secondly almost died when she walked away from Caspian, but now that I know that there will be Suspian moments up ahead I am so happy. (Yay for maybe Suspian sexy times! Even if that's not so appropriate who cares! They should get- ;-) ) Ignore A.E. Looking forward to Suspisan.
TheLordsArchDevil chapter 13 . 2/7/2013
(Hilarious! I LOVE SUSPIAN and the faint was fantastic, ROTFL! But now what will Robert do. OOH! ;-) )
Thanks for the P.M, I LOVE the story so far, so I couldn't stop pressing next, but now I have to review and say I love it.
TheLordsArchDevil chapter 9 . 2/6/2013
Alright, things just got serious, I shall read on! I am so excited! Ya! (OM went a little overboard but I also feel the same so ONWARDS! ;-) A.E)
TheLordsArchDevil chapter 2 . 2/5/2013
(That b*tch, what is she up to? Ho! Okay officially intrigued. ;-) Alter ego) Sorry about A.E's outburst. This is good and there's more to read. Yay.
TheHungryGamer chapter 21 . 1/31/2013
What happens to Lucy?
I'm A Sucker For Love Stories chapter 21 . 1/3/2013
I loved this story! I didn't know you'd completed it until today so I've read it from chapter one again. Is there another Narnia story in the pipeline? I just have one query about this story... did Eric ever find love?
jareria chapter 5 . 12/24/2012
i love it! i hope you become a major writer in the future

jareria chapter 3 . 12/23/2012
um...question please.? who exactly is Sarah? is she the antagonist?
EntirelyBonkers chapter 2 . 12/7/2012
Well, like I said I would, here I am, being super freaky and annoying by commenting xD I liked that it was pretty much the book itself but it also had thos few elements apart from the original story that I loved, like Susan getting into the fight and then the soldier. Awesome.
EntirelyBonkers chapter 21 . 12/4/2012
I know it's suuuuper late but i just want to tell you that I really loved your story, it moved my heart beyond words and I seriously seriously think this is a great story. Thanks for the chapters. Like a lot. *pushes her aside* OH MY FUCKING GOD! THIS WAS SOOOOO FREAKING AWESOME! *u_u* I MEAN FJDKSLAFJASÑFJASÑJAFJDSÑAJFÑ because it's everything I can say right now, I'm pretty speachless.

Be warned, i'll probably comment now each chapter, because it was so fucking awesome. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

(Sorry, sometimes she gets a little carried away, but she is right though, WE WILL COMMENT)

Seriously girl, I loved it )
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